Friday, August 31, 2018
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Monday, August 27, 2018
County Commissioners tighten maintenance requirements for "inactive" golf courses.CV specifically mentioned
County Commissioners tighten maintenance requirements for "inactive" golf courses. CV specifically mentioned (my highlight). From The Post, Sunday, August 26th.Defunct golf courses told to keep their grass mowed
County tightens rules as abandoned courses revert to ‘safari’ growth.
The Palm Beach Post 26 Aug 2018 By Alexandra Seltzer Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
"County commissioners last week approved stronger rules that require owners of abandoned or inactive golf courses in suburban Palm Beach County to maintain the properties. Owners now need to contain the weeds and mow the grass to seven inches on the first 25 feet from the property line and to 18 inches on the remainder of the land.
“We wanted to adjust our code to make it more stringent so neighbors don’t have to look at all this massive overgrowth,” said Ramsay Bulkeley, the county’s deputy director of planning, zoning and building.
The county has a database called the Zoning Division Golf Course Conversion Log, which lists about 15 golf courses that are in a variety of stages of redevelopment. As the trend of golf courses losing financial stability continues, developers are tapping the courses for development — finding massive tracts of land that are hard to locate elsewhere.
The new rules apply to golf courses that are abandoned or inactive and haven’t started construction.
While the new rules are “better than nothing,” (County Commissioner Steve)Abrams said, golf course owners could still choose to ignore them and pay a code enforcement fine. Abrams said it isn’t a “cure-all.”
Abrams said residents have also complained about the lack of maintenance at the former golf course land near Century Village west of West Palm Beach.
The new rules also say waste accumulations, yard trash, debris, Brazilian pepper or uncultivated vegetation that could be a fire hazard have to be removed.
“They finally did something,” (Rosemary) Nixon said Tuesday after hearing of the new rules. “I guess that’s an improvement. People were concerned about animals, rats, all kinds of stuff, snakes. And they were also concerned about the possible dangers of fire with tall grass.”
The new rules also say waste accumulations, yard trash, debris, Brazilian pepper or uncultivated vegetation that could be a fire hazard have to be removed.
Friday, August 24, 2018
Federal Trade Commission
Consumer Information
Getting calls from your own number?
If you answer, your phone may be seized by a ROBO-DIALER, which will make calls to anywhere on Earth, and run up huge charges on your phone bill. The following from the Federal Trade Commission will prove instructive.
Bikram Bandy
Do Not Call Program Coordinator, FTC
It’s like a scene out of a strange sci-fi movie. You get a call, look at the caller ID, and see that your own number is calling. Weird! No, this isn’t an alternate reality where your future self is calling the present you. It’s a scammer making an illegal robocall.
Technology makes it easy for scammers to fake or “spoof” caller ID information. They can make it look like they’re calling from a different place or phone number. Even your number. Scammers use this trick as a way to get around call-blocking and hide from law enforcement. They hope you’ll be curious enough to pick up. Don’t fall for it.
The real callers could be calling from anywhere in the world. We’ve written about these kinds of tricks before — like when scammers pretended to be the IRS and faked caller ID so people thought it really was the IRS calling.
Bottom line? These calls from your own number are illegal. Don’t pick up — or press buttons to be taken off the call list or to talk to a live person. That just leads to more calls. It’s best to ignore them, and move on with your day. Maybe watch a really good sci-fi movie.
Dave Israel
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Great news! Century Village has signed an agreement with Atlantic Broadband for new TV services. Atlantic Broadband is excited to serve the residents of Century Village.
Learn more by attending your Property Town Hall Meeting in the Party Room.
See your Property Date and Time within the schedule below.
See your Property Date and Time within the schedule below.
During the meeting you will learn more about the launch of these new services and get these questions answered.
- Who is Atlantic Broadband?
- What services are included?
- What additional services are available?
- What to expect on the day of installation?
- When will the installations take place?
Monday, August 20, 2018
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Atlantic Broadband Web Portal for Century Village - please click on link for information:
Dave Israel
Dave Israel
Speed Tables vs. Speed Bumps
I have asked at the Delegate Assembly to get Speed Ramps put in place at various locations throughout the village. There is an ever increasing problem with people speeding, especially in season. I have met with some resistance to the proposal, although most agree it is needed.
The argument that that the Emergency Services object because "what if someone is having a heart attack and they need to run av IV line..." If a patient is in need of running an IV line, IT IS DONE AT THE SCENE BEFORE the vehicle is moved, as anyone with any Medical training would know.
Another part of the argument was the sudden jolt while speeding away to the hospital...
An ambulance does not get carte-blanc on speeding just because they have red lights and a siren. They also obey speed laws:
An ambulance on an emergency or non-emergency call shall not exceed the posted speed limit, unless specific approval of each such excess speed is given by the police department. Upon approval, an emergency run may be made at not more than 15 miles per hour over the posted speed limit.
The current speed bumps around the village are approximately as in Fig. A. When rolling over them, you get the sudden jolt if you do not drastically slow down, which may cause damage to your vehicle as well as cause a patient to fly out of a gurney if not strapped in properly.
My proposal for speed tables with the dimensions as above in Fig B would provide vehicles with a smoother ride whilst making the driver slow down, without the sudden jolt.
If put at most crosswalks as I propose, it also provides drivers with a visual crosswalk that can be seen at all times as the rise would be painted either a Reflective Safety Yellow or White as well as having the traditional stripes of the crosswalk.
This is a Safety Issue that NEEDS to be addressed. Most at the Delegate Assembly Agreed when it was voted on months ago.

Saturday, August 18, 2018
Friday, August 17, 2018
Monday, August 13, 2018
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
I just (1:30, Tuesday, 8/7) bicycled, or attempted to bicycle, the CVBoulevard sidewalk from the four-way intersection (CVBoulevard/East Drive) east to the pedestrian gate. Now that the chain link fence that was between the defunct golf course and the sidewalk has been removed, the vegetation it partially held back has sagged into and over the sidewalk. I had to dismount and push saw-grass, tree branches, and palm fronds out of the way. I believe that those with mobility challenges (wheelchair, walker, cane, or simply unsteady walking) will find the sidewalk difficult, if not impassable. I would suggest walking east on Ascot (on the north side of the Boulevard), carefully crossing Borden, and crossing over at the mailbox/bus stop pedestrian crosswalk (again, carefully).
I don't know who is responsible for trimming back the now overhanging vegetation, but it needs to be done soon.
Tuesday afternoon/Wednesday. : Seacrest already on the job of trimming - assigned by our ever vigilant LCAM
I don't know who is responsible for trimming back the now overhanging vegetation, but it needs to be done soon.
Tuesday afternoon/Wednesday. : Seacrest already on the job of trimming - assigned by our ever vigilant LCAM
With Atlantic can we use our own modem or will we have to rent it from them, and at what cost.
Can the snowbirds cut their internet service for 6 months each year like with Comcast. Thanks in advance for your answers
Can the snowbirds cut their internet service for 6 months each year like with Comcast. Thanks in advance for your answers
Airbnb Renting by a tenant.
Hi David, you mentioned that there is a possibility that a renter in the Village might be renting his apt. out on Airbnb. I wonder if the owner has been contacted about it? I ask because I just readan article about Toronto condo owners who had no idea this was going on. It could be possible
that the owner does not know, and if advised will seek to evict his "tenant."
Monday, August 6, 2018

Aug 02, 2018
Alert Number - I-080218-PSA
Questions regarding this PSA should be directed to your local FBI Field Office.
Local Field Office Locations:
Cyber Actors Use Internet of Things Devices as Proxies for Anonymity and Pursuit of Malicious Cyber Activities
Local Field Office Locations:
Cyber Actors Use Internet of Things Devices as Proxies for Anonymity and Pursuit of Malicious Cyber Activities
Cyber actors actively search for and compromise vulnerable Internet of Things (IoT) devices for use as proxies or intermediaries for Internet requests to route malicious traffic for cyber-attacks and computer network exploitation. IoT devices, sometimes referred to as “smart” devices, are devices that communicate with the Internet to send or receive data. Examples of targeted IoT devices include: routers, wireless radios links, time clocks, audio/video streaming devices, Raspberry Pis, IP cameras, DVRs, satellite antenna equipment, smart garage door openers, and network attached storage devices.
IoT proxy servers are attractive to malicious cyber actors because they provide a layer of anonymity by transmitting all Internet requests through the victim device’s IP address. Devices in developed nations are particularly attractive targets because they allow access to many business websites that block traffic from suspicious or foreign IP addresses. Cyber actors use the compromised device’s IP address to engage in intrusion activities, making it difficult to filter regular traffic from malicious traffic.
Cyber actors are using compromised IoT devices as proxies to:
Compromised devices may be difficult to detect but some potential indicators include:
IoT proxy servers are attractive to malicious cyber actors because they provide a layer of anonymity by transmitting all Internet requests through the victim device’s IP address. Devices in developed nations are particularly attractive targets because they allow access to many business websites that block traffic from suspicious or foreign IP addresses. Cyber actors use the compromised device’s IP address to engage in intrusion activities, making it difficult to filter regular traffic from malicious traffic.
Cyber actors are using compromised IoT devices as proxies to:
- Send spam e-mails;
- Maintain anonymity;
- Obfuscate network traffic;
- Mask Internet browsing;
- Generate click-fraud activities;
- Buy, sell, and trade illegal images and goods;
- Conduct credential stuffing attacks, which occurs when cyber actors use an automated script to test stolen passwords from other data breach incidents on unrelated web-sites; AND
- Sell or lease IoT botnets to other cyber actors for financial gain.
Compromised devices may be difficult to detect but some potential indicators include:
- A major spike in monthly Internet usage;
- A larger than usual Internet bill;
- Devices become slow or inoperable;
- Unusual outgoing Domain Name Service queries and outgoing traffic; or
- Home or business Internet connections running slow.
Protection and Defense
- Reboot devices regularly, as most malware is stored in memory and removed upon a device reboot. It is important to do this regularly as many actors compete for the same pool of devices and use automated scripts to identify vulnerabilities and infect devices.
- Change default usernames and passwords.
- Use anti-virus regularly and ensure it is up to date.
- Ensure all IoT devices are up to date and security patches are incorporated.
- Configure network firewalls to block traffic from unauthorized IP addresses and disable port forwarding.
- Isolate IoT devices from other network connections.
Additional Resources
For additional information on cyber threats to IoT devices, please refer to “Common Internet of Things Devices May Expose Consumers to Cyber Exploitation,” available at Reporting
If you suspect your IoT device(s) may have been compromised, contact your local FBI office and/or file a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center at
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Based on the questions asked during today's (Friday, Aug. 3) first AB InfoSession, here are some takeaways from the Atlantic Broadband – UCO “Installation and Distribution Agreement”, a twenty-two page booklet available, front desk, UCO office.
The Initial term shall be ten (10) years from the Start Date .
The Start date: The first invoice sent by AB to UCO after the “launch of services to the premises”.
(I guess that date would be fall in June, 2019)
AB will reimburse UCO up to one hundred thousand ($100,000) to hire a mutually satisfactory “project manger to monitor Company's construction and installation process.”
Force Majeure. Neither AB nor UCO is liable for “acts of God, fire, weather, government, terrorism, war, riot” etc. Basically, events beyond Ab 's or UCO's control, Think Hurricane Irma.
Now for individual rates. For Cable TV (mandatory part of our COA fees)
Installation Charge (one time): $0.00 Equipment Charge (one time): $0.00
Bulk Rate Price: $29.00/per unit/per month*. Includes
(a) Bulk Services: Limited, Value, and Value Plus TV channels (includes HD programming {but your TV has to be HD capable}); EPIX Premium Channels; Starz and Starz Encore Premium Channels; HBO Premium Channels.
(b) Equipment per unit: up to one (1) HD DVR; up to two (2) HD DTA boxes
(c) Wire maintenance Program (No charge for service calls)
*: $29.00 good for one year. Each year thereafter, rate “will be increased one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25). So, by year 5, $34/month; by year 10 (last year of agreement): $40.25/month.
AB will make “reasonable” attempt to respond to service requests within 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Credit for service outages. Basically, more than 24 hours; the owner has to specifically apply within 90 days (just a service call is not enough).
Optional Services. Prices are for first year; thereafter, increase by 3%; rounded up to nearest half or whole dollar.
Unlimited Phone Service: $24.99 (US; Canada; Puerto Rico)
“Starter Plus Internet” (up to 25Mbps): $17.99. By year ten, $26/month
“Express Plus Internet” (up to 100 Mbps) TIVO/DVR Upgrade; “voice” remote if offered: $21.99
(Increase will be $1/yr. So by year 10, $31/month.
“Unleashed Plus Internet” (up to 250Mbps) TIVO/DVR Upgrade; “voice” remote if offered: $44.99:
(Increase will be $1.50, years 2 – 5, $2/yr., years 5 – 10. So by year 10, $61/month.
Now for a fascinating comparison of our CV rates vs. standard individual rates.
According to the Agreement, CV has 7854 units. So, given that $34/month is the average, without options, over the decade, CV cable TV fees will be $267,036/month; $3,204,432 annually; and $32,044,320 for the decade.
Sounds like a lot, doesn't it? Wrong: You'd be paying three to four times as much if UCO had not negotiated with AB for the Standard Bulk Rate. See below
Typical costs: From
For Comcast, Standard/Starter packages are $50-$60 a month. The mid-level Preferred package is around $70-$80 a month. While the top tier Premier package is $100-$127. These prices do not include any premium channels (HBO, Cinemax, etc), HDTV, or DVR add-ons.
A DVR is a digital video recorder that records video onto a hard drive storage medium. It often includes features such as being able to pause live TV, dual tuners for recording two channels at once, and time shifting functions to allow instant replay, rewinding, and fast-forwarding of video programming.
Time Warner Cable . For the most part, they offer a first tier digital package costing around $50-$60 a month. And their top tier digital cable package is around $100-$120, depending on the region.
Cox Cable TV offers limited cable service for around $12-$17 a month. Their packages also break down similarly around three tiers. Their first tier costing around $50-$55, the next tier ranging from $58-$64, and their top tier costing $68-$75.
Additional costs:
In general, HDTV service costs about $6-$8 per month for the HD cable box.
An HD DVR receiver costs around $10-$16 per month, which includes access to HDTV channel viewing.
Additional rooms and outlets range from $7-$10 per room and outlet for digital service.
Premium cable channels cost around $10-$15 for each one per month. Each additional premium channels costs more, with small discounts when ordering multiple premium channels.
Service installation and home visits range from $20-$40 depending on the services being installed.
Richard Handelsman
Based on the questions asked during today's (Friday, Aug. 3) first AB InfoSession, here are some takeaways from the Atlantic Broadband – UCO “Installation and Distribution Agreement”, a twenty-two page booklet available, front desk, UCO office.
The Initial term shall be ten (10) years from the Start Date .
The Start date: The first invoice sent by AB to UCO after the “launch of services to the premises”.
(I guess that date would be fall in June, 2019)
AB will reimburse UCO up to one hundred thousand ($100,000) to hire a mutually satisfactory “project manger to monitor Company's construction and installation process.”
Force Majeure. Neither AB nor UCO is liable for “acts of God, fire, weather, government, terrorism, war, riot” etc. Basically, events beyond Ab 's or UCO's control, Think Hurricane Irma.
Now for individual rates. For Cable TV (mandatory part of our COA fees)
Installation Charge (one time): $0.00 Equipment Charge (one time): $0.00
Bulk Rate Price: $29.00/per unit/per month*. Includes
(a) Bulk Services: Limited, Value, and Value Plus TV channels (includes HD programming {but your TV has to be HD capable}); EPIX Premium Channels; Starz and Starz Encore Premium Channels; HBO Premium Channels.
(b) Equipment per unit: up to one (1) HD DVR; up to two (2) HD DTA boxes
(c) Wire maintenance Program (No charge for service calls)
*: $29.00 good for one year. Each year thereafter, rate “will be increased one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25). So, by year 5, $34/month; by year 10 (last year of agreement): $40.25/month.
AB will make “reasonable” attempt to respond to service requests within 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Credit for service outages. Basically, more than 24 hours; the owner has to specifically apply within 90 days (just a service call is not enough).
Optional Services. Prices are for first year; thereafter, increase by 3%; rounded up to nearest half or whole dollar.
Unlimited Phone Service: $24.99 (US; Canada; Puerto Rico)
“Starter Plus Internet” (up to 25Mbps): $17.99. By year ten, $26/month
“Express Plus Internet” (up to 100 Mbps) TIVO/DVR Upgrade; “voice” remote if offered: $21.99
(Increase will be $1/yr. So by year 10, $31/month.
“Unleashed Plus Internet” (up to 250Mbps) TIVO/DVR Upgrade; “voice” remote if offered: $44.99:
(Increase will be $1.50, years 2 – 5, $2/yr., years 5 – 10. So by year 10, $61/month.
Now for a fascinating comparison of our CV rates vs. standard individual rates.
According to the Agreement, CV has 7854 units. So, given that $34/month is the average, without options, over the decade, CV cable TV fees will be $267,036/month; $3,204,432 annually; and $32,044,320 for the decade.
Sounds like a lot, doesn't it? Wrong: You'd be paying three to four times as much if UCO had not negotiated with AB for the Standard Bulk Rate. See below
Typical costs: From
For Comcast, Standard/Starter packages are $50-$60 a month. The mid-level Preferred package is around $70-$80 a month. While the top tier Premier package is $100-$127. These prices do not include any premium channels (HBO, Cinemax, etc), HDTV, or DVR add-ons.
A DVR is a digital video recorder that records video onto a hard drive storage medium. It often includes features such as being able to pause live TV, dual tuners for recording two channels at once, and time shifting functions to allow instant replay, rewinding, and fast-forwarding of video programming.
Time Warner Cable . For the most part, they offer a first tier digital package costing around $50-$60 a month. And their top tier digital cable package is around $100-$120, depending on the region.
Cox Cable TV offers limited cable service for around $12-$17 a month. Their packages also break down similarly around three tiers. Their first tier costing around $50-$55, the next tier ranging from $58-$64, and their top tier costing $68-$75.
Additional costs:
In general, HDTV service costs about $6-$8 per month for the HD cable box.
An HD DVR receiver costs around $10-$16 per month, which includes access to HDTV channel viewing.
Additional rooms and outlets range from $7-$10 per room and outlet for digital service.
Premium cable channels cost around $10-$15 for each one per month. Each additional premium channels costs more, with small discounts when ordering multiple premium channels.
Service installation and home visits range from $20-$40 depending on the services being installed.
Richard Handelsman
Friday, August 3, 2018
Thank you to all the volunteers that make the Delegate
Assembly possible.
Previously at a Delegate Assembly and on this blog, Richard
Handleson has suggested that serious consideration be given to the option of
moving a community sidewalk. He brought up the concept again today, at the
Delegate Assembly.
The sidewalk he is talking about is the side walk that
borders the defunct golf course on the south side of Century Boulevard. It is
on the right as you exit the community headed for Haverhill.Richard has shared several reasons why it may be a good work around for the community to relocate it to the other side of Century Boulevard.
The concept is truly worth having a UCO committee examine the possibilities.
Thank you.
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Since Hurricane Irma damaged two segments of the fence along the Century Blvd. boundary line with the defunct golf course - Fairways LLC/Reflection Bay we have had some 200 feet total of gaps in the fence line. UCO has plans in hand to patch the gaps, with chain link, offset two inches, from the golf course fence.
Meanwhile, concerned with our Village Security, one of our unit owners, residing in the Golf's Edge Association filed a complaint with PBC Code Enforcement, The response from "Good neighbor Drew", as seen in the photo, was to pull down the entire segment of fence along Century Blvd, some 1300 feet. thus eliminating a large section of the barrier between CV and the overgrown Golf Course.
What may we expect next - how about a decorative masonry wall - Good Neighbor Drew!
Dave Israel
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