This Is our Village

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Questions on the new water cutoff valves

It is not clear to me from the photo in the November UCO Reporter just where the new recommended water cutoff valves will be located. The articles say it will be in a visible, feasible location next to the water meter. Does this mean somewhere in the pit with the meter and visible once the cover has been removed, or outside the pit and somewhere beside it? If the first, there wouldn't be a whole lot of difference between giving the new valve a quarter turn and turning the old valve from the outside to the meter the same quarter turn to shut off the water. "Legal" or not, a lot of folk shut off their water now by doing the latter.

I am assuming the new shutoff will be OUTSIDE the pit where it will be visible to anyone passing by. Where, though? Many homes have such a shutoff, but it isn't out on the sidewalk where people could trip on it, break it, or vandalize it easily. It is usually some distance from the meter, next to the house and out of the way. If our condo shutoffs are outside of but right next to the pit with the meter, won't they be susceptible to damage, either purposeful or accidental?

And couldn't this happen: A snowbird turns off his water using the new shutoff valve instead of having the valve in the pit shut off, either by himself or by the water company (which puts a lock on it keeping it in the shut position). He thinks he is safe, but by accident or on purpose someone turns his shutoff valve back ON, making the apartment susceptible to a flood. This might not be as far-fetched as one might think, because two neighbors are often served by meters and water pipes in the SAME PIT. It's not uncommon for one neighbor to confuse his line with the other's line.

Have these questions been thought through?

Lanny Howe


  1. another question-from what I read and the rumors and innuendos floating thru-cannot determine ---is it mandatory for each unit to have the shut off valve or is it optional for a unit owner? thank you.

  2. Hi Mag,
    October 25, 2009 9:50 AM,

    This shut off valve is not mandatory, it is an Association level decision.

    Dave Israel

  3. The hedge line seems the only place a switch could be out of the way, we are 24- units, remove 24 hedge bushes, ugh!


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