This Is our Village

Monday, March 15, 2010


Mr. Irwin Levy has a plan to promote the village that requires a change of State law.
What if UCO just put up a sign or two at the gates.
How about a billboard on the Turnpike!

Visitors to the Blog - LOOK its true!

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  1. I don't think Levy is considering doing anything anymore. It is my understanding, he was trying to get Legislation that would have the state pay for the marketing cost as a means to prop up the Fl. RE industry.I think the stae said "see ya later" but I may be wrong about this whole thing.

  2. Perfectly good idea: signs at both entrance to entice prospective buyers. Bravo Elaineb for this tremendous insight!!!!!

  3. We don't need Levy to make more money on our backs for a 2% fee of every condo sold. Word of mouth is the best advertisement and if you want to put up signs on our property outside the village go to it. As the economy improves so will the selling of condos here. We've had 2 sell since the beginning of February, 1 new renter January 1st and 1 sold last year. Out of 26 units that is pretty good. None of these units were on the market for more than a month or two. We don't need levy!!!!!

  4. I agree with Grace. If some of the Associations would just CLEAN up and PAINT their buildings so they don't look like slums, that would help the whole village.

  5. Maybe the 3 main Real Estate Agents here in the Village (including CV Real Estate office) could band tofether to do some sort of ad in P.B. Post and other papers to promote The Village. It would only help them in sales and / or rentals.


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