This Is our Village

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dog Walkers

I know that many Associations have voted to allow dogs. I love animals and that is ok with me. But, I see them walking on other Association properties as well as common areas (UCO). I don't know how we can enforce the rules of only walking on their own Association property!


  1. Don't most walkers walk on the street, or grass on the side of the road? the most important part to watch for is that they are picking up the waste. I like seeing animals in th village, what I don't like is if the animal is barking constantly. those with dogs should be very aware of the barking.

  2. Such an excellent question! What are the instructions to Security, if any, if dog walking occurs on UCO's common elements in clear view? Do they pull over and inform them that they are in violation of UCO policy?? Do they ask to see their ID? Ask where they are staying if they are a guest? Is a report made out. Are they a repeat offender? Absoulutely great question. UCO needs to establish a policy statement with regards to pets on UCO's property and to publicize this policy in the Reporter.
    What of ADA approved service animals? Just yesterday, I found so many websites that, for a fee of course, issue official looking ID's for service animals, harnesses, you name it, without the requirement of a physician's documentation ("office or Doctor's seal- IF available") Self affirmations are acceptable. The HIPPA Act prevents a physician from verifying patient information without a signed release. It's all about making money for these businesses.
    Anyway, enforcement options need to be explored as well. Certain amenities can be suspended under certain circumstances. Great question! Find out what the present policy is, speak with Security Committee, and then we'll move forward from there.

  3. My understanding from a Delegates meeting was that dog owners can only walk their dogs on their OWN common property ad not along the main roads etc. I have seen people walking their dogs early in the morning when I walk a have said told them nicely that they can only walk their dogs on their common property and they have complied. I am a dog lover and certainly don't mind them in the Village.

  4. Thank you Randall. I believe there should be some clarification. I know there is a federal law allowing service animals; but I see tiny little maltese dogs and spaniels being used as service dogs. I worked for a psychiatrist and anyone can get a note saying they "need" a dog for various reasons.

    No one wants to be a policeman;but rules should be made and enforced.

  5. Dear Concerned,
    Spoke with Al McLaughlin today with regards to any plans the Security Committee has to create Rules and Guidlines, evaluate enforcement alternatives, etc. It is his informed opinion that such an exhaustive effort will not be pursued in the forseeable future.
    When creating rules, one must look at the impact that such rule will have on the community as a whole and the myriad of issues which could prevent consistant enforcement.

  6. Hi All,

    I have been on the Security Committee for some years, since it was chaired by Kurt Weiss.

    This issue has resurfaced repeatedly and the focus is always one of effective enforcement.

    Our hired, private security, cannot touch any person and thus is limited to the issuance of warning; either verbal or written as to the prohibition against walking any animal on property other than that of the approving Association where the animal resides.

    The Sheriff (PBSO) understandibly is reticent to respond to repeated calls to remove or cite an errant dog walker, who, more likely than not, will be long gone by the time a unit responds to a call.

    "We" are, therefore suffering a dearth of clever new ideas as to how to effectively proceed.

    I shall research through any legal opinions which we may have received in the past from House Counsel; and if there are none, perhaps will so consult.

    More on this issue later, and if you have any novel approaches, do not hesitate to attend meetings of the Security Committee and be heard.

    Dave Israel


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