This Is our Village

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Scandalum Magnatum

March continues to be a busy month for 1st Priority Attorney, Ms. Rhonda Zimmerman. Whilst it’s not known if Ms. Zimmerman will be defending Dan Gladstone, she would appear to be representing her favorite company – 1st Priority Restoration in a recently filed lawsuit. The irrepressible Ms. Zimmerman has also, it would appear, found a new job.
According to documents filed in Palm Beach County Court on March 4th, Ms. Rhonda D Zimmerman Esq., is now the President of 1st Priority Restoration. She hasn’t had to move far to take up this alleged new post – just down the hall at 3389 Sheridan Street from Suite #479, which she shares with mold testing company, Florida Sciences Inc., to 1st Priority headquarters in suite #127. 

Unless the debt-collecting attorney would care to confirm otherwise, Ms. Zimmerman Esq. has undergone a gender transformation. "She" now claims to be a "he", which is clearly visible in this Court document. Was it a mere slip of the pen caused by indecent haste to file this lien, or has new 1st Priority President, Ms. Rhonda Zimmerman, plans to 'expand' their 'reconstruction’ efforts?


  1. If "she" became a "he" it should be interesting should this go to trial.
    It'll certainly give a bold new meaning to the right to "cross examination".

  2. I'm sure the evidence will stand up.

  3. Out of curiousity when she
    became a he....was there a
    first name change.

  4. No, but there WAS a voice change.

  5. Randy:

    Very cute. You are funny.
    Keep it up.


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