This Is our Village

Monday, April 19, 2010

First Things First.

Isn’t it a pity that 1st Priority Restoration aren’t nearly as industrious as their attorney, the lovely Rhonda Zimmerman?
One day last week, Ms. Zimmerman, who has also represented former insurance chair, Dan Gladstone, managed to file a total of five liens against residents living within the same building here in Century Village.
Pretty impressive, Ms. Z and almost, but not quite, as impressive as the guesstimated total of over $69,000 allegedly owed. Now that’s a lot of mold removal and renovation on five units.
I wonder what prompted this hefty thwack on the wrist? Were these residents collectively and  openly defiant in refusing to pay their bills? Could they, by any chance, have just got fed up waiting for 1st Priority to finish their apartments? After all, Home Depot shopping one $59 vanity unit a pop takes time, and refused to meekly hand over their entire insurance checks as stipulated?
Not that I’m suggesting for one moment that the lien placed on a recently deceased residents home or these five a day filings, should be construed as intimidation but there does appears to be a consistency to the Rhonda Zimmerman’s handiwork. The letters N/A, which I take to mean Not Applicable, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong Rhonda, appears each time on her paperwork and always on the line that verifies certified mail has been received by the tardy bill payer. I have a vague notion that this to ensure that the lien recipient knows that the lien actually exist but I could be mistaken.
As mistaken as the exaggerated claim made by former UCO insurance chair Dan Gladstone and 1st Priority Restoration in stating – almost three months ago that displaced residents would be home in three weeks. 

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