This Is our Village

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Update on Victims Rights Group (VRG) (Victims Rights Group) V.O.I.C.E.S. Campaign

(reposted with changes)
Now that I'm back on the blog, I want to update those of you who were adversely affected and displaced from their homes as a result of water damage casualties that occurred over the past year. I have been working toward goals that were outlined during our V.O.I.C.E.S. (Victims Of Insurance Casualties Expressing Self Determination) Campaign meeting on February 22nd, 2010. Although you haven't heard or seen much from the Victims Rights Group or V.O.I.C.E.S. publicly, a lot of activity and endless hours have been spent trying to accomplish the goals I laid out at our first meeting:

1. First and foremost was the goal to prevent any further contractor victimization in CV. It appears that the V.O.I.C.E.S. campaign, in concert with others in the village, has been very successful thus far, as the number of new victims at the hands of these unscrupulous contractors has been reduced dramatically! This was done through educating presidents and residents and making as many people aware of the consequences of doing business with companies of their type. However, there are still a few uninformed presidents and/or owners who have not yet heard or refuse to believe the information that has been distributed. As a result, we now have another similar issue at Windsor A. I have posted a separate blog entry on how to handle insurance casualty claims to give those who need help some ideas so they can avoid going down the same road that took so many other victims to calamity.

2. Secondly, I wanted to gather as much information as possible through video and audio interviews with victims who have been displaced for the purpose of assimilating this information to establish patterns and to gather statistics that will prove useful to both civil and criminal officials. We have also been very successful in this area, as a significant amount of information has been gathered. I have interviewed many victims who have provided a plethora of information however, if I have not interviewed you personally, and you would like to provide your own story or give information helpful to the case, please call me at 561-202-8460. For those of you who provided information to Jean Dowling, your information has not been forwarded to me. Therefore, you'll have to call me if you haven't already spoken to me personally.

Some very definite patterns of abuse, from not only contractors but others as well, have emerged. This information has proven to be very helpful to those who have an interest in pursuing justice for themselves or others, whether they are attorneys, law enforcement officials, victims, or association officials, etc.. This information has been passed to the appropriate resources for follow-up and are available to others if needed. However, understand that the wheels of justice turn very slowly, but I feel confident that once all the facts are known and distributed to all of the right people, you will begin to see those same wheels begin to turn much more quickly, so be patient...

3. The third goal was to provide a vehicle through which information can be shared with each and every resident and owner of Century Village. I am working on that issue right now. I hope to improve any existing forums we have in place presently and if necessary, start up a new group to exchange ideas that will be helpful to homeowners, residents, Boards of Administration, or anyone else who has the desire to make his home and association a better place to live. I hope to share information as a new member of the UCO insurance sub-committee.

To be sure, I have no hidden agendas, no political affiliations whatsoever, nor do I have any preference or bias towards persons, groups or anything else for that matter. I simply want to see that anyone who seeks the knowledge, desires to be proactive in preventing casualties, and wants the best for their home and Century Village, be given the opportunity to do so.

That's it for now. I'm planning to schedule another V.O.I.C.E.S. campaign meeting in the near future to provide further updates and to answer questions for you all. I will also have more on our information sharing initiative as we move forward in the coming weeks. We already have lots of good info to pass out!
Lee Hunt

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