This Is our Village

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Well Water

Is it permissable for an Assoc. to dig a well and use that water for drinking , bathing, etc. and also to water grass and bushes ? Someone mentioned that a Hastings Assoc. has done this. Any truth to this rumor?

Hi Mike,
Yes, but like everything else in the County, Permits and lots of rules. The following references should get you started.

Dave Israel


  1. My son lives in Loxahatchee. He is now on his 2nd well. He spends so much time and money on his well and water and I always bring a bottle of water into his house. The water doesn't taste good at all. Of course he also has it tested from time to time. It is good water but tastes awful! Good luck on drilling a well.

  2. Why is the heck would we want to go BACKWARD and have a well here?? Levy had one for CV in 1971 and the water was terrible. That's why CV went to PBC Water. We also have reclaimed water for irrigation. Wells are a BAD idea here!

  3. Thanks folks , now we all know the deal.

  4. There was an association a few years ago that dug three wells while the president was away for the summer. When he came back, what do you think he said?


    He said, "Well, well, well!"

    OK, you can throw me off the blog now........


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