This Is our Village

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Neighbor feud

We have two owners at odds with each other about noises coming from each other's bedrooms, i.e. loud voices, TV broadcasts, music, etc. Short of erecting "sound barriers," what recourse do these owners have in settling these disputes without escalating to an "all out war"?
Thank you for your input.


  1. I am not attempting to be facetious- could it be they both have hearing problems and hearing tests/aids may be the solution- I have several neighbors who are so loud when they walk by outside - I can't hear my tv--and neighbor upstairs from me - her friends are incredibly loud - fortunately - it's daytime noise ---only occasionally do we hear neighbor's tv at night ----she said she w/try to keep it low at night after asking us if we could hear it. Good luck- feuding neighbors put a real damper and stress on life

  2. Thank you Mag for your input.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That is probably the most fun, drama, and interest those feuders have had in ages.
    However, you could state 'quiet times are before 9am and after 9pm', smile and give each a double size bottle of Sam’s Club wine.
    I have had various noisy neighbors, including Mr.'Halls of Montezuma' at 3am, everything passes. Eventually.

  5. Thank you elaineb for your delightful advice. The Sams Club wine should work fine...


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