This Is our Village

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Why You Shouldn;t Be Late For A Meeting

Yesterday at the executive board meeting we discussed the outlay we would need to get legal advice to go forward with our ONE VOTE PER UNIT campaign.
We needed approval for about $2000.00. Because one of our supporters was late for the meeting the vote was 12 for and 13 against. Now we need to take this to the Delegates on Friday with the statement that the vote did not pass the executive board.

Had the vote split even the president could have voted to break the tie. What a difference that would have been. Hundreds of hours have been spent trying to get this to pass so that every unit owner would have a voice in our elections and not have a few make the decision for the many.

I hope on Friday that the delegates will take a real hard look at this and ask the questions that will answer informatively any doubts they have.


  1. At the Executive Board meeting it was recalled by those who remembered that the previous two votes at delegates meetings were pretty overwhelmingly against One Unit/One Vote. A similar point can be made Friday at the delegates meeting, that the Executive Board’s decision to not fund attorney fees up to $2000 was a very narrow one.

  2. Hi all,

    As I recall, it's a bifurcated issue, most of the delegates seem in favor of the concept of OVPU; but most of the same delegates are against spending any money on an attorney to get the process correct legally.

    An interesting problem!

    Dave Israel

  3. The allocation of funds, was the
    primary reason,for my vote...the
    13TH..In these perilious times with
    residents applying for all sorts of
    FINANCIAL AIDE, the expenditure of
    would receive the same attention.
    Perhaps the other 12 & myself,view
    our CUSTODIANSHIP quite differently!
    Bettie Lee Bleckman

  4. $2000 seems a small price to pay if the governance issues here at CV could be improved. UCO is not a county welfare agency, so residents problems in that area are better handled elsewhere.

  5. BettieL, Are you talking about the subsequent cost of OVPU, or the 25cents per unit to pay the attorney fees in that motion?


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