This Is our Village

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Kiddie Pools

There used to be signs at each gate of area pools “No-one under 16yrs” eminently clear. Were they removed for a code reason!? Now you have to find the regulations sign inside the pool area, read down to reg # 8 - easy to overlook.


  1. Does operations handle that situation Elaine?

  2. I would think such a change in signage by WPRF would have been discussed at an Operations mtg. The signs were removed at same time as latches were installed, early July. Maybe they were overwhelmed by latch problems.

  3. The mechanism with the rod that you push down to unlatch the new gate to the Camen pool has been moved down about a foot, so it is much easier now to reach. (Much easier for the small fry, too.) I noticed the same was true at another pool. Anybody know what's up with this?

  4. Hi Lanny,
    September 11, 2010 9:49 AM,

    In due course, WPRF will relocate all of the new latches.

    In the original installation, there was a misinterpretation of the health code.

    The latches were placed such that the bottom of the latch was set to 54inches, we now believe that the correct implimentation requires the very top of the handle to be set at 54 inches. (4 feet, 6 inches)

    This still puts the handle out of reach of toddlers, but within reach of even wheelchair bound persons.

    Dave Israel

  5. Good. This problem seems to have largely resolved itself then, I take it. Nice having supper with you and others at the Bamboo tonight, Dave.

  6. Sorry, Elaine! "This issue" HASN'T largely resolved itself, because I changed the thread of the conversation from the lack of "NO ONE UNDER 16 YEARS" SIGNS AT THE POOLS" to the pool gate locks. I hate people who change the thread of a conversation like this. Please don't beat me up when we go back to the UCU Reporter shop on Monday.

    Hello, out there! Any more input on the original subject?

  7. Hi all,
    On the matter of signs, it is my personal belief that we suffer from "sign pollution" in our Village.

    I support signs that are required by code, displayed in the most unobtrusive manner possible.

    Those interested in the return of the sign in question should attend the next meeting of the Operations Committee and make their voices heard.

    Dave Israel

  8. Finally.
    Clarity from Anita VP WPRF
    "At the time all of the pool rules and regulations signs were made (a little over 2 years ago now) the consensus of opinion between WPRF and UCO was to eliminate all of the many signs and consolidate for a neater, cleaner look. The current signs meet Code requirements.
    Prior to that, a lot of small signs had accumulated (many of which were not in compliance with Code), and these new Rules &Regulation signs were to clean all of that up. ....."
    Forwards for neat, clean and unobtrusive.


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