This Is our Village

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ken Graff, photographer for the UCO Reporter
whose beautiful photos have shown up on the CVBlog and elsewhere, has put together a gorgeous full-color calendar for 2011 with photos of the Village for every month of the year. On the back page of the calendar are frequently used telephone numbers. There is no advertising on them except for the fact that Century Village looks like a very attractive place! The cost is $7.00each. They are obtainable at the UCO Reporter office (at the Camden Pool) during our normal working hours, from Monday through Friday between 9:00-noon; closed on holidays. For further information, call Ken Graff at 623-9546 or the UCO Reporter during office hours: 683-9336


  1. There is not always someone in the Reporter office between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, especially since Syd Kronish fell ill Sunday evening, so I would suggest anyone interested in a calendar call first (683-9336). Syd is home now from the hospital and doing better. We all wish him well.

  2. Ken did a great job creating
    these calendars. I bought 5
    calendars and sent them to my
    friends in Connecticut and they
    all called me thanking me and
    telling me that now they under-stand what a great life one can
    have living in CV with so many
    activities, clubs, movies, shows,

  3. He did do a great job, Nutmegger. I bought five too, but I'm behind you on getting then sent out! Today or tomorrow, they've gotta fly!

    Just give the office a quick call (683-9336) before coming over to get them at the Reporter office. There are only about 40 left. In case anyone doesn't know, the Reporter office is at the Camden Pool. There's been nobody in the pool lately, by the way. Can't imagine why.

  4. Is there some sort of no more holes conspiracy for calendars? Not only does the CV Calendar not come with holes, but when I went to Build-a-Bear recently, they gave away a calendar and it had no holes either. I assume Dave can drag up some case where a punch and die worker in Wichita got punched by a calendar hole maker and died.


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