Good meeting! Commissioner Paulette Burdick and her aide Payton McArthur were there. Faced with 35 citizens, many presidents of entire developments, mayors, and commissioners, County Airports Director Bruce Pelly took away his suggestion to shut down the Citizens Committee on Airport Noise (CCAN) and removal of noise monitor equipment. CCAN is the only established forum which provides citizens with an opportunity to be advised of activities at PBIA and allow them to voice concerns. Two speakers reminded Mr Pelly that CCAN was put in place after a law suit by order of court judge, it cannot be tossed aside without further recourse to the law.
CCAN does need more communication, publicity, and to fill empty seats. I will get more info later for people who may wish to join. 9a.m. meeting!
CV is on the flight line and we do have noise monitors in our NW corner. Nighttime flights have been reduced over our space but we should be complacent.
Watch out for sneaky verbiage created by MBA's. The agenda for the CCAN meeting read “Dept of Airports' recommendation to sunset CCAN.” Since when is sunset a verb. How clever, how innocuous! Let's sunset healthcare and medicare. Went right by you didn't it!?