This Is our Village

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Nominations from the floor produces final list of  Candidates for UCO Office for March elections:
Candidates for UCO President:

Frank Cornish
Frank LaFountain
David Israel
Candidates for UCO Vice President:

Barbara Cornish
John Gluszak
Dom Guarnagia
Candidates for UCO Treasurer:

Ed Black
Dorothy Tetro
Candidates for Corresponding Secretary:

Avis Blank
Marilyn Pomerantz
Candidates for Recording Secretary:

Patricia Sealander
Joy Vestal

Candidates highlighted in red are endorsed by the Blogmeister, Dave Israel. Keep the ball rolling forward, let's not degrade into bad habits of the past. Vote the endorsed candidates for cost containment, continued implementation of modern technology, researched solutions, not ad-hoc decisions.
Let's hear your opinions in the comment stream!
Dave Israel, candidate for President of UCO


  1. Re-elect DAVE ISRAEL for another term -- he has the knowledge, expertise and understanding of the Village. He is the candidate best qualified for the job.

    Ruth Bernhard

  2. We need the silent majority to step up for Dave.
    You know this election is important for the health of CV.
    If you know Dave, if you see the improvements in the past 2 years, tell your friends to vote, wake them up, get the word out, talk to as many associations as possible, make sure Dave is elected.
    I agree with Dave's picks, because Dave has the skills, in management, negotiation, analysis, and knowledge. Dave has a record of solid accomplishment.

  3. I like Dave and what he has done since elected. I know and respect Frank Cornish too. Dave needs another term. Frank C. can follow him then.

  4. We need another term of David Israel. He has done more to bring our Village into the 21st century than has been done in the past. He has the knowledge, understanding, expertise, fair minded and even tempered. His project to put all the information onto computer is a miles stone. There is so much information to be gotten. I want to see it continued to completion. It takes an understanding of computers to do this. He has brought such a difference to the UCO office that it is now a pleasusre to walk in and be greeted by smiling helpful faces. I certainly don't want to go back to the old ways of being paid lip service by angry people.Dave has worked hard to change the atmosphere at UCO and in the Village. I fully back his team!

  5. No one is perfect and no one will satisfy us in all respects all the time. Dave Israel has done a remarkable job in only two years as UCO president in my opinion. He has instituted MANY cost-cutting and time-saving measures. He puts in endless hours at UCO. And he is willing to learn and publicly change his mind.

    I'm glad Dave is WILLING to serve a second term. He deserves a second term on the merits of his accomplishments alone, but I'd like to see him continue in office for a second reason. Who is there that could and would continue the Information Forward Initiative, wherein any resident with a computer can get up-to-the-minute Village news? (I wish other UCO officers would use this to keep us informed on things.) Who would continue this valuable blog? Or the electronic compiling of UCO records? I hope others can be trained in these things in a second Dave Israel administration.

    Some HAVE been trained in Dave's advances. A seasonal neighbor of mine was astounded to find that "Transponders on Demand" wasn't just a political slogan when she got her replacement transponder in one visit. I understand Bob Marshall has this well in hand. And the Investigations crew seems to be carrying on well in doing their investigatory work more thoroughly and faster.

    I am for reelecting Dave with our thanks to him.

  6. We have been seeking a Recording Secretary for a year or more, I believe. I don’t know how many Blog readers know Joy Vestal, but I’ve had the privilege of working with her at the UCO Reporter office now for the past few months. She is terrific. She has a background of having worked for Newsday, the daily NYC-Long Island newspaper, for many years and knows her stuff. She’s an excellent editor, writer, interviewer and reporter. She’s fair-minded and knows how to present both sides of a controversial issue.

    I had no idea till recently she was considering running for Recording Secretary. The Village would be VERY FORTUNATE to have her fill this position, in my opinion.

  7. The only person who can keep CV
    going forward is David Israel.
    For the past two years David has
    saved us such vast amounts of
    money in whatever realm he dealt
    with is reason to get people to
    reelect Dave back into office as
    President of Century Village.
    Please vote for David so we can
    continue to go forward and not

  8. Go Dave
    Just received the Advocate, good move


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