This Is our Village

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Beautification 101

Saturday photo, this is why associations need to install a hedge or trellis to shield their trash cans, also raccoon bars. Please! View from Lincoln Street.
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  1. and do you think the designated person in my assn pulled the recycles into laundry room? Heck no ----last time when a storm was in the air ---another elderly lady and I dragged them in -shameful ----we are not taking these non caring people on the ark!

  2. I thought Seacrest had the contract for the whole village for that, but maybe not. Anyway, I saw UCO is going out to bid for storm cleanup.

  3. Yes, every association should secure these bins or at the very least tie them down. It sure would of been nice to see CERT pitch in and help. Due to the bins blowing over a lot of trash clogged the NEW drains and thus a lot of flooding. Several cars stalled. I had to park my car and walk home in waist deep water in Shefield and Hastings.

  4. Yes, every association should secure these bins or at the very least tie them down. It sure would of been nice to see CERT pitch in and help. Due to the bins blowing over a lot of trash clogged the NEW drains and thus a lot of flooding. Several cars stalled. I had to park my car and walk home in waist deep water in Shefield and Hastings.


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