This Is our Village

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


The following proposed amendments to the UCO Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws were approved today by the Advisory Committee:
A Not-for-Profit Mutual Benefit Corporation under Chapter 617 F.S.
The Articles of Incorporation for UCO are amended as follows:
Article VII
The affairs of UCO shall be managed and administered by a president, first, second and third four (4) vice-presidents, treasurer, corresponding secretary and recording secretary. ;except that during the initial year there shall be not more than three vice-presidents who need not be designated as first, second, or third, and except further, that there may be one one recording secretary. The officers shall be elected for two (2) year terms by the members as set out in the bylaws. annually by the Assembly of Delegates. The names and addresses of the officers who are to serve until the first election under these articles and their successors shall have been elected and installed or until their earlier resignation, removal from office or death, are as follows:
* * *
The UCO Bylaws are amended as follows:
Article VI
. . . No member shall hold more than one office at a time, and no officer shall be term limited as of the effective date of this amendment. President or Vice President shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive two-year terms in the same office. Each shall hold office until his successor has been elected and installed, or until his earlier resignation, removal from office or death. The Vice Presidents shall serve staggered two-year terms. . . .
These will now progress to the Officers Committee for consideration.
Dave Israel


  1. please read this carefully. this does not mean that an officer is given a life long job. what this means is that an officer has tha ability to run again after their term is up. if you do not want this person in office then DO NOT VOTE FOR THEM.

  2. Competent and experienced UCO Officers are difficult to find, especially when they are handicapped by negative pot stirrers. Eliminating term limits from the Bylaws will permit such Officers the opportunity to run for election beyond term limits: Voters will decide if they are worthy to continue to serve our Village.


  3. Those of us who want the highest level of leadership for the Village are grateful for the Advisory Committee's approval to take forward the proposal to end term limits for officers.

    How many times have we heard Roberta Fromkin stand up at Delegates Meetings and beg people to submit their bios and run for election? It's a regrettable fact of life here that it is so hard to get people to run. It makes it doubly important to hold on to the brainpower we have.

    It takes years for officers to develop the knowledge it takes to manage this community. It's a waste to lose that expertise, especially when we have a dearth of qualified candidates.

    We have precedent. Vice presidents and presidents are the only UCO officers who are currently term limited. Treasurer, Corresponding and Recording Secretary postions, as well as Executive Board members, are not term-limited. We should make terms consistent.

    Some worry that we would create a concentration of power, but that ignores the ultimate authority of delegates. This is no automatic extension of terms, no free ride. Anyone who wants to extend their service would have to compete for the job. They would have to create a vision for the Village, make their case--and win an election, no small task.

    Our delegates will decide who is worthy of more time to serve. They will defeat those officers who do not earn their trust.

    We should say thank you to officers willing to continue serving. It's our responsibility to make them earn the right.


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