This Is our Village

Monday, February 10, 2014


My deepest thanks to the members of the Search/Nominations Committee whose ideas, help and enthusiasm made this year's slate of nominees the success it is. Members wrote blog contributions, articles in the REPORTER as well as posting election notices on many bulletin boards throughout the Village. Their work is appreciated many times over. Again, thank you Anita Buchanan, Mollie Marshall, Al McLaughlin, Ron Massa, Bob Rivera, Joyce Reiss, David Saxon, Joy Vestal, Phyllis Frishberg, Ruth Bernhard-Dreiss and Marilyn Gorodetzer. Also, a big thank you to Edith Levine for her help is verifying delegate nominations.
                                                Roberta Boehm-Fromkin


  1. You are so welcome, Roberta. We could not have done it without you. You are a great chairperson.

  2. Agreed, ruthphild and Roberta. You do such a great job, Roberta, and my heavens, through all your physical discomfort. Not only in prodding, prodding, prodding, but in your organization of it all; and not least, in your upbeat, winsome way at the microphone. I don't know how it could be done better.

  3. Roberta it was a pleasure to be on your committee. You work so well with others and we were all given a chance to have input. Though all your pain you came through as you have done for many years. You're soon to be a bionic woman and you'll be an even stronger member of UCO. Get well soon.



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