This Is our Village

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Officers 7-7-2015 from David B. Israel on Vimeo.
Dave Israel


  1. As always, I listened to the Executive meeting posted by UCO. This time my questions have nothing to do with e subject of the meeting, although they are important. Today, as I listened, I realized that I had never met the UCO VP who presumably is the representative of my association on the UCO Executive Committee. I am an officer of that association, so it seemed strange that he had never been to an association meeting (at least in past three years) and I wondered why he was qualified to represent ourselves and two other associations. Then, I began to wonder about the VP who presumably represented the issues of Sheffield O. Who exactly do the VP's represent? Are they voted on by their associations only or are they general VP at elections although representing only a small group?

  2. Hi Jangor802,

    All Officers of UCO are elected by the Delegates comprising the Delegate Assembly.

    The Vice Presidents are assigned a quadrant of the Village for administrative purposes, to act as a focal point person to assist the unit owners resident in that quadrant.

    Dave Israel

  3. Thank you, David. I am learning every day!

  4. That being said, why is it that the VP for Sheffield O was unaware of the problem there. Perhaps it is time to reassess the role of the quadrant VP's/. Perhaps, if that quadrant VP was doing a semi-annual meeting with each board,, Sheffield O might not have progressed it did. This is not a criticism under current guidelines, but perhaps a way that UCO could be more cognizant of what was happening in each association in the future. Just thinking out loud.

  5. Obviously, Mr. Kelly as he took control would not have contacted his UCO VP to report a problem.

  6. But if it were the role of the quadrant VP to speak to owners, review (but not change) regular association/committee meetings there might have been a moment when an alarm when off and the abuses of Shieffield O might have been noticed fa earlier.

  7. P.S, I am the world's worst typist.

  8. Blogger jangor802 said...
    Just got this definition from my association president" They are there to help out if you have problems you can't solve on your own or help mediate between board and owners. " so where was sheffield O VP???

    July 9, 2015 at 3:54 PM

  9. Hi jangor now your post is in 2 places :-)

    EB - I used to wish the VPs would drive around and look at condition of associations, but they do not have time because of the stream of people coming to UCO for advice, + UCO meetings. Now the CAM Ted drives around. The prez was right, VPs will come out on request. Don't let your Association Board be non-functional!
    Sheffield O Board was probably happy to have Mr Kelly take over all the positions/work in the beginning.


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