This Is our Village

Friday, March 4, 2016


One Day and a Wake up – UCO Elections are here!
By Dave Israel
I moved into Our Village circa 2000 – I have observed many UCO elections, but none were as foul and fundamentally nasty as the current evolution. A small group of dedicated persons, who embrace the title Malcontents, have waged a campaign based on continuous ad-hominem attacks. These attacks have been delivered by way of three Internet based blog sites and the launching of a yellow journalism so called newsletter called the CV-Messenger. This small group of Malcontents has utilized classical propaganda techniques. They have subtly wished me dead, compared me to Hitler, and a number of notorious fascists; they have generated gruesome images of me being shot in a concentration camp and me undergoing a post mortem, to reveal some sort of internal evils; along with a never ending stream of lies concerning acts that I have never committed nor contemplated. Most unfortunate is that my opponent, Ms. Richland, has openly and publicly in speech and in blog posts welcomed the support of the so called Messenger Club and thus condoned the lies in their entirety. This in light of the fact that any reasonable and right minded person would categorically reject the support of such disruptive and non-productive people. 
Consider these people who have disrupted our Delegate Assembly for the last five years. Some of these people actually have the consummate gall to aspire to office in the current election; one of these candidates has a law suit pending against us all, in the 15th. Judicial circuit for five million dollars. Should any of these persons actually get elected, it would represent an iconic example of the lunatics taking over the asylum: this is serious business folks, so it is time to publish names: I implore you, Delegates all, do not vote, for Edward Grossman, chronic disrupter of meetings and publisher of the CV Messenger, a vehicle of lies circulated on the INTERNET and viewed on a global scale, calculated to destroy the image of our Village. Do not vote for Olga Wolkenstein, who has published on the Internet the most vile and foul statements about me and others who support me. Do not vote for Mr. Karpf, who is suing us all for five million dollars, not a single vote should appear by his name. Do not vote for Ms. Ziccardy, who as Vice President of UCO spent her time ensconced in the UCO lobby disrupting UCO business operations to such an extent, that at time no business whatsoever could be conducted; she produced no useful work product in service to our Village whatsoever. These are by far the worst of the lot, but in another Post on this blog, I have asked that you place my highly productive Team in office; I hope you will consider doing so.
Over and above Ms. Richland’s avid support for this totally disruptive and divisive cabal of so called Malcontents, she orchestrated a fake so called Candidates Forum, wherein, she in essence attempted to trade a lunch of bagels and lox for votes. Those of you who went to this extravaganza, I hope you enjoyed the lunch, but please do not be co-opted by this bribe, or the bashing.
In my six years in office, I have in cooperation with a strong Team of avid workers and through recruitment of professionals with decades of practical experience in such fields as Insurance, Newspaper publishing, Computer Operations, Accounting; saved our unit owners literally millions of dollars, while streamlining UCO Operations and improving our infrastructure. If I and my Team are returned to Office, there will be more of the same. See it happen when you vote on March 4th.  on our new computer based touch screen election system. If re-elected, see the introduction of voting by electronic clickers at Delegate Assembly. With the cooperation of the Delegates, yes we will present a Broadband system for the entire Village, which will include major upgrades in our Cable TV package, and collaterally, Campus wide Wireless Communications. All of these things can happen, if we look forward, rather than endless carping about the past. Slowly, these steady improvements will positively impact the value of our units, and the curb appeal of our Village.
Dave Israel

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