This Is our Village

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Peking Duck?

Maybe we should have signs like this around the village. They are again becoming a problem. I wonder if people will ever get the hint, that feeding the ducks cause more problems than not.
Yeah, it's nice to feel like you're back on the farm feeding your livestock, but fact of the matter is, They probably never had a farm nor lived in one and the closest they came to one was feeding the pigeons in the park while sitting on the bench.
Feeding ducks bread hurts them more than helps.  Having them gathering behind the homes of the feeders is causing possible heath hazards to others, as well as making people walk through Duck crap on the perimeter walkways. Someone has started placing food in the middle of the walkways so you have no choice but step through the duck crap. If people would walk their dogs and let them crap all over the walkways and not pick up after them,, everyone would be up in arms. Some would be up in arms even if they pick up after the dogs, which as long as they pick up after them they have nothing to complain about but still do. But do they say anything about the ducks?
Maybe every dog owner in the village should walk their dogs near the homes of these Feeder and not pick up after, then maybe the neighbors would curb their neighbors feedings. Just sayin'...
It cost us fifty bucks a bird to relocate them... I would think we give them $50 and they have freezers full of Peking duck at least once or twice a week.


  1. I believe feeding any wild birds in Florida is illegal. Our current signs seem to indicate that. To tell folks it is illegal to feed them on one hand and on the other telling them the types of food the birds can eat can send mixed signals and encourage disobedience.

    I think it is better to alert and inform those who ignore the signs that their actions are actually hurting these creatures.

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