This Is our Village

Friday, November 17, 2017

Firehouse Gate

Even after being told that this is not an exit, he continued

Is this not Trespassing?

He actually asked, "Are you going to give me a ride to my truck?"
Security was called and they said they were sending someone, a half hour later, I left thinking, is this what we call security? How did this person get in to begin with? Is this an illegal "visitor"?


  1. We'll do better than give you a ride to your truck, sir. We'll arrange a ride for you IN the "truck," i.e., the paddy wagon.

  2. Hi all,
    Can anyone identify this person?
    Dave Israel

  3. He looks a bit like me, Dave, only a lot more agile. His climbing the chain link fence reminds me of when we were kids. We lived adjacent to an elementary schoolyard with recreational facilities including a ballfield and a basketball court. The only thing separating us and the schoolyard was a four-foot-high chain link fence. I WAS agile then, and we boys would be over that fence in two seconds. There was also a kind of a hole in a lower part of the fence off to one side. The girls went through there.

  4. What an idiot! He deserved to hurt himself. Just another jerk that thinks he can do anything he wants.

  5. In the last photo it looks as though the guy MIGHT have got the crotch of his pants caught in the top of the fencing. This can happen if the ends of the fencing at the top aren't bent back and if one isn't careful. It can lead to unpleasant results, take it from an old fence climber. Justitia est commodatum.


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