This Is our Village

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Today's the Day! Join us for the Cookies and Candidates Forum!

Today in Meeting Room C in the Clubhouse

1:30 PM 

Candidates for UCO election tell you their views and you get to ask them questions!

Refreshments served starting at 1 PM

Come hear Jack, David, Marcia, David B., Phyllis, Joy, Louise, Ed B. and Ed G. and meet the officers and Executive Board members who ran unopposed and will be ratified on March 2 at the election during the Delegate Assembly.

Everyone welcome! See you at Candidates and Cookies!


  1. Hi all,

    The Candidates Forum went reasonably well, with hardcore Malcontents calling me names. The highlight undoubtedly was the dramatic kabuki staged by Candidate for Vice President, Phyllis Richland.

    With a flourish worthy of Director DeMille, she resigned as a Candidate for Vice President, and stalked out of the room.

    Simply charming!!

    Dave Israel

  2. Today (Saturday after the forum) we were having our association's annual meeting, and before we got underway a new owner asked what we thought of Jack Adams' idea to have professional management run the Village. Two or three people said they thought it was a bad idea, one person saying from personal experience elsewhere how out of touch with the village people such management had been. "They [the professionals] have no skin in the game," she said. Then the new owner told of her own experience with such "professionals" running a development, saying they hired and fired three "town managers" before they found a half-decent one.

    We didn't even get to the point that Jack's proposal was to hire only ONE professional, not a "team." Nor was the difficulty of our unusual blend of UCO and WPRF mentioned. The unanimous consensus among those who opined was that hiring a town manager for UCO was a cockamamie scheme and money down the drain. I'm surprised my friend Jack would think this would work, but I guess we all latch onto wild schemes once in a while.


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