This Is our Village

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


I'm mulling over the candidacy of "the other Ed," Ed Grossman, for UCO treasurer. I know Ed Black. I've seen him in one capacity or another at UCO since I came to the Village twenty years ago. He's a war veteran, served in Korea translating Chinese (Mandarin?) into English, a skill he learned at Yale University. He's BEEN UCO treasurer, and for sure he has been the go-to person at UCO for a long time. I only wish he might slow down a little! Oh yes, he's been a UCO vice president, too. Tried and true.

The "other Ed" I really don't know well. I've seen him at Delegate Assemblies, and it seems he's always going to the mike and speaking AGAINST something.  For sure, he can talk (much better than I), but everything he says seems negative, and he sure takes Dave Israel to task. Maybe Dave needs to be taken to task sometimes (don't we all?), but THAT much and can't it be done with civility and some respect?

The other thing that troubles me about Ed G is this Messenger Club of his. He is the editor and publisher of their publication the "CV Messenger." I've read the "CV Messenger," and it disturbs me. I think they make some valid points, but it's so constantly negative and everything seems phrased in vitriol. I counted the negative articles in one issue, and except for one small notice, everything was negative—and bashing someone! The latest was a piece by Olga Wolkenstein taking Bobbi Levin, our wonderful, soft-spoken corresponding secretary to task for scheduling the coming UCO installment dinner on—for the first time in a long while, I'm told—a Saturday. But worst of all, calling this lovely Jewish woman a "capo." That's VERY cruel. Why did the editor, Ed G, allow this in his publication? I work with Bobbi at the UCO Reporter, and she doesn't deserve that!

The "other Ed" is a CPA and sure, that's a help. The late Howard O'Brien was a CPA, but neither Dorothy Tetro nor Ed, who served as treasurer previously, were, and as I understand it, that popular young fellow Sebastian, who is a CPA, is staying on to help. I don't think a CPA is everything in the UCO position of treasurer.

But would Ed G work well with the UCO volunteers, beginning with Dave Israel if Dave is elected (which to me seems likely)? Based on past performance, I highly doubt it. To be a member of "the loyal opposition" is one thing—and can be a good thing. However, to be a constant "negative" and always an irritant—or worse, be out to sabotage the current administration—is another.

I am mulling this over, but I think I know which way I will vote.

1 comment:

  1. The concept of electing Ed Grossman as UCO Treasurer is tantamount to having the inmates take over the asylum. Here are a few items left out of his biography:

    1) Helped orchestrate, a frivolous UCO President Recall Petition, which failed by 160 TO 3.

    2) Reported variations of +/- 3 inches in parking space widths to Code Enforcement, Code enforcement demanded repainting which has resulted in unsightly black stripes throughout our Village. Thank you Mr. Grossman.

    3) Regularly disrupts our DA meeting and has done so for 8 years.

    4) Edits and publishes the rabble-rousing paper, CV Messenger, which, in a recent edition, likened a UCO Officer to a concentration camp Kapo.

    5) Unauthorized Interference with Broadband and Cable contract negotiations at a most critical time, almost crashing our UCO negotiating strategy.

    6) During the acute phase of UCO Treasurer Howard O’Brien’s illness, he made no offer of his so-called CPA skills to assist UCO Finance to operate.

    Given your demonstrated propensity to foment trouble while contributing nothing, what possible contributions could you be expected to make, if elected, to UCO?

    Dave Israel


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