This Is our Village

Thursday, April 4, 2019


A week ago, on March 28, Atlantic Broadband came to Sheffield N and completed their installations in many of our units, including mine. Except for a little trouble with the phone service, it seems they did a good job. The AB tech notified Comcast, and later in the afternoon the Comcast guy came by and removed the old Comcast equipment. He gave me a receipt with his name, the removal date, and the serial numbers of three items he removed noted.

I'm glad he did that, for yesterday a bill from Comcast (Xfinity) came in the mail for $88.76 for the period April 8 to May 7, which by rights I shouldn't have to pay. To be sure we were on the same page about this, I called Comcast. I was told I would have to pay it! My arguments that April 8 to May 7 was well in the future, so no proration was necessary, fell on deaf ears, so I asked to speak with a supervisor. "There will be a brief hold," I was told. After fifteen minutes I hung up the phone, muttering to myself, "Yeah, brief!" But about ten minutes later I got a call from the Comcast supervisor. She said their records showed that one of the return items was missing. I then read to her the serial numbers of the three returned items, and she agreed, the mistakes were theirs, and I owed them nothing. I didn't bother asking whether I would be reimbursed for the few days in late March and early April I had for paid for previously. No sense being too picayune about small change; maybe a refund will be generated, maybe it won't.

I'm posting this on the blog to point out that Jody Lebel and others are right, that you should be sure to get a RECEIPT for the Comcast equipment you turn in or they pick up, and make sure it's signed, dated, and the serial numbers of the equipment noted.

1 comment:

    A P.S. to what I wrote above. A bill came from Comcast the other day. Their bill says I have a CREDIT balance for the few days I wasn't going to bother them about: March 28-April 7. So I expect a check will follow. Nice company this Comcast!


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