The Devil is in the Details
I have watched the committee considering One Vote per Unit
on video on this blog and am impressed with the way the committee members have
been methodically considering what would be involved. One vendor explained how
she would manage this. It wouldn't come cheap--$33,000, I believe, PLUS the
cost of mailings.
The devil would be in the details, it seems. Beyond price,
how do you physically arrange for 7850 unit owners to vote? "Require them
to come to the Clubhouse," I believe one person said. When it was pointed
out that many owners would be coming from out of state, and that the Clubhouse
parking lot was overflowing with only the usual number (250-plus?) of
association delegates (never mind 7850), this was brushed off by a proponent as
"no problem." Really?!
Another sticking point was: Who gets to vote when two (or more)
persons own a unit? How do we keep track of this (for legally we must, I believe), bearing in mind that unit
ownership is constantly changing? All of this can be done, I suppose, but it gets very expensive the more that is
piled on.
Apparently One Vote per Unit would apply to all UCO
officers, not just the president. If so, we would have to go through this
procedure every year, not every other
year, because the vice presidents are elected on a staggered-year basis.
Finally, has any
thought been given to how election by a popular vote of 7850 versus election by
the 309 delegates could be used by any small group wanting to take over the
running of UCO? It would be easy, as I see it. They simply mount a campaign
secretly, gathering enough supporters to all vote the same way. Finding supporters
would come easy, being no longer limited to the 309 delegates, who, though in
many cases are only partially informed on the Village goings-on, at least have
some interest and savvy concerning Village affairs. Support, instead, could be
drawn from any of the 7850 unit owners, many of whom know almost nothing about Village affairs and would be easily persuaded
by a smooth-talker. Not knowing what was afoot until it was too late, we could
be witnesses to just such a small group taking over the Village. And the group?
It could be a political group, a religious group, a group favoring a particular
project—any kind of group.