3:59 PM (26 minutes ago)
to Dave, Eva, Stewart, David, Dom, Sandra, JOHN, Derek, Security, rkclanddevelopment, Michael
Dave Israel
Stewart Richland
Dom Guarnagia
Fausto Fabbro
Patricia Caputo
Treasurer Ed Grossman
Recording Secretary
J. Robinson
Corresponding Secretary
Bob Rivera
UCO Exec Assistant
Community Association Manager:
Donald Foster
Executive Board
Marilyn Curtis
Maureen Debigare
Ruth Dreiss
George Franklin
Richard Handelsman
Roger Hotaling
Jackie Karlan
Patricia Keane
Bobbi Levin
Mike Rayber
Joyce Reiss
Alice Schrass
Esther Sutofsky
David Torres
Lori Torres
I think we need a policeman for just a while coming out of Century Village in the turning lanes to Okeechobee Blvd. This morning around 4 cars jumped to the left turning lane from the right turning lane because they didn't want to wait their turn. I was one of the cars that was cut off. It was a red SUV. These jerks are going to cause an accident or road rage. I just can't believe how stupid they were.