This Is our Village

Friday, May 22, 2020

Note to Ed Grossman, CPA, UCO Treasurer

Dear Mr. Grossman,

First, let me say that your accusations that UCO was denying you access to computer files, hindering you in the performance of your duties as Treasurer, are as I understand it, not true. You were given remote access to the Treasurers Computer and files.

Your complaint about the bookkeepers e-mail address being treasurertwo (which it has been since Dorothy Tetro's days in office) is such a small thing to complain about. 

UNTIL you bring your concerns before the Officers, which to my recollection, you have yet to do, your concerns will not be addressed in the proper manner.

You claim the auditors resigned because they could not get information , but as I understand the situation, a flash-drive with the information they required was delivered directly to you, placed in your hand and it is unclear what happened to it after that. A question that is sure to come up at Officers and /or Finance Committee meeting

I asked for a list of your committee members a couple of times and you finally submitted it. Olga Wolkenstein came by to pick up the Committee Request forms yesterday and will get them filled out and back to UCO ASAP. Thank you for sending your committee list as I do have forms to prepare for committee voting.

I have on at least three occasions asked you if you have sent out RFPs (Request for Proposal) for an Audit, which would be sealed bids to be opened at Finance Committee and voted on. You have kept UCO in the dark for some time now, not to mention the secret meetings we've heard about, which begs the question, who is actually hindering the process?

I have tried to call on the phone, I have e-mailed, now I feel forced to bring this out in public for and answer. I have at least given you the courtesy of trying to do this privately first. I did not go to a lawyer accusing anyone of not doing their job and threats of putting UCO Officers "on notice".

I was hoping for so much more from UCO and it's officers for the next few years. The CV-19 Virus has had a great effect on the normal business of UCO and yet we have not closed, we are still conducting business, although slightly down-scaled with a dedicated skeleton crew. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Bob Rivera, UCO Recording Secretary

1 comment:

  1. Hard to believe that Grossman was voted in as Treasurer or any other position since all he has done over the years is to be very disruptive in the Delegate assembly meetings. Since I am not on the board anymore in our association I don't go to meetings and don't get any tension headaches.


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