This Is our Village

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

COVID Vaccine at CV

I was wondering if there was any conversation between our leadership and our elected officials concerning distribution of the COVID vaccine to the residents of C.V. given the advanced age of our residents, many of whom have multiple co morbidities, it would make sense to innoculate our vulnerable population sooner rather than later. while most of us are thankfully not as compromised as those in facilities and assisted living, many of our residents share some of the same health concerns. our elected officials make certain they visit us when election time approaches. this would be a good circumstance to see which one(s) can deliver.


  1. Hi EJS,
    We were initially promised by PBC Dept. of health the activation of our CERT POD for vaccine distribution.
    Florida DOH subsequently withdrew that offer.
    We are continuing to reestablish that event.

    Dave Israel

  2. Thank you, David. Some how I knew you would be on top of this issue.


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