This Is our Village

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Breakaway Signs

Question for VP Marshall/UCO: How are our new street signs anchored to the ground. I would have thought hunk of concrete but this sign shows just metal pole, easily displaced.
At least someone did not crash the gate, however, the grass skid and sign show someone manage to drive at right angles to the flow of traffic. Maybe they came directly out of Windsor and across all lanes veering right! this is Okee 4-way, South & West Drives.
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  1. Maybe the sign should read "STOP before you knock me over"! Goes to show how dangerous these roads are becoming!

  2. The signs that have recently been upgraded are anchored in concrete.

    I do agree that the one in your photo does seem to have been sheared off.

  3. Thanks Bob, it had me worried for awhile. We would not want rotatable signs.


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