This Is our Village

Friday, December 18, 2009

Shut Down - Loud Denials

In this UCO Reporter, an article addresses the problem of rude people at meetings, in fact it is about those who interrupt other speakers; a little common courtesy is in order all around.
This is an all too common technique used also by those people who do not want to hear inconvenient facts or truth, they do not want to think or consider other points of view, just get it done their way, fast and rude.
The Pro Active Cmte was the most awful example, however, I have been shut down 5 times by UCO people lately. What is shut down - loud denial interruptions as I begin to speak before I can state facts. At the insurance cmte I was drowned out by a racist comment, another loud person, boomed that "90% of villagers' information is lies", he put his back in my face and started to leave! I go to a lot of trouble to make sure my information is current, complete, and accurate, most of it is never heard.
I am taking names of violators, do you think they even hear themselves, its just a knee jerk reaction - they should play back the tapes of the meetings.


  1. Don't feel so bad Elaine, I was at the same meeting. I thought that my suggestion of an oversight sub-committee of the Insurance Committee to monitor the progress (or lack of it) on units which are repaired after casualty through UCO efforts, was a reasonable one. Got shotdown without a moment of consideration. Wonder how many elderly owners are sitting in hotel rooms this moment wondering whether they'll be home for Christmas? Am I alone in my thinking?

  2. Exactly Randall, I would have illustrated such a case.
    Those who are running for office, pay attention to the above.
    Those who yell the loudest are not your friends.
    I did not include other techniques i.e. when it is visitors turn to speak, questions are ended, or agenda is too long to have discussion.
    If cmte members were prepared, more could be accomplished in the time allotted. It takes more than an hour to get most brains in gear to consider new motions.

  3. Elaine,
    That is exactly why some of the most effective and efficient Boards of Associations in the Village are the ones which have regular discussions with one another about Association issues (a quorum not being present, of course). By the time a Board or an Association meeting is convened, the Board members are mutually aware of the issues and positions of each other member regarding Association issues. I've always been a proponent (as Advisory Chair) of information and concept sharing between all members prior to meetings. Members that attend meetings and are prepared with their thoughts, plans, criticisms, research, etc. will accomplish so much more than those who have failed to properly consider agenda items in advance.

  4. It all starts from the president on down, doesn't it!

  5. You may have a lose lose situation here. I have found people that inconsiderate are not usually amenable to reasoning. They have an attitude. Personally confronting them, no matter how politely, could turn ugly.
    Do you want them representing you.


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