This Is our Village

Monday, February 15, 2010

Mr. Gladstone should immediately resign

I have an idea for how Mr. Gladstone can capitalize on all the attention he has attracted, and do what future generations of Century Village residents to come will always be grateful for: Mr. Gladstone should immediately resign his position and sever his affiliation with UCO.

From posts on this blog to talk around the village anyone can deduce that skepticism is growing toward Mr. Gladstone and his alleged self-serving actions, and toward UCO in general. By offering his resignation, Mr. Gladstone can begin to put and end this latest sad chapter of an all-too-familiar story.

While it is apparent that, at least, Mr. Gladstone created a "profound crisis" within the village by steering all “insurance” related business to 1st Priority through what he called “my system”, his current last-ditch bid to save himself by running for UCO President is disgusting to most village residents. People around the village are asking how Mr. Gladstone intends to lead a drive to reform UCO’s reputation when he was at its root, and may well be charged with insurance related crimes before the dust settles.

Someone at the pool last week said the thought of promoting Mr. Gladstone to UCO President and perpetuating the dysfunctional condition he’s created would destroy UCO’s reputation and any remaining trust. She went on to say UCO is being criticized for missing the residents’ mood and anger in dealing with this matter. Village residents are calling on Mr. Gladstone to resign immediately.

Mr. Gladstone, who has been criticized on this blog for steering all insurance related work to 1st Priority, seems to be missing the mood of anger of the residents too. Rather, the normally outspoken Mr. Gladstone has become mute. Village residents’ disclosures speak for themselves.

Mr. Gladstone can capitalize on all the attention he has attracted - rather than trying to protect himself from humiliation - by saying he will stand down before the upcoming UCO election. The general sense throughout the village, however, is that he will defy calls to go immediately and actually go through with his candidacy for UCO President.

In conclusion, village residents are urged to demand accountability; call for Mr. Gladstone to immediately resign his position and sever his affiliation with UCO.
With best regards,
Lenny Cohen


  1. definitely if he has one shred of self respect, considering the cloud of rumon, innuendo, and the evidence presented, Mr. G should withdraw his name as a candidate for any UCO office. Having moved here permanently from Chicago, land of extreme corruption, I am grieved to see the same here. Let's just hope and see that Dave Israel is elected.

  2. The day Gladstone ceases to function in a capacity that has allowed him to greatly influence any decisions made by Association presidents, you will see an immediate 98% reduction in the amount of new work for 1st Priority (they get the other 2% from those few who are still in the dark about their tactics), thus in effect eliminating the major source of problems for the Village. Simply by "killing two birds with one stone"(figuratively speaking,of course), and educating all presidents on 1st Priority at our VOICES meetings (see "Feb 22 V.O.I.C.E.S. Meeting Update" on CV Blog), we will effectively eliminate both 1st Priority and Gladstone from ever doing business in CV again. Won't that be quite the accomplishment!

  3. As arrogance personified, I very much doubt Gladstone will resign. He should but that requires humility which, unfortunately, is a moral that doesn't appear to have been bestowed on Mr. Insurance.
    Just a brief look into his background – which he has attempted to hide for years, gives, I believe a clear insight into the calibre of this man whose only defence in this,downright scandalous, episode is to act all hurt and bewildered.
    Practised politician that he is he will, no doubt, go on playing to the gallery, waving his alleged shoebox of thanks, pleading his ignorance and blaming others until the end.
    Tragically, there are some that still believe his propaganda but I doubt enough to secure Gladstone the presidency of UCO. If he chooses to expose himself to the ridicule of a landslide defeat then that's his problem but at least he might finally realise that UCO's abuse of power is no longer an option for the residents of Century Village.
    It may not, I might add, just be the delegate assembly who have the final say in Gladstone's future prospects.


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