This Is our Village

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Hi all,

The principal purposes I had in mind, when creating this BLOG were as follows:

1) To provide an uncensored communications channel for our unit owners that was free from the draconian suppression of the CV Q & A.

2) To provide a channel for our unit owners to ask questions, and have accurate replies by those knowing the answer or those who were willing to research the correct response.

3) To air, for our unit owners, odious behavior within UCO itself; which is being hidden not only from the unit owners; but from most of the Officers of UCO.

This report is in the third category. So, here it is and you be the judge of what should be done; because, IMHO, this “new low” in UCO behavior; threatens to destroy the effectiveness of UCO for the foreseeable future, if not forever.

A written statement has been presented by one of the observers of the UCO election counting process; that he observed some sort of fraud during the counting. (Apparently this observer is a supporter of my opponent; so why did he not make his observation known at the time he allegedly observed it).

The President of UCO, apparently determined to sabotage my nascent Administration before I am even sworn in, forwarded a request to the UCO Attorney seeking an opinion as to how to proceed. (Probably seeking some avenue to overturning the result and re-running the election)

Being the designated victim in this “conspiracy”; I spoke to the attorney by telephone and specifically requested all correspondence related to this affair and was denied, based on “attorney client privilege”; the client cited being the current President of UCO.

I cannot help but wonder who will be asked to pay the attorney fees to the UCO attorney for an opinion denied to all officers of UCO, save the President himself; or perhaps the cabalists are bearing the costs themselves.

How can they proceed with questioning ballots which have not been properly sequestered and are now tainted since being out of the control of the election counters and which have undergone, I am advised, five recounts directed by the current UCO President, who should not have been anywhere near the process.

Is there any bottom to this toxic barrel?

Dave Israel


  1. Outrageous but not unexpected from your opponents David. Where all 5 counts the same or where some different? GL and his Ins. Guru must feel really theatened by the UCO presidential loss, considering one presided over as UCO President and the other actually participated in the 1ST Priority DEBACLE. Don't let them beat you. CV is at stake.


  3. Hi Mike,
    March 11, 2010 3:15 AM,

    Sorry to report, I do not know the results of the counts.

    Dave Israel

  4. George just keeps stooping lower and lower. Five recounts could not be wrong. Are they now trying to change the ballots? I hope the ballots are locked away and no where near George. He is not supposed to be near those ballots. Will he just taint everything and the name of UCO?

  5. The integrity of all who ran the election and those that counted is being questioned. This after 5 counts of the ballots.

  6. If George is hiring the UCO lawyer by himself then he should pay the lawyer fees himself. If he is hiring the lawyer under UCO then why does not the executive have a right to know what is happening? wWhat is wrong with the lawyer? There is still client privilege with UCO members. Uco members have a right to know what is happening as UCO will most likely have to pay. Something stinks, George, and with the UCO lawyer.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I'd like to see the gutless coward proposing the "fraud" incident post his "concerns" and observations here on the blog ---this is like the limbo---how low can you go? well I say, limbo no more. Talk about sour grapes - I would think 5 recounts would be sufficient validation ---

  9. So who had this the senior moment of the century?

    And isn’t it a pity the blog has been dissociated from UCO?
    Sadly, those hordes of potential buyers will never know the unique brand of democracy alive, well and operating within our tight knit community.

    Alas, they will never know that, even without taking their socks off, the ‘grown ups’ who live here were capable of counting the same bunch of ballot papers five times and still managed to reach the same conclusion.
    How could they have fully appreciated the irony of the losing candidate claiming he was not defeated?
    They will never read how a, once respected, leader refused to accept the will of the electorate and demeaned his successor with every available toy left in the pram.
    And who would have thought that anyone emerging from a five-day bout of fraud amnesia could be taken seriously?

    Lets not forget, if you will forgive the pun, to see the humor in this. The attorney for one is laughing all the way to the bank.
    Should, ‘Desperate Dan’, and his gang wish to continue to embarrass themselves by performing juvenile pranks who are we to stop them?

  10. At the March delegate meeting
    when Honey Sager (and her cohorts
    in disguise) made a motion for
    Dave's Blog to cease and desist
    and a vote was taken in support
    of her motion........NOW they
    are really madden that our Blog still exists and that their
    candidate lost his election to be
    President of UCO and none of them
    know how to handle DEFEAT.

  11. Sue, Thank goodness for the laughs, and more laughs that you give us.


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