This Is our Village

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Maybe we should put the mangy alcoholic bird back up and forget about it. My alki brethren are aghast at my attacks on an alki brother.


  1. After all those attacks. I knew you just loved MOJO. I agree MOJO should be back. This looks like the bird is flying away.

  2. Grace , He is flying away, he can't get far enough away from this Loony Bin. LOL

  3. A majority of votes make a winner.
    Mojo lost the election the same
    way Dan Gladstone lost his bid
    for President.

  4. I am experimenting with sizes. No I do not have one inbetween. Think I will wait for Ken G to return to CV.

  5. MOJO won the original vote. Elaine then put more pictures up and started a new vote. More people voted for the Target logo. People just love to shop. I think Mojo reigns supreme! Mike I love your comments.


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