This Is our Village

Sunday, April 4, 2010

To Sue or Not to Sue

A belated welcome to the blog Dan Gladstone. 

I’m sure I’m not alone in finding your recent postings a little ambiguous but at least you now have an outlet to vent your spleen, which is remarkably informative and,at the very least,entertaining.

In fact your posts, with constant references to allegations of lies and lawsuits have me positively enthralled. Could you tell us all please just what those lies were and how many lawsuits you have ‘actually’ filed?

I haven’t had one.

In fact, my attorney laughed so hard at 'the letter’ sent January 28; I thought he was going to fall off his chair. Especially since I wasn’t even in the country when I was allegedly distributing offensive material in an attempt to ‘besmirch’ you. The letter demanded a written apology within ten days.

Have you forgotten you never received one? Nor, although you may care to have others believe differently, have I ever received the threatened lawsuit.

If you really want to play with the grown ups Mr. G you really are going to have start acting like one. On your own admission you now have more time on your hands. Wouldn’t it be better spent helping us to help those who have been out of their homes for months?

Meanwhile, before you nip down to the snake store for the anti-venom serum you need before posting on the blog again, may I suggest that you pick up any remaining remnants of your credibility and what is left of your dignity!




  1. Hi all,

    In case there are any doubters as to the existence of a "Snake Store";
    please see the following URL:

    Antivenin on demand!

    Dave Israel

  2. Sue, I think enough has been said. It is time to put this to rest.

  3. Perhaps those residents still out of their homes might disagree with you Grace.
    Dan Gladstone has made repetitive claims about the amount of help he has given to residents and I don’t doubt for one moment this is the case.
    What concerns me is how he chose to turn his back when things went drastically wrong, despite the fact that he was instrumental in encouraging both Associations and residents to sign with 1st Priority. The writing was on the wall months ago, yet apart from a few notable exceptions, no one appeared to care or address the situation head on. Least of all him!
    I refuse to be bullied by into silence by Dan Gladstone or anyone else for that matter. Having worked in the Media for a long time the, frequently hollow, threat of a lawsuit is one I recognize as often nothing more than an attempt to silence those whose voices need to heard.
    Our neighbors still out of their homes, and many others, I’m sure would wish this situation to just disappear. Unfortunately, whether we like it or not I can guarantee this issue is not going to go away any time soon.

  4. Thank you Grace. This time we think alike.

    What else can Sue do (what a suitable name)?! This is her profession with “yellow journalism” as the dominant color.

    I like what Napoleon said “…I’ll decide when and where the battle will take place...”. Sue, why are you in such a hurry?

    Sue Cohen; you, always being so personal, why don’t you take care of your own affairs first, like your mother in law, your sister and your 2 daughters? There's is a lot to amend there… You were so quick to drag my family in when it served your purpose, now it's my turn.

    I also understand that not all is well in your association, so fix your problems first before you continue your professional bashing. Are there any other people in Century Village, in America, or in the world that you cling to my name only? If this is how you have made your living no wonder journalism has lost so much credibility.

    Ask your laughing lawyer not to take a vacation quite yet.

  5. Actually, Dan we have three sons.

  6. Hi, I agree with Grace, enough is enough!!! We were in fact one of the buildings that were damaged, 4 in fact, and yes we went'though H---, with 1st Priorty... Mr Gladstone and lets not forget Gerry Karf, made a terrible mistake getting Priorty in here, and there reputations have suffered greatly, and with just cause, but please lets not forget all the good Dan Gladtone did for our village. I think the village is in great hands with our present UCO team, lets move forward, and yes, help wherever we can to get our residents back in their homes.

  7. In answer to your question Dan. My mother in law is 94 years old and lives in Israel, and as far as I’m aware has never been found guilty of any crime – other than having me for a daughter in law!
    May I suggest you check your sources more carefully before committing yourself to print, otherwise you could end up looking even more foolish than you already do.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


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