This Is our Village

Saturday, September 25, 2010


This DVD is very compelling. It is by Michael Moore. In it he shows both
political parties. It is a movie that capitalizes on the populist anger that
Americans are feeling. Some scenes are very shocking but I highly recommend
that you watch it.


  1. Thanks for mentioning Michael Moore's new movie. I love the way he stirs things up trying to wake up the "masses." He was on Keith Olbermann the other night and he agreed with Pres. Clinton's latest remark: "Don't condemn Obama & his advisors after only 18 months. It took 8 years for Bush & his gang to take our country from a surplus economy to more than one trillion in deficit. Give them at least half that time, 4 years, to turn this country around... if they don't succeed, then fire the whole bunch of them."

  2. If President Clinton made this whole remark, including the part about "fire them" (the whole Obama administration) if after four years the country has not been turned around economically, it is quite interesting to me for this reason: I recently heard that Hillary, though a quiet, steady, almost loyal-to-Obama-to-a-fault Secretary of State, has her eye on the presidency in 2012. When I heard this, I thought, "It can't be. This would be taken as too much of a slap in the face to Obama and not be at all well received by the voters."

    But who knows? Things do turn around. I never thought Ted Kennedy would challenge Jimmy Carter for renomination by his own party for the presidency for a second term. (Carter won the nomination but was defeated by Reagan.) I wonder, assuming this entire quote is true, if President Clinton hasn't let the cat out of the bag. Bill may know full well that even four years is very little time to turn the economy around. He seems gracious in saying Give Obama more time and says "at least" four years, but the FOUR YEARS is out there, therein setting up Hillary for a power grab in 2012. Stay tuned!

    So much from this pundit.......

  3. To me it is a MUST that you watch
    this movie which in many ways will
    shock you. Don't blame Obama. The
    blame should be on THE BIG CATS
    like Wall Street, Guaranty Bank,
    Citibank and all the other big
    cats. These cats go as low as
    taking out life insurance policies
    in the millions on some of their
    employees collect the money and
    leave the families to struggle to
    live in America.


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