This Is our Village

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pro-Active committee

I agree with the statement - You are beating a dead horse!!! Do your own research - Mizner has been at this same issue for 10 plus years and as long as the commissioners keep pushing it back and asking for more revisions is will probably be another 10 years. Who is going to pay for the legal fees since you have retained the Land Use Attorney? The Delegates have no right to vote on additional monies - this is one issue that needs to be brought to the entire village. Time to work on the one vote issue!!!!!! You are crazy if you think the village will keep spending $$$$ we don't have. It's almost impossible to buy groceries, pay the FPL bill, buy gas - let the darn golf course go the way of mother nature. WE CAN'T AFFORD THIS FIGHT.......

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