This Is our Village

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


The Big Lie (German: Große Lüge) is a propaganda technique about the use of a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.
So, let's start with the "Big Lie of the day"

Exhibit 1: An  UNSIGNED item being posted on some of your bulletin boards calling for my impeachment from Office as President of UCO, let's have a look at this concocted drivel:

What exactly is "The Presidents Umbrella Club"? Well first of all, it has NOTHING to do with UCO. From its inception, virtually every meeting has been devoted to bad mouthing UCO and me personally. How many of you have been invited to a meeting of PUC and walked out when the bashing began? So, don't support those who are attempting by way of rabble rousing to accomplish what they cannot accomplish by way of the ballot!!
So, would you like to attend a bashing session, put on by those who produced the recall petition, well here is UNSIGNED item number 2 appearing on some bulletin board
Do not let these rabble rousers drive you over the cliff of mob hysteria, listen to what they say and THINK for yourselves!
Dave Israel


Dave Israel


Dave Israel

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Below you will find another case of obtaining a signature by deceptive means. Again I ask, how many of you who signed knew what you were signing. If you were deceived into signing the Recall Petition, write and sign a letter to Dave Israel at UCO.

Dave Israel


Hi all,
Follow the link for the latest edition of the UCO Reporter:
Remember to download the paper, by clicking black arrow near upper left of screen,  to obtain a readable version filling your entire screen.
Dave Israel


Appearing at our  main Clubhouse theater:
February 26, 2013 @ 8:00PM
Don't miss it, it will be a great show!!


- Dave Israel -

Monday, January 28, 2013


Hi all,
Following is my response to new Blogger Vinny's question. when the wind is just right, this plant which is just 5,322 feet North of us, will make it's presence known: Welcome Vinny, good question!!

East Central Regional Water Reclamation FacilityPost Office Box 3506
est Palm Beach, Florida, 33402-3506
Contact Information:
Contact: Joseph Carlini
Telephone: 561-822-1300

Plant Operation: Municipal
Processing: Wastewater
Web site:
Plant/Process Description:
The East Central Regional Water Reclamation Facility (ECRWRF) is funded and governed by a board comprised of the representatives of the entities served by that facility, namely: the City of West Palm Beach, the City of Lake Worth, the City of Riviera Beach, the Town of Palm Beach, and Palm Beach County. 

Mission: To operate and maintain the East Central Regional Water Reclamation Facility in a cost effective, reliable, and safe manner, which meets all State and Federal permits and regulations. 

Operations: The ECRWRF is licensed to function under specific guidelines by the State of Florida and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The plant is operated by Florida licensed Wastewater Plant Operators. 

Capacity The ECRWRF is currently permitted to process 55 million gallons of wastewater per day (MGD). That capacity will be increased to 70 MGD with the completion of an expansion project currently underway. 

Water Reclamation Process

Wastewater entering a treatment plant is referred to as the INFLUENT.
Influent consists of water, organic materials from toilets and kitchen disposals, and inorganic material such as sediment and industrial chemicals.

BIOLOGICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (BOD) is a measure of the organic pollution present in wastewater. BOD is the amount of oxygen needed by bacteria to break down organic material. Influent has a high BOD because of the levels of organic wastes in the water. Bacteria utilize this organic material as a source of food. In the process of dissolving the organic substances, much of the oxygen from the water is consumed. When the organic material (and the BOD) in the wastewater is removed, the environmental impact of the effluent is greatly reduced.

Our facility is designed to remove as much of the waste from the influent as possible so that the treated water (EFFLUENT) will have minimal impact on the environment when it is returned. 

Influent: Wastewater generated by residential users, businesses and industry is transported to the Water Reclamation Facility via underground piping throughout the city and county. 

Septage Receiving: The ECRWRF also operates a septage receiving station at the facility. Septage is best described as a mixture of sludge, fatty materials, human waste, and wastewater removed during the pumping of an onsite sewage treatment and disposal system, such as a septage tank or portable toilets. All septic waste received by the facility is pumped into the plant Headworks for treatment with the influent wastewater. 

Septage Receiving Station

Preliminary Treatment: Influent enters the facility at the Headworks where it flows through a bar screen to remove rags, sticks and similar large debris and then though a pair of grit chambers where sand, gravel and similar materials, collectively referred to as grit, are removed. 

Activated Sludge Process: The ECRWRF uses the activated sludge process to treat wastewater. This is a treatment in which wastewater and biological sludge (microorganisms) are mixed and aerated. The activated sludge process relies on creating a mixture of microorganisms that consume organic waste material in the wastewater. The biological solids are then separated from the treated wastewater in clarifiers and returned to the aeration process as needed. 

Influent wastewater flows from the Headworks to the Aeration Basins where air from high volume blowers is forced into the bottom of the basin thru ceramic diffusers. The high volumes of forced air creates an environment where microorganisms thrive by devouring solids and waste. The air also suspends and mixes the bacteria and organic material so they are more readily consumed. 

Clarifiers: Activated sludge from the aeration basins flow into the plant's eight clarification tanks. Control manifolds regulate the flow from the basins into each of the clarifiers. 

The Clarifiers serve to settle the suspended solids in the effluent. This water/solids separation is performed by gravity. The majority of the bacteria rich solids from the bottom of the clarifiers are returned to the aeration basin to support and sustain the growth of microorganisms, with a small portion of the solids being "wasted" to the aerobic digester. The water in the clarifier tank then flows to the effluent pump station. 

Effluent Pumping & Disposal: The wastewater, now termed EFFLUENT, is pumped down one of six deep wells for final disposal. The deeps wells extend into the solid rock layer or Bolder Zone of the earth, approximately three thousand feet below the surface. Disposal of treated effluent in this manner is approved by the State of Florida and the Environmental Protection Agency. 

Aerobic Digester: The "wasted" bacteria from the clarifiers are pumped into the Aerobic Digestion basin. Here the bacteria sludge is aerated without the addition of a new food (BOD) source, other than the sludge itself. This causes the bacteria to digest the material in their own cells, and other dead cells. The result of this digestion is a more stable material that does not produce nuisance odors, and is more suitable for dewatering. 

Dewatering Operation: Sludge from the Aerobic Digester is pumped to the Dewatering Building. A polymer solution is added to the liquid sludge to thicken it prior to processing in the plant's five belt filter presses. The belt filter presses utilize separate gravity and compression zones to drain and squeeze the water from the sludge. With careful monitoring and adjusting, it is possible to produce a sludge cake that is 15 to 18 percent solid material. 
City of West Palm Beach
Web site:
Operating Company:
City of West Palm Beach Public Utilities
Web site:

Dave Israel

Sewerage Odor

This past w.e. (1/26-27) There was  a strong odor of Sewer Gas throughout CV.  I was wondering if it emanated from Landfill on Turnpike, our sewerage disposal,
 or the canals.  Anyone out there have the answer?

Sunday, January 27, 2013

News about the closing of the inside pool????

Do somebody have some news about the closing of the inside pool???? When will it reopen?
Your Blogmeister responds:

Please see:

Previously posted on this BLOG.

Dave Israel


On January 16, 2013, The PBC Department of Public Health provided a Community outreach program in our CV Clubhouse,  on aspects of Environmental Health.
The presentation was arranged by UCO VP Phyllis Richland.
I have obtained the Power Point shows on all topics presented and uploaded them to this BLOG.
Please click on the topic here:

  • -
     or see the sidebar to view the various slide shows.
    Look under the heading:
    Dave Israel

    South Florida Fair

    Please, when is CV bus to the fair, what day, what times?

    Saturday, January 26, 2013


    Statement of Affirmative Defenses
    By: David B. Israel
    President, United Civic Organization
    Following are the statement of charges, my responses are in blue.
    1)    WHEREAS: Pursuant to UCO By-Laws, As Amended (March 2, 2012), Article XI (E): David Israel, the current UCO President ("President") has acted recklessly in contravention of Fla. Stat.§§ 617.0834 and 718.111(d), and has committed acts or omissions in bad faith as President;
    The Petition first cites Section 617.0834 FS which deals with officer’s immunity from civil law suits unless the Officer committed criminal acts, the Officer obtained improper personal benefit like money under the table, or the Officer engaged in knowingly bad faith reckless actions. The Petition gives no specifics on this statutory alleged violation. If the Complainants have evidence of criminal acts, improper personal gain or reckless actions; they should bring such evidence to PBSO or the State Attorney. Lacking such official adjudication, this spurious accusation is without weight or substance.
    The reference to FS 718.111(d) is not applicable to UCO, because we are not a Condominium Association. It is therefore irrelevant to this case.
    2)   WHEREAS: The President has presented to UCO's members ("Members") intentionally inflated and unsubstantiated financial statements regarding its financial condition;
    At no time have I presented any sort of “inflated and unsubstantiated” financial statements to anyone. Accurate financial data is presented by the Treasurer of UCO, and of course our accountants and auditors, Goldman, Juda, Eskew. The data over a period of three years of my Presidency has been consistent and accurate, this fact being attested to by yearly financial audits. Financial audits are available to Members upon request.
    3)   WHEREAS: The President has delivered to the Members false statements, both verbally and in writing, so as to deceive or give the wrong impression regarding issues of concern to the Members;
    This accusation generally makes broad allegations about “false statements” or “deception” but no specifics. The same goes for alleged violations of Article VII A (Presidents duties) and Article XI (Sunshine), no specifics.
    4)  WHEREAS: The President has intentionally failed to follow UCO's By-laws, and in particular, Art. VIII(C), Article IX, with respect to the execution and performance of contracts for goods and services in excess of $1,000 without approval by the Finance Committee or Delegate Assembly, and overruled a Bid Committee's recommendation with respect to a contract between UCO and M & M Paving, Inc., and of contract rules.
    This accusation alleges I expended over $1000 without approval under Article VIII(c) of the Bylaws, but that Article only applies to $1000 expenditures that were “not previously budgeted”. Furthermore, any non-budgeted expenditures in excess of the statutory cap, were made in accord with established process of approval of the Officers, Executive Board and Delegate Assembly. Our Attorney has rendered an opinion, that monies reserved for a specific purpose, may be expended for that purpose without further approval of the Delegate Assembly.
    5)   WHEREAS: The President is not performing effectively, in that he has: (i) failed to act in the best interests of UCO's members and in violation of UCO Bylaws Article VII (A); (ii) has defamed both past and present UCO officers, executive board members, and delegates; and, (iii) has failed to abide by the letter and spirit of UCO By-laws Article XI (Sunshine Laws); and
    This accusation seems to speak to effective performance, let’s look at the record;
    (A) I have removed the UCO Reporter from under the control of the prior President and his wife, who caused the paper to be read prior to publication in UCO, thus removing any hint of a free and independent periodical and reducing it to a fluff and pap house organ. Currently the paper is a free and independent press, under the control of it's Editorial Board, with no undue influence by UCO.
    (B) By insisting on following our Bilateral Agreement with the Associations, I broke a 10 year monopolistic hold by the former Insurance Committee, and caused the Insurance package to be competitively bid; thus saving the unit owners some two million dollars yearly.
    (C) I have caused UCO to adopt a broad range of Computer upgrades which include; Creation of Interactive Online forms allowing applications for Investigations to be filled in from anywhere on Earth; I have Digitized virtually all paper in UCO Offices, including the UCO Reporter, so that virtually any data may now be located in seconds; Created a robust Email network for all users in UCO; these describe but a small number of computer applications which are ongoing.
     Additionally this accusation speaks to “defamation”; of who, please may I have some specificity; the only consistent case of defamation of which I am aware, is ongoing at one of the complainants regular meetings of his “Presidents Umbrella Club”, which by all accounts is virtually a continuous UCO bashing session. No wonder they do not allow recordings.
     The accusation states that I have failed to abide by the Sunshine Laws. Anyone who has been receiving my regular Email under my Information Forward Initiative (IFI) knows full well, that no prior Administration of UCO has been more forthcoming with information than I have. Since the inception of IFI on January 3, 2012, a total of 293 Emails have been disseminated and seen by thousands of unit owners directly, both online, and collaterally via Association posting on their bulletin boards.
     6)   WHEREAS: The President has failed to seek professional legal advice, as would a reasonable and prudent officer, with respect to issues of major importance to the Members requiring interpretation and definition of written agreements, and instead has imposed his unilateral decision(s) regarding same by fiat.
     This accusation is beyond ludicrous, since taking the Presidential oath some 3 years ago; I have requested over 100  legal opinions from our Attorney Rod Tennyson. Additionally, within one month of my installation, I obtained from Rod, computer discs containing all of his previously rendered legal opinions, both in the Investigations department, and all other requests for legal opinion, back to President Arthur Bernhard. These many thousands of legal opinions are resident on the UCO Digital Data Base where they may be searched by keyword or phrase in seconds.
     7) WHEREAS: The President owns and controls the "CENTURY VILLAGE® in WEST PALM BEACH" blog which he presents as the official blog of C.V. of WPB, to abuse the Members by disseminating vicious attacks on individuals and groups who oppose his personal ideas as well as his false assumptions and facts. This blog was never authorized by the officers, executive committee and the delegates. This blog is not sanctioned by UCO's bylaws as is the UCO Reporter.
    This accusation is yet another exercise in absurdity; do you remember the UCO controlled CV Forum? This was a teletype grade site on which no substantive discourse was permitted, The guidelines for its use were childish; questions such as: where can I find a good plumber, or where is a good place to hold a High School reunion were encouraged by the prior Administration. Any criticism of that Administration would get you “banned for Life”! so, indeed I created a proper Web site, or BLOG, where anyone could ask ANY question, and have it answered. Here is my first Post on that BLOG:
    You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ~John 8:32
    Hi All,
    With the latest CV Forum guidelines, I believe that the Forum has been reduced to a Bulletin Board for Fluff and Papp rather than substantive inquiry. It should be allowed to experience the ignominious demise it deserves. Researched data is regularly referred to as "opinion" by the Forum Managers. 
    No criticism of the current Administration is tolerated even if it might be well deserved. Worse yet, UCO is presented as the only valid source of the "Full Facts" and the "Real Truth"! Simply ludicrous. No controversial issues are entertained. Any non-compliant post is summarily deleted and declared "inappropriate".
    We are endlessly reminded that our "inappropriate" posts are read all over the world and worse yet are affecting Real-Estate values in the Village! Of course, the reckless multi-million dollar legal fiasco that we have been plunged into by the Officers of UCO is not given the credit it so richly deserves for depressing said values! So, while light fare and banter are welcome here, it is hoped that this BLOG will also deal in harder questions regarding how to run your Associations, questions about Condominium law, Technical matters related to Condominium living and various complex research questions related to Florida Statutes that impact our lives in CV. In short, informed controversy is welcome. We are not lawyers, and no legal advice will be dispensed on this BLOG, but real questions are welcome and hard research is encouraged. There is more to life than; "Where can I find a good tile person"
    No one is banned, chat is encouraged, as chat is a normal function of Human communications. Criticism of UCO, WPRF or any other "Authority" is fine if it has some basis in fact. We are not children to be kept in the dark and fed propagandized trivial pap. Please be civil, and respect your fellow neighbors, that is all I ask!
    Dave Israel
    Greenbrier C
    And for the sin of opening up an unrestricted communications channel for our Residents, I am to be removed from office…Give me a break!!!!!
    8)   WHEREAS: The President permits a certain non-elected person free access to the inner offices of UCO as well as attendance at important private meetings while not having the appropriate officers present.
     On any given day UCO is populated with upwards of 20 volunteers, who save our Residents millions of dollars yearly. Most of them are non-elected; some attend private meetings with no Officers present. So, what is this really about, competent, productive people who can accomplish important tasks, Is this grounds for removal from Office???
     9) WHEREAS: The President permitted a member of the officer's committee on behalf UCO to contact a local government official to unduly influence the Building Departments decisions as to the Drainage and Paving project.
    Where does this stuff come from? Absolutely no Officer of UCO, or any other UCO related person “unduly influenced the Building Department” about anything. However, once all permits relating to the Drainage and Paving project were closed officially by a Building Department inspector, at least two of the complainants did indeed unduly influence the Building department to re-open these permits. You may thank these two complainants for the alternating black and yellow lines in your parking areas.
    Now, I ask you all to place in the Comment stream of this Post, just what is the substance of these accusations that lead to me deserving to be removed from the Office of the Presidency of UCO???
    Dave Israel
    United Civic Organization

    Friday, January 25, 2013


    I have received the following Email, telephone numbers are redacted for privacy. Now I ask, how many of the signatories know what they signed; were any of the signers intimidated??
    If so, please write to UCO with the details
    Dave Israel

    Holocaust Survivor Group



    Dave Israel

    Thursday, January 24, 2013


    The following message was read to record at the Board of County Commissioners hearing on January 24, 2013
    President’s message Re. Reflection Bay
    January 24, 2013
    By: Dave Israel
    Nearly eight years have elapsed since we first became aware of Drew Waldman’s intention to develop residential housing and commercial enterprise on the golf course property which is co-located with Century Village. Since then it has been clear that the great majority of our residents, your constituents, are opposed to this development, despite the fact that a relatively small number are in favor.
    Today we are gathered for the denouement,  a sober well deliberated vote of our first line legislators, our Board of County Commissioners. I come today as the President of UCO, and as such, I come to represent the greater majority in my fiduciary role, and say that “we” are opposed to this development, and I suspect unalterably so.
    We ask that you uphold the plat restriction “to remain for golf course purposes only, in perpetuity”! We ask that you consider the plea of our senior citizens to uphold and maintain the recreational green space that virtually all residents purchased here in anticipation of. We consider it your fiduciary responsibility to do so, out of respect for our need for security, peace and quiet, and maintenance of our escape from the hustle and bustle of the outside world of traffic, children, and pets. We have worked long and hard to get here, and it is not right that you take it away in the name of mere financial enterprise.
    We will not be moved by Mr. Waldman’s bulldozers, and if necessary, our voices will be heard in the Courts of the land, in Tallahassee, and if necessary beyond. So, today, strike a blow for your senior constituency, say no to all initiatives brought by Mr. Waldman today and prevent unbridled development of our open, green, recreational space.
    Dave Israel



    Tie vote on proposed golf redevelopment means anxiety for Century Villagers

    Golf course meeting
    Century Village residents sit in county commission chambers during a hearing about development on a former golf course near their community Thursday, January 24, 2013.


    During a meeting about development on a former golf course near their community, Century Village residents Shelly Kalef and Patricia Bellonci, who oppose the plan, hold up a copy of the plat for the village that includes the language restricting tract #36 "in perpetuity, for golf course purposes only".

    Golf course meeting photo
    The section of the plat for Century Village that includes the language restricting tract #36 "in perpetuity, for golf course purposes only". A copy of the plat was held up by residents Shelly Kalef and Patricia Bellonci during a meeting January 24, 2013 about development on the former golf course.

    Golf course meeting photo
    Century Village resident Jean Dowling, with the group "Welcome Neighbor" which supports the plan, speaks during a county commission hearing about the development of a former golf course near their community Thursday, January 24, 2013. Dowling says she thinks the proposal is "a wonderful opportunity to get more amenities."
    century village vote  photo
    An overflow crowd of Century Village residents sit outside county commission chambers watching a video feed of discussion about development on a former golf course near their community on Jan. 24, 2013.
    Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
    Palm Beach County commissioners were evenly split Thursday on a controversial plan to build on a closed golf course next to the Century Village retirement community in suburban West Palm Beach, forcing the board to delay its decision until next month when all of its members are present.
    After five hours of debate, commissioners voted 3-3 on a motion to deny the project outright.
    Commissioners Paulette Burdick, Hal Valeche and Jess Santamaria voted to deny the development, which would which transform the overgrown golf course near Haverhill Road and Okeechobee Boulevard into an Abacoa-style, mixed-use community. 
    Commissioners Priscilla Taylor and Mary Lou Berger, and County Mayor Steven Abrams voted against rejecting it outright. Commissioner Shelley Vana was not present for the vote.
    Development proposals that result in a tie vote are automatically placed on the commission’s next zoning agenda to be considered by the full board. The commission is slated to discuss the item again on Feb. 28.
    Vana had jury duty Thursday morning and missed the first two hours of the meeting. She returned to the dais after the commission’s lunch break but an attorney representing Century Village residents opposed to the project objected to her voting because she had not been present to hear the morning’s testimony. Commissioners are required to base zoning decisions on information presented during a hearing.

    Upon the objection, Vana left. “We have to follow procedure,” she said on her way out. She would not say how she planned to vote.
    Developer Andrew Waldman, who owns the golf course property, and Century Village residents who spent hours waiting for the chance to comment said they were frustrated by the tie. The commission has twice postponed a decision on the project, which calls for 689 homes, town-homes  apartments, 84,500 square feet of shops and offices, a civic center and a 100-bed, assisted-living facility.
    “It is disappointing again,” Waldman said after Thursday’s meeting.

    Century Village resident Honey Sager, who helped lead opposition to the project, also expressed disappointment. “It is extremely difficult for residents to come here,” Sager said.
    Three busloads of residents flooded the governmental center to watch the meeting. By 8:30 a.m., the auditorium reached its capacity of 125 people. An overflow crowd sat in a viewing area just outside the meeting room. Another 25 watched from a viewing area on another floor.
    More than 70 people went before the commission to comment. Just over half spoke against the development plan.
    Many in the crowd wore green T-shirts with the logo of Century Village’s Proactive Residents Projects Committee, a non-profit group formed last year to fight the development. Opponents pointed to a plat restriction placed on the property in 1974 that they said required the land to stay a golf course forever.
    “I cannot understand why they do not agree to uphold the deed restriction,” Sager said after the meeting.
    The county attorney’s office has said that the commission can lift the zoning restriction. County planners have recommended approval of the development.
    Supporters, including many Century Village residents, contend the project it would bring economic development and raise property values. The 77 acres are just outside an area the county has targeted for redevelopment.
    “It is time to put this project on ‘go’ and address some of the concerns of the rest of us,” Century Village resident Jean Dowling told the commission.
    Commissioners first considered the development in January 2012. But after five hours of debate, that vote was tied. Santamaria, Burdick and former Commissioner Karen Marcus voted to reject the project. Commission Priscilla Taylor did not attend the January 2012 meeting and commissioners agreed to delay their decision for nine months.
    In October the commission again delayed a decision, to give the landowner time to meet with Century Village residents and revise the plan. But an agreement was not reached.
    This week, supporters of the project criticized Santamaria, after learning the commissioner allowed the opponents’ nonprofit group to hold a fundraiser at his mall in Wellington. The nonprofit has opened a legal fund and plans to sue the county if the development is approved and critics argued it was inappropriate for Santamaria to help their cause.
    Santamaria has said that he has donated the use of his mall to nonprofits for years and has made no secret of the fact he opposes the project.
    After learning about the fundraiser, County Mayor Steven Abrams asked county attorneys Wednesday whether a commissioner could be forced to recuse himself from a hearing if they have taken a public position on a project. The answer: As long as a commissioner doesn't stand to gain personally, he or she can vote.
    Abrams did not specifically address Santamaria in his request. He said he sought the opinion of the county attorney’s office in case someone raised the question during the public hearing.
    But throughout Thursday’s hearing, Santamaria stressed that his decision was based on testimony presented at the hearing.
    Like opponents, he pointed to the plat restriction. Santamaria said he feared a decision to lift the requirement would set a precedent to lift similar restrictions on environmentally sensitive land throughout the county. “This issue goes way beyond Century Village,” he said.
    But Abrams argued the land would likely never return to a golf course.
    “The end result will not be that you will get the beautiful golf course that existed,” Abrams said. “Here you have a responsible project. This project is a traditional neighborhood development. It has a mixture of uses. It is appropriate.”
    Dave Israel


    Todays vote on the Reflection Bay Project was a tie, 3 to 3 with Commissioner Vana absent. So, this hearing is re-scheduled as follows:
    The February Zoning Meeting will be at 9:30 A.M. on Thursday, February 28th
    Peyton McArthur
    Senior Administrative Assistant to
    Commissioner Paulette Burdick
    District Two
    Dave Israel


    It's not about greenspace. It's not about "perpetuity". It's not about arsenic, dangerous strangers, dust, noise, schizophrenic hobos or ghost golfers from the seventies.

    It's about RENUMERATION!!!!!

    And the response from Waldmans' lawyer, in his exact words...

    "We can get there."

    I just wish that the camera had pulled back at that moment- so that I could see the ones in the green shirts rubbing their palms together.


    A scan in of the  actual petition may be accessed via the following link:
    Furthermore, we are working to de-dupe and decrypt the signatures, whereupon we will publish all of the names of the signatories here in the BLOG
    Following is the petition coversheet and a recitation of my alleged sins

    WHEREAS: Pursuant to UCO By-Laws, As Amended (March 2, 2012), Article XI (E): David Israel, the current UCO President ("President") has acted recklessly in contravention of Fla. Stat.§§ 617.0834 and 718.111(d), and has committed acts or omissions in bad faith as President;
    WHEREAS: The President has presented to UCO's members ("Members") intentionally inflated and unsubstantiated financial statements regarding its financial condition;
    WHEREAS: The President has delivered to the Members false statements, both verbally and in writing, so as to deceive or give the wrong impression regarding issues of concern to the Members;
    WHEREAS: The President has intentionally failed to follow UCO's By-laws, and in particular, Art. VIII(C), Article IX, with respect to the execution and performance of contracts for goods and services in excess of $1,000 without approval by the Finance Committee or Delegate Assembly, and overruled a Bid Committee's recommendation with respect to a contract between UCO and M & M Paving, Inc., and of contract rules.
    WHEREAS: The President is not performing effectively, in that he has: (i) failed to act in the best interests of UCO's members and in violation of UCO Bylaws Article VII (A); (ii) has defamed both past and present UCO officers, executive board members, and delegates; and, (iii) bas failed to abide by the letter and spirit of UCO By-laws Article XI (Sunshine Laws); and
    WHEREAS: The President has failed to seek professional legal advice, as would a reasonable and prudent officer, with respect to issues of major importance to the Members requiring interpretation and definition of written agreements, and instead has imposed his unilateral decision(s) regarding same by fiat.
    WHEREAS: The President owns and controls the "CENTURY VILLAGE® in WEST PALM BEACH" blog which he presents as the official blog of C.V. of WPB, to abuse the Members by disseminating vicious attacks on individuals and groups who oppose his personal ideas as well as his false assumptions and facts. This blog was never authorized by the officers, executive committee and the delegates. This blog is not sanctioned by UCO's bylaws as is the UCO Reporter.
    WHEREAS: The President permits a certain non-elected person free access to the inner offices of UCO as well as attendance at important private meetings while not having the appropriate officers present.
    WHEREAS: The President permitted a member of the officer's committee on behalf UCO to contact a local government official to unduly influence the Building Departments decisions as to the Drainage and Paving project.
    THEREFORE, We, the following group of not less than 35 UCO Delegates, respectfully request that the Officers Committee appoint a Board of Inquiry in compliance with UCO By-laws, Article XI (E) Removal of Officers, with respect to the removal of David Israel from the office of UCO President, and that such hearing be held expeditiously.
    In the absence of such appointment of a Board of Inquiry, the undersigned demand that a vote be duly called at a special meeting of the Delegate Assembly, provided a quorum is present, with respect to the removal of the President.
    Following is a list of the signatories to the above Statement of charges. If your name is here in error, or mispelled, please advise UCO. Also, if you signed this petition and your name is not listed, notify UCO.

    Andy Albano, Robert Aveyard, Alice Belardo, Patricia Belloni, Ed  Bergman, Marguerita Bevacqua, Mary Lee Bigelow, Babette Blackman, Nancy Bowling, Caleb  Brewster, Grace Buckley, S. Byrnes, Patricia Caputo, James Caulfield, Laura Chevinsky, Peter Condon, F  Corgnati, Bonnie  Danetz, Alex Davidovich, Dommis Davith, Louis De Carolis, Arnold Edelstein, Linda Eldridge, Marty Ephraim, Rosa  Fabro, Fausto Fabro, Sara Farkas, Saul Fessel, Herbert  Finklestein, Al Ford, Phyllis  Ford, Dan Gladstone, John Gluszak, Robert  Grant, Harold  Grill, Edward Grossman, Kevin Dean Hackett, Pearl Hahn, James  Hinkerson, Gerald Jacobs, Roz Kahan, Shelly  Kaleb, Henri Kalma, Judy Karpeichik, Jerry Karpf, Jane  Katter, Jerome Kerner, Ed Klieman, Frank LaFontaine, Ruth  Lasky,  G. Lays, Max Liebman, Florence Molinaro, Vincent  Martucci, Jerry Morenga, Grace Nankervis, Denis W. Nankervis, Gary Olman, Eileen J Pearlman, Frank Pepine, Gus Petrades, Dorothy Piacente, Kay Pici, Terry  Polanco, Lillian  Pollack, Arleen Post, Willard H Pulcifer, Joyce  Robin, Tom Root, Gladys  Rosenbluth, Murray Roter, Honey Sager, Leo Sanders, Pearl Schneyer, Flora Schuster, Charles Schuster, Ann Sconzo, Tom Sconzo, Rita Serprechman, Philip Shapkin, Barbara Shapkin, Howard Shculman, Howard Silver, Dorothy  Spanier, Roger Springston, Melvin Steinhardt, Gerald Sutofsky, Carole Szepesi, David Torres, Jeanette Veglia, Bonita Waldman, Olga Wolkenstein, Fred Zirok, Cecelia Zivow

    The above petition was delivered to UCO by three of the "Usual Suspects".
    Those would be the ones who disrupt our Delegate Assembly almost monthly.
    When will the silent majority rise to put these people down.

    Did they really think we would not notice the duplicate signatures, the lack of dates and the illegible scrawls???
    Dave Israel