This Is our Village

Friday, February 1, 2013


George Pitell sends along the following:
This came up at my associations annual meeting upon my reporting how at the last UCO Security Committee meeting there was a report about units in CV being rented by the day and how an individual was buying up units for that purpose. It was correctly noted that it is for the associations to enforce their by-laws as UCO has no power to do so. While recognizing this the response from our association members was the feeling that UCO should not be simply let off with that.

Based on their concern for the effect By the Day Rentals, to any one who comes along will impact on life here in CV it is felt we (UCO) have to do something or face who knows where this can lead. This is said once again while keeping in mind the often stated caution about giving power to UCO with the refrain “be careful what you wish for”

Some of our members were aware of the day rentals and that some individual(s) are buying up multiple units in associations enabling them to gain control. It can be expected in associations facing this day rental issue, that unit owners are upset but may be unaware of what can be done to try to end it.

Would it be possible for a group, inside or apart from UCO, to approach these unit owners and explore and explain how some thing may be done and encourage them to do so? Perhaps some of our people can propose another idea of how to effectively deal with this matter.

Or are we just left to complain about it?

By the way is anyone looking into the extent of it and where this is happening?

George R. Pittell
Dave Israel


  1. Read your by laws. Rentals is certainly addressed in the by laws of each association. If your by laws don't allow it then it is up to the association to take their president and board to task.

  2. The erosion of our quality of life is already well underway. The continued decline of the real estate market in Florida and C.V. has caused the bending and breaking of long standing rules that have served the development well over the years. Time and time again we hear of cases where UCO recommendations not to permit residency have been ignored by individual Condo Boards. These Boards rationalize ignoring the sound advise of UCO because of the need to meet the financial requirements they face on a monthly basis.
    The increased presence of pets defecating in common areas was a rare, if ever seen, event is now commonplace. Pet owners pay monthly charges, vacant apartments do not.

    Changes such as these happen in a subtle manner and are not readily recognized until the quality of life has reached a point from which there is no return.

    How many of our rentals are subsidized housing? Can group homes be next? Not a good forecast.

  3. We know the person who is doing this. It is taking place in Dover B. Pressure should be put on the association to stop this!

  4. It is not just in Dover B that this is being perpetrated. It has spread to other associations also. Most of it being done by the same person. It is not easy to get this corrected. An association has to have a lawyer first write a letter to the offender. Then a suit has to be filed, wait for it to get on the dockets, be heard, etc. this costs the association money and time. A big expense. There are also other steps that the association can do but most are not aware of what to do.

    They need to talk with the VP in charge of their section as to what they need to look for and what to do. The affected associations need to call and make an appointment with the VP to be sure he is not in a meeting or tied up with other appointments.


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