This Is our Village

Friday, July 19, 2013

BELLANTE Coupons?  What happened to BELLANTE coupons.  Can we get them back and get more like this from other restaurants? 


  1. I suggest you call the ad department at the UCO Reporter if you want that information.

  2. Having worked at the reporter,
    and residing within the village
    for some summer's now, it has not
    been their practice to offer any
    discount coupons at this time of
    year...It is not profitable for
    them to do so.

  3. I talked to Marcus at BELLANTE and he said they could not get through to someone at UCO. Please call Marcus at BELLANTE. He said they would be HAPPY to get there ad back up. If someone knows the right people to talk to, call them and have them call Marcus at BELLANTE ASAP. Thanks

  4. Since I am the one in charge of the ads at the reporter. WE have been in contact with Marcus. Give me a call at the office and I will explain what is happening on our end. I don't want to go into details here.


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