This Is our Village

Friday, October 4, 2013


Stirred up by a few Malcontents with a barrage of silly questions, the Delegate Assembly rejected the UCO 2014 budget and with it funding for the Wi-Fi initiative.
Thus, the entire budget process starts over from scratch with the finance Committee which killed Wi-Fi to start with.
As before, I will make every effort to get the funding for Wi-Fi restored, but if the Officers Committee, the Executive Board and the Delegates will not support the effort, Wi-Fi will be lost!
Don't let the propagandizing of a few crash the Wi-Fi project for all
Dave Israel


  1. Hi Dave ,
    The luddites have prevailed but thanks for your efforts to bring CV into the 21st Century. Ignorance is a stubborn foe.

  2. The delegates have already voted for wifi. I am not sure when but I do remember that we voted for wifi. Therefore I think that the money should be put in the budget to be used for the voted wifi. It is funny that Olga votes against wifi when I am told her building already has wifi.

  3. This is indded a very sad state of affairs at CV. It shows that we are not really capable of stable self-government and Associations might have to seek services outside of the bilateral agreement (the one between UCO and the 309 associations from 1999) if UCO is not able to function in a more rational manner. This is not a reflection on Dave, as he has tried for almost 4 years to bring a better UCO for CV, but the crazies may be too many to beat back.


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