This Is our Village

Sunday, February 25, 2018


NOTICE: Voting takes place during the Delegate Assembly (starts at 9:30), but you must register and get your voting "clickers" starting at 8:30.

We need a big voter turnout this Friday, March 2. Why? Because it was the large voter turnout in the elections two years that made the difference in sending the extremely vocal malcontents down to a resounding defeat. For all their bluster, often eliciting groans from the audience who tired of them, they were beaten by "the silent majority" who showed up on election day.

In the race this year, I THINK Dave Israel will win reelection as UCO president pretty handily, but don't assume this. Be there and cast your vote for Dave.

The "Ed versus Ed" race for UCO treasurer is different. It may be very close. Both Ed Black and Ed Grossman are well known, even though Mr. Grossman has never been on a single UCO committee (I think he admitted this) and is known for his never-ending, "burr-in-the-side" criticisms of Dave Israel. And now known, as well, for being the editor and publisher of the "CV Messenger," a publication seemingly DEVOTED to all that is alleged to be wrong with the Village and UCO—and of course, Dave. Strangely enough, it seems Mr. Grossman never writes himself for his own paper……

Ed Black, on the other hand, works! You always see him at UCO, and he (with Dave) gets all the tough questions. He HAS BEEN our UCO treasurer and now is willing to do it again. But Ed is not a campaigner. He doesn't go around tooting his own horn. There are people like this who are not interested in advertising themselves, and some of them do the best work. For a smooth-functioning UCO if for no other reason, it is imperative we get Ed Black elected.

A final very important word: Don't come to the Delegate Assembly at 9:30 and expect to be able to vote. You MUST COME EARLIER TO REGISTER AND PICK UP YOUR VOTING CLICKER. You can register and get your clicker starting at 8:30. And this year the Party Room will be open, starting at 8:00, for coffee and donuts. Enjoy! And thank you for your vote!

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