This Is our Village

Saturday, February 24, 2018


I was not able to attend the forum because I was ill most of Thursday, but today I watched the video of it from start to finish on Dave Israel's blog. The biggest puzzler to me was why BOTH Phyllis Richland and her husband Stew expected Dave Israel to know what blog comments he made caused Phyllis to withdraw from the race. Is Dave supposed to have a crystal ball that tells him exactly what remarks he made that ignited something in Phyllis? Never mind the fact that the remarks he made may have been factual, as claimed, or that in the hurly-burly of politics one must expect a little bruising. I hope it wasn't the married couple issue. There are two points of view about a couple serving on the same board. Some approve of it and some don't. Valid arguments can be made for either. The Richlands may be an extraordinary couple who can think and vote independently, but that does not mean others don't have a right to their opinion about even the wrong appearance of this practice. But perhaps this is not what set Phyllis off, or her supportive husband. I hope this will turn out to be a blip on the radar screen, and they return to be the help they have both been to the Village.



    Kudos to Susan Bucher for moderating a debate that got raucous at times, especially when the audience asked questions. I thought the candidates did well respecting the times when Susan cut off debate. But what is wrong with a few of those who don't know what a question IS? Myron Solomon has been around awhile. Does he really not know the difference between a statement that goes on endlessly and a question? Olga Wolkenstein and Esther Sutosfsky certainly have the savvy to know, but they seem to forget in getting so carried away with saying their piece—as if they were the candidates. I have to laugh a little—when challenged by one questioner, all the candidates claimed they thought they had "taken the high road." And after all the back-and-forth exchanges, isn't there always one questioner who thinks it's his or her calling to preach to the combatants about being nice to each other? Someone asked David Boaz what he thought about a candidate's position as if Dave somehow had inner knowledge about how that candidate came to that position. David had to say twice: I have no way of knowing! Good for you, David. Louise Weber handled a tough question by Barbara Cornish evenhandedly and with aplomb.

  2. Louise WARNER, I meant. Sorry, Louise!

  3. Hi Lanny, Maybe I directed my question to the wrong person??

  4. No, Barbara, I'm the mixed-up one! However, in my defense I will say that I once knew a Louise Weber and that our Louise Warner, a writer of novels with her husband, has a pen name she uses. I would tell you what that is (as I am now reading one of her novels), but it could be a secret, so I'd best not. Plus that might only mix me up all the more!

  5. Hi all,
    To watch Mr. Grossman attempt to defend the trash "paper" he publishes is repulsive.
    I cannot conceive of that man having his hands on our money.

    Vote for:

    Dave Israel

  6. I haven't a clue why anyone would vote for Ed Grossman. He is very disruptive at the Delegate Assembly and is always making negative remarks against the village and the people who volunteer their time to keep this village running in very good shape.


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