This Is our Village

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Shoreline Repair

Can there be an update of the shoreline repair, maybe in the UCO Reporter?
What percent is complete, is the entire shoreline to be geotubed?
Which budget is it in, how long may it be in budget? TIA.


  1. Hi Elaine,

    May I suggest that you have a Reporter from the UCO Reporter write a story on this matter.

    Perhaps the Reporter might interview Sal Bummolo, Rodger Carver and perhaps even an Anchor Marine type.

    The story might encompass the engineering, the process, the timeline and the costs.

    Dave Israel

  2. I will forward your suggestion to the UR Editor. Channels y''know.

  3. Having such an interview is an excellent idea, I think. It would help get the points across in a way that's hopefully not dry as so many reports are by their nature. And to have BOTH Sal and Rodger participate would be neat. (Who would be an Anchor Marine type, by the way?!) I don't think it matters too much if the reporter is not too knowledgeable about riparian matters. Neither is the average resident, so the reporter could well be asking the right basic questions, encompassing the aspects you mentioned. Elaine and I work at the Reporter office, as you know. Syd, the editor, has done some major interviewing in the past (Bogart, Bacall, baseball greats, politicians; I want to get him to tell us about some of those in the paper). He would do a great job and I'll bet would love it. Perhaps we'll see if we can order him—sorry, I mean ask him—if he would do it.


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