This Is our Village

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Does anybody think it is strange that President has had absolutely nothing to say about the debacle that is happening in the Mid-east?


  1. Why should David say anything. It's all over the news and it is devastating to watch. I am certain it makes him very sad as well as the rest of us. Let's all pray that this will all end soon.

  2. I did not mean President of UCO. I meant President of the USA.

  3. why should the pres.say anything when he really has done nothing to help. he has his own feelings about isreal. just remember his his rebuff of the prime minister.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Molly, I am sorry I misunderstood. Lately, a lot of people have been trashing David. And yes, it does seem strange that President Obama hasn't said much about the Mid-East. All we can do right now is pray for them.

  6. if they start shooting bottle rockets out of Holiday Park across Haverhill into Golf's Edge, we can expect a statement from UCO President, followed by a delegate debate over a new CV short range missile defense system: "Early Bird".


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