Ms. Wolkenstein,
For starters I think your calling me a lackey is surely a case of "the pot calling the kettle black". If the accusers really wanted the playing field even they would have first of all made sure that the top letter had the correct name of the accused on it and not someone else's name.
Most of all, the accusers would have seen to it that each member of the board of inquiry received a copy of that 120 page stack of "proof" at the same time that we received copies of the by-laws and petition.
Instead, they waited until we were up on the stage in front of whoever attended so that they could grandstand. Those three men were well aware that they had not submitted any evidence for the board of inquiry to consider.
If you want to go back and forth with me in this blog, if you want to turn this into a spitting contest, you will have to do it alone. After this I am done responding to you only one more thing. You question my version of Democracy, I call your version a Tyranny.
Sandy Grussgott
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