Looking good, where waterfront
associations follow UCO and Florida Friendly Landscaping guidelines.
i.e. One of the most important steps you can take to protect any
water body is maintaining a 10-foot “maintenance-free zone”
around it. Do not mow, fertilize, or use pesticides in this zone.
Don’t let any grass clippings or pet wastes get into the water, as
these carry nutrients and harmful bacteria. The UCO Reporter also had
info on protecting the geotubes with sod.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Click on the little rectangle at lower right to go to full screen..... ^
Dave Israel
Dave Israel
Operations meet 5-28-13 from David B. Israel on Vimeo.
This first effort has poor sound quality, we will work on this before next months meeting.
Videography ..... Laurent Lesage ..... WPRF
Video Rendering & Upload to VIMEO ..... Ed Black ..... UCO
Upload to BLOGGER ..... Dave Israel ..... UCO
Make things happen in Cyberspace, Join our Geek Squad
Dave Israel
Monday, May 27, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Since Sue H recommended Lola's Seafood Eatery on this blog, I've been there four times. I've told this to my friends at the UCO Reporter, and now they've asked me to write a "local dining" piece on it for the newspaper. These are not reviews. I'm not qualified to write a review, for one thing. For another, I'm still in the "must have steamed clams" craze, and every time I go, I order the same thing, the steamers! I will write this piece for the paper, though. Do you mind, Sue H, if I give you credit for recommending it? I won't unless you say okay. In any event, THANK YOU for the suggestion. I discovered a bonus there, too: beignets! So I can get the best of Boston (where I come from) and the best of New Orleans: beignets—just as if I were at the Cafe du Monde having cafe du lait and beignets! Mix and match—is that what they call it?
Thursday, May 23, 2013
On behalf of the Latin American Club, all resident's are invited to join together on Tuesday,
May 28th, 2013 from 7 to 9 PM in Room "C" of the Clubhouse, to pray for the victims of
the recent worldwide tragedy's. Please make every effort to attend.
Bettie Lee Bleckman
May 28th, 2013 from 7 to 9 PM in Room "C" of the Clubhouse, to pray for the victims of
the recent worldwide tragedy's. Please make every effort to attend.
Bettie Lee Bleckman
The following from the UCO Reporter
A few residents who are apparently in favor of the development of Reflection Bay handed out an anonymous unsigned flyer at the entrance to Duck Island while the ProActive Residents Projects Committee Inc. was holding a BBQ party. This flyer was posted on the blog, OUR VILLAGE, in West Palm Beach on Wednesday, May 22, 2013. The title of the statement read, “Southampton Loses in Court Against the County and Reflection Bay.”
The ProActive Residents Projects Committee Inc., said that the unsigned flyer is misleading because the ruling from the judge merely asks us to amend the development order challenge today as a “petition of writ of certiorari” which the Plaintiffs' Attorney is already preparing for filing within the next 20 days.
The Proactive group said the Plaintiffs' lawyer will file within 20 days. they continued, “They made it sound like the lawsuit is over with, which is misleading and not accurate.”
The Plaintiffs' attorney, Ralf Brookes said that the case is far from over and explained the procedure for certiorari, “The judge has ruled that the attorney for the plaintiffs can amend the development order challenge as a petition of writ of certiorari. The court has ruled that it will accept our petition and will then allow the county and Fairway LLC to file a Response Brief and the plaintiffs to file a Reply Brief. The court will then rule based on the briefs and record on appeal, or the court schedule a final oral argument prior to issuing its ruling.
On Tuesday, May 21, 2013, Judge Brunson entered an Order requiring the development order challenge be amended and filed as a “petition for writ of certiorari” (latin phrase meaning an “appeal”). In the certiorari appeal, the court will review and consider briefs based on the record transcripts of the Board of County Commission hearings.
Dave Israel
Blogmeister comment
Blogmeister comment
Certiorari is a Latin word meaning "to be informed of, or to be made certain in regard to". It is also the name given to certain appellate proceedings for re-examination of actions of a trial court, or inferior appeals court. The U.S. Supreme Court still uses the term certiorari in the context of appeals.
Petition for Writ of Certiorari. (informally called "Cert Petition.") A document which a losing party files with the Supreme Court asking the Supreme Court to review the decision of a lower court. It includes a list of the parties, a statement of the facts of the case, the legal questions presented for review, and arguments as to why the Court should grant the writ.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
would like to invite you to a District Two Town Hall Meeting:
June 5th from 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Palm Beach County Vista Center
2300 North Jog Road
West Palm Beach (just north of Okeechobee Boulevard)
of the possible topics for discussion:
1. Overview
of the FY2014 budget
2. Office
of Inspector General
3. C-51
Reservoir ($1 billion)
4. Questions
and Answers
hope you will join me and bring your friends and neighbors.
District Two
Monday, May 20, 2013
On behalf of my friends, Ellie, Wolf & Sonia, I am posting this notice to inform those resident's
who look forward to their performances on the last Thursday of the month, that they will be
on hiatus, until further notice. Their auto was hit and totaled, by some careless individual,
who ran a red light, causing injuries which will require ongoing medical care.
Hopefully, they will resume " Three Friends " in the not too distant future.
For those of you who are not familiar with the above group, both Ellie & Wolf,
are "Fixtures" in the Annual Resident's Show, which we all look forward to.
Bettie Lee Bleckman
who look forward to their performances on the last Thursday of the month, that they will be
on hiatus, until further notice. Their auto was hit and totaled, by some careless individual,
who ran a red light, causing injuries which will require ongoing medical care.
Hopefully, they will resume " Three Friends " in the not too distant future.
For those of you who are not familiar with the above group, both Ellie & Wolf,
are "Fixtures" in the Annual Resident's Show, which we all look forward to.
Bettie Lee Bleckman
Who wanted a village vegetable garden !
Extension to Offer Free Farm Your Backyard Workshop
Saturday June 8
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Welcome from La Brasa Chicken
I tried La Brasa, one of
our closest restaurants between Southampton and Hess Station, just before
Haverhill on Okeechobee. Lots of happy customers, good counter service (managed
by same people as Bellantes.) “La
Brasa rotisserie features a large variety of Latin cuisine, specially Peruvian
food”. I do not know Peruvian food but there were many different onion
condiments. Just pile my plate with the melt-in-the mouth spoonbread + all the Latin tasty specialties. For savings
buy a 5-meal prepaid card. 561-331-8956
Friday, May 17, 2013
Dispute Resolution – Roundtable Discussion from David B. Israel on Vimeo.
If you missed the live streaming of the Dispute Resolution Roundtable, here it is for your viewing pleasure.
Videography..........Palm Beach Post
Video Rendering and upload to Vimeo.......... Ed Black ..... UCO
Upload to Blogger .......... Dave Israel ..... UCO
Make things happen in Cyberspace, Join our Geek Squad.
Dave Israel
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
In the recent Palm Beach Post article on their forum at which Dave Israel took part, Attorney Mark Friedman is reported to have said the following, although this was not shown as a direct quote:
. . . many 55-plus
communities have an “80/20 rule” that allows 20 percent of the residents to be
under 55. But Friedman said those rules are in place to allow the unit owner to
have a spouse or roommate under 55 and not to allow an entire house or unit of
under-55 residents.
My copy of the 1999 Model Documents, Exhibit to Amendment to
the Declaration and By-Laws (dated January 14, 2001) for our condo association, however, says the
“It shall be required as of the effective date of this
amendment that at least eighty (80) percent of the units must be occupied by at least ONE (1) [my emphasis] person fifty-five (55) years of age or older per unit.”
Which is right? Is a person under 55 living with a person 55
or over considered part of the allowable 20 percent, as Mr. Friedman would seem
to say, or does the 20 percent include only a person in a unit with NO ONE 55 or over in residence,
as the quoted Amendment would seem to say?
It seems to me it makes a big difference. I am wondering if the report on what Mr. Friedman said was incorrect, if I don’t understand the
Amendment correctly, or if the Amendment has been changed.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Sunday, May 12, 2013
United Civic Organization:
For Immediate Release MA13-62
Contact: Crime Stoppers 1-800-458-TIPS
Text to: tips@cspbc.com
Email to: www.crimestopperspbc.com
Suspect Wanted for Armed Robbery
On Tuesday, May 7, 2013, 1:36 am, an unknown suspect, wearing all black clothing entered Chevron Gas Station located at 3030 N. Military Trail, West Palm Beach, committed an armed robbery and fled on foot.
If anyone can identify this suspect they are urged to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-458-TIPS.
Dave Israel
Dave Israel
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Mission Accomplished
MARCH, REST, MARCH, REST ... delicious lake! Wonky video http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=7mg_hslqIkg#t=0s
Parolee in CV
It has come to my attention that the person/parolee that was mentioned at the Delagate Assembly has his address listed in my building... Rest assured, he Is not in Camden B.
according to the PBSO report, he states that he lives here with a tenant. Well, that tenant was evicted months ago and most likely is back in Winsdor in her mothers condo, quite possibly with the parolee in question. I would suggest to the people of Windsor to keep an eye out for him and possibly another man that associates with this former tenant.
according to the PBSO report, he states that he lives here with a tenant. Well, that tenant was evicted months ago and most likely is back in Winsdor in her mothers condo, quite possibly with the parolee in question. I would suggest to the people of Windsor to keep an eye out for him and possibly another man that associates with this former tenant.
Friday, May 10, 2013
National Bike Registry NBR
Still time - To register your bike with
the Sheriff's Dept at UCO, Today until noon and tomorrow, Saturday
9-noon. NBR registered bikes are 10x less likely to be stolen, 9x
more likely to be returned.
The marking on your bike is a good
Yeah Blog!
When all else has failed, I can still
get attention by whining on the Blog :-). First repairs are underway.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
I just received a new scam regarding a phony request from "gmail". DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, download it or answer it. They ask for your password, user name
and other questions that should not be answered. Again, DO NOT ANSWER questions that come on what is called an Verification Date from Gmail....DELETE THE EMAIL AS SOON AS YOU GET IT!!!!!!!!!!! I checked this with my computer guru and he assured me that NEVER, but NEVER, is your password requested.
and other questions that should not be answered. Again, DO NOT ANSWER questions that come on what is called an Verification Date from Gmail....DELETE THE EMAIL AS SOON AS YOU GET IT!!!!!!!!!!! I checked this with my computer guru and he assured me that NEVER, but NEVER, is your password requested.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Hi all,
I brought this back to the top of the stack to note that the Round-table will be live streamed:
Hi all,
I brought this back to the top of the stack to note that the Round-table will be live streamed:
If you know people who’d like to watch the event from the comfort of their living room or bar, we’ll be live-streaming it. People can just go to our website,www.palmbeachpost.com, and they’ll see a banner about the event to click on for Straight from the Source, the name of our roundtable series.
Dave Israel
Delegate Assembly 5-3-2013 from David B. Israel on Vimeo.
Videography ........................Bob Cohen WPRF
Video Rendering and upload to Vimeo ..................Ed Black UCO
Upload to BLOGGER ..............Dave Israel UCO
Thanks to all, make things happen in Cyberspace, Volunteer, Join our Geek Squad.
Dave Israel
Monday, May 6, 2013
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Let's put on a show
Hungarian shadow-theatre company ‘Attraction’ leaves the Britain’s Got Talent crowd and judges in tears.
Lincoln Street
UCO please tell our
new maintenance/ landscape company that Lincoln Street is UCO
property. Trees around the village are nicely trimmed but not on
Lincoln, There have been low hanging branches and suckers on the
trunks of 8 trees for about a year. Also irrigation break wasting
water for at least a month, the flag is mown repeatedly.
Its time :-)
"Suckers should be removed in early summer, just after the tree
has completed its spring growth. Pruning them at this time will limit
new growth."
Please explain who
should do what tasks.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Before we question the transponder system which works just fine, we should look at some basic security oversights like putting plastic tie warps on the door of the walkway leaving the Main Gate, keeping it open for people to come and go !!!
Hi David, Thanks to the board for remembering Boston attacks with a moment of silence. One thing that was bought up by John Gluszak, that I thought got little attention, was the showing of ID's rathering than using transponder. Our guards can't be that busy at that hour and I feel would help our security. What do you and fellow bloggers think about John's idea?
Friday, May 3, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Use Google Person Finder to Locate Loved Ones After a Disaster
Google saw a
communication void back in 2011, following the major Turkey
earthquake, after noticing that the one communication medium that
appeared to remain in place during events like a bombing is the
Google Person Finder
is offered as a free service for the general public, as well as
emergency responders, to use following a catastrophe.
The service was
activated during the recent Boston Marathon bombings, and it
certainly proved itself to be valuable during that event. Cellphone
service was disabled, so a service like this was critical.
There’s a lot to
be said for simple services that keep family and friends connected,
and offer the peace of mind in knowing that someone you care a whole
lot about is still alive. Hopefully, this
will be one Google service that doesn’t disappear on us. Of course,
these days, you can’t really depend on that, can you?
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