An ever growing problem in Century Village is the increasing amount of foot traffic on the streets. Does someone have to be killed before something is done? It should not have to come to that.
This is being written for safety reasons. I am concerned that someone will be hurt and would prefer to avoid a lot of pain and suffering.
Please, use the sidewalks in the village and not the streets. The sidewalks are for the safety of the
pedestrians. Using the crosswalks also to ensure the safety of everyone walking.
Remember, People here are not what I would call the best drivers in the world, and they do not have eagle
eyes. The lighting in many areas has much to be desired as well and some areas that do not have adequate
sidewalks or none at all. If you are on the street and wearing dark clothing, you are not visible until the last
second. That in itself could cause an accident. If you can not wear light or reflective clothing, or carry a
flashlight, then you should definitely be on the sidewalks and not on the streets.
When crossing the road at the crosswalk, please get completely out of of the road before start a conversation
or socializing with your neighbors. Standing in the crosswalks will only cause some confusion on which
direction the drivers think you may go, whether or not you will cross.
Since the state law give pedestrians the right of way IN THE CROSSWALKS, then just standing there and
conversing will hold up traffic and drivers begin to get impatient and then there is an accident waiting to
We have some people that walk along the edge of the street as if they are walking along some country road
oblivious to the traffic. Bike riders crossing in front of traffic are also in danger of bodily injury or death
with their practice of cutting in front of a vehicle and having a near miss. Bicycles without lights or even
reflectors are hazards not only to themselves, but to vehicles and pedestrians.
EVERY bicycle in this village should have at the least reflectors on the foot pedals, front, back and spokes.
Of course a head and tail light would be ideal.
I am sure that everyone in the Village wants their neighbors, friends and family Safe. Let's start
by practicing some safe habits and keep everyone alive and unhurt.