Hi all,
We have posted an Attorney recommended set of rules and a live physician affidavit form to the cloud.
You may view this document at the following link:
You may also access this document from the sidebar link under interactive forms.
Remember, to obtain the live form, download the form upon arrival at the site.
Dave Israel
Monday, October 31, 2011
Re: Annual Meeting
It's almost Annual Meeting time again. Memory is slowly fading... Can you tell me when to include Meeting Agenda: with 60 day notification or 14 day notification? Thank you for your invaluable help.
How Many Votes Are Enough?
I have read Dave's article regarding Delegate's Votes. The more I think about it I can see that if this is allowed it will create many problems.
We have a lot of people or corporations who have bought up condos. If they so desired, they can speak to the Board, if there is a Board or people who are disinterested in their Board to become the Delegate. As well Mark Levy has foreclosed on many condos in the village. What if he becomes a delegate to his many holdings. Can you justs imagine what will happen and the votes that can be swayed so that a corporation or individual can dictate what happens in our Village. Delegates should think very carefully before they vote to allow more than 1 vote to a delegate.
We have a lot of people or corporations who have bought up condos. If they so desired, they can speak to the Board, if there is a Board or people who are disinterested in their Board to become the Delegate. As well Mark Levy has foreclosed on many condos in the village. What if he becomes a delegate to his many holdings. Can you justs imagine what will happen and the votes that can be swayed so that a corporation or individual can dictate what happens in our Village. Delegates should think very carefully before they vote to allow more than 1 vote to a delegate.
With winter just about upon us, the snowbirds are preparing for their annual migration back to C.V. Last year there was some discussion concerning the possibility of a "portable" transponder that could be utilized by snowbirds who rent vehicles or do not wish to put them in their vehicles permanently. Has the issue been explored?
As was previously discussed, while there can be some potential abuses with such a system, the same can be true with permanently installed devices. I believe if abuse does occur, it is an enforcement matter, not an issuing problem.
As we all have witnessed, the gates during the winter months, during peak hours, are often backed up. The issuance of transponders to responsible unit owners can alleviate the wait time to enter.
In the event this technology is not currently available, what is the process for getting a transponder and how long does the process take from ordering to installation?
As was previously discussed, while there can be some potential abuses with such a system, the same can be true with permanently installed devices. I believe if abuse does occur, it is an enforcement matter, not an issuing problem.
As we all have witnessed, the gates during the winter months, during peak hours, are often backed up. The issuance of transponders to responsible unit owners can alleviate the wait time to enter.
In the event this technology is not currently available, what is the process for getting a transponder and how long does the process take from ordering to installation?
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Hold the Black Page. News 'Ed Line'
At 1-15pm on Friday last, UCO's very own terminator team – minus combat gear and camouflage, bombarded the offices of the UCO Reporter in a coup d'etat worthy of any movie. Their mission? To halt further publications of the UCO Reporter in it's current format. Why? because it has offended the feelings of some UCO Officials.
As a result three senior volunteers were unceremoniously frogmarched out of the Reporter office building with little thought being given as to how the paper can continue production, since the staff, with the possible exception of one, refuse to work under any censored regime.
Not only was the covert raid totally unwarranted and unnecessary, it has ensured that a mere handful of authoritative individuals can now dictate what residents are allowed to read. Ironically, only two of these officials have secured places at UCO after the next election.
I wonder why these heinous crimes, allegedly committed by the Reporter, were never revealed to the Delegate Assembly but remained discussed and cursed at West Drive. With the exception of Jerry Karpf's letter ( published in the current edition) the Reporter has not received one complaint about the newspaper's style or content. Could it be that the Reporter's readers were becoming a little too interested in the antics of Treasurer, Ed Black, and VP, Frank Cornish, both of whom will leave office in March and face re-election?
From the launch of the new look Reporter, last March, Black has never submitted a report or article on his actives but has contributed enormously to the discomfort and poor welfare of the Reporter staff. Cornish,was again exposed in this months edition for his poor handling of the asbestos problem in the Reporter building. Rallying support from equally sensitive UCO Officials the two, ignoring the will of the people, mounted a military style campaign to oust the Reporter's Co Editors.
For the first time in it's history, until last Friday, the Reporter was run like a professional business. Now bringing in over $10,000 a month from advertising contracts, how will these contacts be honored without a competent experienced staff? Since most Reporter advertisers, especially Realtor's, rely on the monthly publication they should the paper not appear they will be entitled not only to a refund for their advertisements but compensation for loss of revenue.
Like all modern newspapers the Reporter is completely digitally produced. It requires far more than basic computer knowledge to compile it. Since April, when printing costs were more than halved by the recent forcibly retired Reporter staff, the paper has a contract with a digital publisher, with several months left to run. His monthly bill will have to be paid whether or not the paper is published.
Vice President, Phyllis Richland is recorded at having remarked that it won't matter if the Reporter doesn't appear for a couple of months. I guess, not being forced to ride the bus, the like of Ms. Richland care not one jot on relying on the monthly published bus schedule but her electorate may, particular when they could be minus a Reporter, it's income and be faced with compensation and bills to boot.
Ego's are expensive. Frankly, there could be one major 'Ed Ache' from 'Ed Injuries' for UCO if the Reporter doesn't appear next month as clearly defined in the by-laws.
What a pity this bunch chose the battle royal with Reporter but ignored the exploits of Insurance Guru Dan Gladstone. What misery and heartache, let alone expense that could have saved. One thing is certain the village has found a voice and the two fat ladies haven't even started singing yet, even if they have been forced to listen to , 'That Old Black Magic' !
Friday, October 28, 2011
Do you have a few hours a month that you can
give to your community? The UCO Delegate Assembly,
Executive Board, UCO Officers Committee and UCO Operations Committee,
meetings need you to take minutes.
Help is needed as soon as possible.
Call me at 712 0259 any day between
9am and 5pm if you have any questions
or, better yet, if you want to help.
Do you have a few hours a month that you can
give to your community? The UCO Delegate Assembly,
Executive Board, UCO Officers Committee and UCO Operations Committee,
meetings need you to take minutes.
Help is needed as soon as possible.
Call me at 712 0259 any day between
9am and 5pm if you have any questions
or, better yet, if you want to help.
The November 1st meeting of the SEARCH/NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE was
postponed until December 1st. E mails and notices were sent out. Sorry if you
did not read about it.
Again,the meeting will be held at 10:00am at UCO on December 1st.
The November 1st meeting of the SEARCH/NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE was
postponed until December 1st. E mails and notices were sent out. Sorry if you
did not read about it.
Again,the meeting will be held at 10:00am at UCO on December 1st.
Hello Friends,
I wanted to alert that Okeechobee Blvd east bound will be closed at Quadrille (just east of City Place) from 6:00AM Sunday, October 30th, until 6:00AM Wednesday, November 2nd, for maintenance on the FEC railroad tracks.
Have a good weekend,
Paulette Burdick
County Commissioner
District Two
-Monday, October 24, 2011
Hi all,
The following site has a few interesting articles and some very good case references:
Dave Israel
The following site has a few interesting articles and some very good case references:
Dave Israel
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Is it an easy matter to change the bylaws of our association so we are mandatory nonsmoking? Would it be a good idea?
One of our owners showed me an article in the Oct. 19-Nov. 1 Condo News, “Making the Case for Tobacco-Free Housing,” that recommends this. As the article points out, smoke from one apartment seeps into adjacent apartments, especially in our old structures. Also, smoking in one apartment can be a fire hazard for several apartments—especially with old people.
In our 26-unit condo complex we had a heavy smoker, now passed away, whose smoke got into the upstairs apartment and really bothered a resident there, who has health problems. Now we have only one other smoker, an upstairs tenant. This would seem like a good time to pass such a bylaw IF it really makes sense. I suppose the bylaw change would be worded to apply only to new owners/tenants.
But does it make sense? The article suggests we might save on our building insurance. Is this really likely? (Toni, could you advise?)
The article suggests we could save costly on litigation. But might we not INCUR costly litigation, especially if we tried to enforce the rule?
Also, this is a time when we need buyers to buy our condo units. A stipulation of “no renters” or “no smoking” simply makes it even harder to find a buyer.
Have you fellow bloggers had any experience with this? Can our bylaws BE easily changed to prohibit smoking? Randall, could you weigh in? What would you folks on the blog recommend?
One of our owners showed me an article in the Oct. 19-Nov. 1 Condo News, “Making the Case for Tobacco-Free Housing,” that recommends this. As the article points out, smoke from one apartment seeps into adjacent apartments, especially in our old structures. Also, smoking in one apartment can be a fire hazard for several apartments—especially with old people.
In our 26-unit condo complex we had a heavy smoker, now passed away, whose smoke got into the upstairs apartment and really bothered a resident there, who has health problems. Now we have only one other smoker, an upstairs tenant. This would seem like a good time to pass such a bylaw IF it really makes sense. I suppose the bylaw change would be worded to apply only to new owners/tenants.
But does it make sense? The article suggests we might save on our building insurance. Is this really likely? (Toni, could you advise?)
The article suggests we could save costly on litigation. But might we not INCUR costly litigation, especially if we tried to enforce the rule?
Also, this is a time when we need buyers to buy our condo units. A stipulation of “no renters” or “no smoking” simply makes it even harder to find a buyer.
Have you fellow bloggers had any experience with this? Can our bylaws BE easily changed to prohibit smoking? Randall, could you weigh in? What would you folks on the blog recommend?
Friday, October 21, 2011
Hi all,
Following are the Planning commission descriptions of the two projects referenced in the ProActive Committee Post below:
Hi all,
Following are the Planning commission descriptions of the two projects referenced in the ProActive Committee Post below:
Control No:
Application No:
ABN/DOA-2011-00632 (Application Name: South Hampton
PUD (AKA Century Village)
application of Fairways LLC by Urban Design
Kilday Studios
a Development Order Abandonment
to abandon Resolution R-1993-333
a Development Order Amendment
to delete land area
General Location:
Southwest corner of Centry Boulevard and Haverhill Road
Project Manager:
Autumn Sorrow, Senior Site Planner BCC District: 2
Control No:
Application No:
ZV/TDD/R-2011-01203 (Application Name: Reflection Bay)
application of Fairways Llc by Urban Design Kilday Studios
a Type II Zoning Variance
to allow a reduction in the minimum acreage for single-family units; to
allow Neighborhood Centers 1, 2, 3 and 4 to exceed the maximum 50% building
coverage; and to allow Neighborhood Centers 1 and 3 to exceed the maximum height
An Official Zoning Map Amendment to a Traditional Development District
to allow a rezoning from the Residential Single-family (RS) Zoning
District to the Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) Zoning District
a Requested Use
to allow a Congregate Living Facility Type III
General Location:
Southwest corner of Century Boulevard and Haverhill Road
Project Manager:
Autumn Sorrow, Senior Site Planner BCC District: 2
Hi all,
The following is provided by the ProActive Committee
Since the Applications for the development of the adjoining property were Certified by the County Planning Dept. we have to act now to prepare for the Public Hearings that will be scheduled in December.
Hi all,
The following is provided by the ProActive Committee
zoning commissioners info for residents
Since the Applications for the development of the adjoining property were Certified by the County Planning Dept. we have to act now to prepare for the Public Hearings that will be scheduled in December.
The Pro-Active Committee needs your support NOW! It is time to show your opposition to the proposed development on the adjoining golf course. Here is what you need to do.
There are Zoning Commissioners and a Board of County Commissioners. We have the signed postcards for the Board of County Commissioners, now we need the residents that oppose the development to send e-mails or letters to ALL of the ZONING COMMISSIONERS to show our overwhelming opposition to this project. We need you to make these contacts ASAP. Ask your friends and neighbors to do the same. Thank you for your support.
Here are some suggestions to mention when making your contacts. Be sure to include the following as your opening statement.
"I urge you to vote against Applications 2011-00632 and 2011-01203 Reflection Bay"
There is a perpetuity clause for the property that states it will be a golf course forever.
Do not break the County's 1972 promise to the Century Village homeowners who paid a premium price to live by the golf course.
Do not sell us out to the land developer who is flipping the property.
Do not reward the developer for a poor business decision.
Please do not allow rezoning of this property.
This is now a heavily congested traffic area, without any new development.
Drainage will be a major problem if this property is rezoned and developed.
Century Village needs the open recreation green space that was in the original development for their health and well being.
Century Village would no longer be secure even though we are a gated community.
Here is the contact information for the ZONING COMMISSIONERS.
Commissioner Sherry Hyman, Esq. slhyman@slhymanlaw.com
Office of Sherry L. Lyman, PLLC
3535 Military Trail, Suite 101, Jupiter 33458
Commissioner William Anderson wiflan@comcast.net
3535 Military Trail, Suite 101, Jupiter 33458
Commissioner William Anderson wiflan@comcast.net
7630 Ardwick Drive, West Palm Beach, FL 33467
Commissioner Sheri Scarborough sheriscarborough@comcast.net
Commissioner Sheri Scarborough sheriscarborough@comcast.net
Prime Mgmnt Group, Inc., 6300 Park of Commerce Blvd, WPB, FL 33438
Commissioner Joanne Davis capercat@bellsouth.net
Commissioner Joanne Davis capercat@bellsouth.net
1029 North Lakeside Drive, Lake Worth, FL 33460
Commissioner Alexander Brumfield brumesquire@aol.com
Commissioner Alexander Brumfield brumesquire@aol.com
Alexander R. Brumfield, III Attorney, 319 Clematis St., Suite 602, WPB, FL 33401
Commissioner Mark Beatty mbeatty@mpa-pb.com
Commissioner Mark Beatty mbeatty@mpa-pb.com
MPA Architects, Inc. 1801 Centrepark DR. E, Suite 175, WPB, FL 33401
Commissioner Robert Currie bob@csa-architects.com
Commissioner Robert Currie bob@csa-architects.com
Currie Sowards Aguila Architects, 134 NE First Ave. Delray Beach, FL 33444
Commissioner Sam Caliendo arisc3@aol.com
Commissioner Sam Caliendo arisc3@aol.com
Bentley Realty Group, Inc. 900 Glades Rd. Suite 200, Boca Raton, FL 33431
Commissioner Jennifer L. Bakcsi, ( Coldwellbroker@yahoo.com )
92 Uno Lago Dr., Juno Beach, FL 33408
Thie above information is submitted by the Officers of the Pro-Active Committee
Further information will be forthcoming soon.
Commissioner Jennifer L. Bakcsi, ( Coldwellbroker@yahoo.com )
92 Uno Lago Dr., Juno Beach, FL 33408
Thie above information is submitted by the Officers of the Pro-Active Committee
Further information will be forthcoming soon.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Hi all,
The DRO hearing of October 12, 2011, video is now available for viewing.
The video may be seen at the following URL:
Copy this URL and paste it into your browser.
Reflection Bay starts circa 19 minutes 30 seconds. simply drag the progress bar at the bottom of the video screen to that point to view item 21.
This project is not yet certified to advance.
Dave Israel
The DRO hearing of October 12, 2011, video is now available for viewing.
The video may be seen at the following URL:
Copy this URL and paste it into your browser.
Reflection Bay starts circa 19 minutes 30 seconds. simply drag the progress bar at the bottom of the video screen to that point to view item 21.
This project is not yet certified to advance.
Dave Israel
Monday, October 17, 2011
Scam Alerts
October 17, 2011
This report, which is based upon information from law enforcement and complaints submitted to the IC3, details recent cyber crime trends and new twists to previously-existing cyber scams.
Traffic Ticket Spam
The IC3 has received over 70 complaints since July 2011 reporting fraudulent e-mails claiming the recipient had been issued a traffic ticket. The spam, which spoofed a nyc.gov e-mail address, claimed to be from the New York State Police (NYSP). Complainants, throughout the U.S. and internationally, reported that the e-mail indicated a traffic ticket had been issued against them as a result of a moving violation. None of the complainants reported any monetary loss. The e-mail, as noted in the sample below, instructed them to print the ticket and mail it to a town court in Chatam Hall to plead.
Subject: Uniform traffic ticket
New York State Department of Motor Vehicles
Local Police Code
7:25 AM
Date of Offense
Description of Violation
The attached file contained in the e-mail was called Ticket-064-211.zip and some of the recipients reported that their anti-virus software detected that it contained malware.
The NYSP has posted the following two alerts on their site warning consumers of this scam:
Fraudster Double-Dipping
Most of us are familiar with fraud involving automobiles being sold over the Internet. A fraudster will post a nonexistent vehicle for sale on the Internet, typically a luxury or sports car. The details of the vehicle, including photos and description, are typically lifted from legitimate websites. An interested buyer, hopeful for a bargain, responds and is told that the vehicle is located overseas. The fraudster then instructs the victim to send a deposit via wire transfer to initiate the shipping process.
In a new twist to this scam, the fraudster advised there was an issue with the initial wire transfer and sent the victim a cashier's check. The victim was instructed to cash the check and resend a second wire to a different account. Unaware that the check was counterfeit, the victim followed through as instructed by the fraudster. This resulted in the victim getting duped two times and the fraudster accomplishing his "double-dipping" strategy.
Victims should be vigilant when an Internet transaction involves wire transfers and cashier's checks. Most individuals believe that cashier's checks are as good as cash and they clear the day after they are deposited. However, banks are required to make the funds "available" in the individual's account within 48 hours, which can be days before the cashier's check clears or bounces. Once the bank makes the funds available, the counterfeit check circulates to incorrect Federal Reserve locations. Generally, the average cashier’s check takes up to two weeks to clear, not two days. The bottom line: fraudsters understand the U.S. banking system process and capitalize on victims' misconceptions of the term "available funds."
The IC3 has posted multiple alerts warning consumers of various types of counterfeit check scams. The most recent warning was in the IC3 Scam Alert, May 10, 2011, which is available at:
To learn more on this scam, prevention tips, and available resources, consumers can visit LooksTooGoodToBeTrue's Types of Fraud page on counterfeit checks at the following link:
Online Vehicle Scam Using Kelley Blue Book's Name
The IC3 has received complaints reporting fraudsters for misrepresenting themselves as Kelley Blue Book (KBB) agents to swindle victims out of thousands of dollars in online vehicle purchases. Upon finding a vehicle and making an inquiry to the seller, the complainant was told that the transaction must go through KBB's escrow-based buyer-protection plan to protect both of them. The fraudster claimed that the protection plan would hold the buyer's money for a five-day period while they could receive and inspect the vehicle. The fraudster then sent the complainant a link, which was purportedly to the KBB website, providing details of the process. Some complainants reported that the fraudster sent pictures of the vehicle as well. Once the purchase was agreed upon, the fraudster sent the complainant an official-looking e-mail, purportedly from KBB, instructing them to wire the payment to a KBB agent.
Upon contacting the actual KBB company, complainants were advised that it was a scam and that KBB does not offer an escrow-based buyer-protection plan. Recent articles have been posted on the KBB website warning consumers of this particular scam.
Radio Spots Advertising For A Mystery Shopper
Some retailers hire marketing research companies to evaluate the quality of service in their stores. These research companies, in turn, use mystery shoppers to make a particular purchase in a store or restaurant and then report on the experience.
Another version of mystery shopping involves consumers being "hired" to evaluate the speed and efficiency of a specified money transfer service. In this process, the shopper receives a check with instructions to deposit it in a personal bank account, withdraw the amount in cash, and wire it to a third party. After wiring the cash to a third party, the victim learns that the check was counterfeit, and loses the amount of money involved. Generally, such opportunities are posted on reputable websites, television stations, and publications, hoping this will give them credibility. In reality, these media outlets are unable to verify the legitimacy of the job opportunity.
Recently, the IC3 received information from radio stations, reporting they had been contacted via e-mail by an individual wanting to run advertising on their radio stations. The individual wanted to purchase radio spots to promote a mystery shopper program. The radio stations received signed confirmations and payments, via credit cards, which cleared. The radio stations ran the ads and, shortly after, began receiving complaints from listeners who had been scammed by the offer. Listeners advised they received a check and were instructed to cash it immediately. After deducting $450 for their commission, they were told to wire the difference to a third party. Later, the check was identified as counterfeit by the financial institution. In addition, the credit card used to pay for the ads was later identified as being compromised.
Government Officials' Identities Being Used On Social Networking Site.
The IC3 has seen an increase of the use of names and photos of U.S. government officials by fraudsters to set-up fraudulent social networking profiles. The scam entails the fraudster creating an account by using the government official's name and a copy of the official's portrait image available online. The fraudsters then use these accounts to appear reputable and successfully befriend potential victims. Then, the fraudster expresses a romantic interest and begins to ask for money. Often the fraudster implies that they are overseas for important work and that a family member has fallen ill. Sometimes, the victims are encouraged to apply for work-at-home jobs posted online. Victims end up repeatedly wiring funds to the fraudster, believing they are involved in a genuine relationship.
The IC3 has released several Public Service Announcements (PSA) warning consumers that U.S. government officials have been repeated targets of spam and identity theft. To address the volume of these particular scams, which use the FBI and government agencies and officials' names, the IC3 added a link titled "FBI E-mail Scam Alert" to the LooksTooGoodToBeTrue.com home page a few years ago. The link contains several IC3 PSA's addressing these particular scams.
Modeling Scam
The IC3 has received several complaints from individuals reporting modeling scams. Complainants reported receiving unsolicited e-mails offering them a modeling position, while others reportedly responded to advertisements offering modeling jobs from what appeared to be reputable modeling agencies.
Those who received the unsolicited e-mails reported that the e-mail contained a link to what appeared to be a website for a legitimate modeling agency. The recipient was instructed to click the link to log on and create an account. Afterwards, the recipient reportedly realized the link was to a fraudulent website and that their computer was possibly infected with a keylogger as a result.
Other complainants reported they were told they would make $7,000 for a photo shoot. However, they were asked to first pay "fees" up front which covered registration, licensing, clothes, photos, etc. Victims were instructed to wire their fees. Once the fees were wired, complainants were requested to pay additional fees, but were promised they would be paid half of their salary up front before the photo shoot.
E-mail Purportedly From The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
The IC3 has received several complaints from individuals who reported they received an unsolicited e-mail claiming to be from the FDIC. The e-mail notifies the recipient that their ACH and wire transactions have been suspended due to expiration, and instructs the recipient to download and install the newest updates by clicking on a link. Clicking the link actually downloads malicious software onto the user's computer.
The FDIC has posted the following two alerts:
E-mail Claiming to Be From the FDIC - August 30, 2011
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has received numerous reports of fraudulent e-mails that have the appearance of being from the FDIC.
The e-mails have a subject line that read: "FDIC Notification."
The fraudulent e-mails are addressed to "Dear customer" and state "Your account ACH and Wire transactions have been temporarily suspended for security reasons due to the expiration of your security version. To download and install the newest installations read the document(pdf) attached below. As soon as it is set up, your transaction abilities will be fully restored."
The message concludes with, "Best regards, Online security department, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation."
The e-mails include an attachment named "FDIC_document.zip."
The e-mails and attachments are fraudulent and were not sent by the FDIC. Recipients should consider the intent as an attempt to collect personal or confidential information, or to load malicious software onto end users' computers. Recipients should NOT open the attachment.
The e-mails and attachments are fraudulent and were not sent by the FDIC. Recipients should consider the intent as an attempt to collect personal or confidential information, or to load malicious software onto end users' computers. Recipients should NOT open the attachment.
Financial institutions and consumers should be aware that other subject lines and modifications to the e-mails may occur over time. The FDIC does not directly contact consumers in this manner nor does the FDIC request personal financial information from consumers.
E-mail Claiming to Be From the FDIC - July 14, 2011
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has received numerous reports of fraudulent e-mails that have the appearance of being from the FDIC.
The e-mails appear to be sent from various "@fdic.gov" e-mail addresses, such
as protection@fdic.gov,
or mailto:service@admin.fdic.gov
as protection@fdic.gov,
or mailto:service@admin.fdic.gov
The messages have various subject lines that read: "Update for your banking account" or "ACH and Wire transfers disabled," and "Banking security update."
The fraudulent e-mails are addressed to "Dear clients" and state "Your account ACH and Wire transactions have been temporarily suspended for your Security, due to the expiration of your security version. To download and install the newest Updates, follow this link. As soon as it is set up, your transaction abilities will be fully restored."
The message concludes with, "Best regards, Online security department, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation."
These e-mails and links are fraudulent and were not sent by the FDIC. Recipients should consider the intent of these e-mails as an attempt to collect personal or confidential information, or to load malicious software onto end users' computers. Recipients should NOT access the link provided within the body of the e-mails and should NOT, under any circumstances, provide any personal financial information through this media.
Financial institutions and consumers should be aware that other subject lines and modifications to the e-mails may occur over time. The FDIC does not directly contact consumers in this manner nor does the FDIC request personal financial information from consumers.
Food Truck Expo
In case you missed it last time
Wednesday, October 26 · 5:30pm - 9:30pm
Village Commons
701 - 971 Village Blvd.
West Palm Beach, FL
Created By
Gourmet Truck Expo
More Info
We are coming back West Palm Beach! 20+ of your favorite Food Trucks will be visiting Village Commons! Don't miss out on this great event!4Alarm PizzaCatered BlissClarabelle's CupcakesCurbside GourmetDimSsam A GogoDivan BakeryGuiseppe's Italian SausageKona Ice Boca RatonLatin BurgerMac'n Food TruckMoty's GrillNacho BiznessNacho Mama's GrillOut Of Many FoodsShao RomaSlow Food TruckSugar Yummy MamaTango GrillThe Mexzican Gourmet
Wednesday, October 26 · 5:30pm - 9:30pm
Village Commons
701 - 971 Village Blvd.
West Palm Beach, FL
Created By
Gourmet Truck Expo
More Info
We are coming back West Palm Beach! 20+ of your favorite Food Trucks will be visiting Village Commons! Don't miss out on this great event!4Alarm PizzaCatered BlissClarabelle's CupcakesCurbside GourmetDimSsam A GogoDivan BakeryGuiseppe's Italian SausageKona Ice Boca RatonLatin BurgerMac'n Food TruckMoty's GrillNacho BiznessNacho Mama's GrillOut Of Many FoodsShao RomaSlow Food TruckSugar Yummy MamaTango GrillThe Mexzican Gourmet
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
OCTOBER 12, 2011 9:00 A.M.
Vista Center 1st Floor Hearing Room, VC-1W-47
2300 N. Jog Road, West Palm Beach
Control No: 2011-00245
Application No: ZV/TDD/R-2011-01203
(Application Name: Reflection Bay)
Application of Fairways LLC by Urban Design Kilday Studios
Title: a Type II Zoning Variance
Request: to allow a reduction in the minimum acreage for single-family units; to
allow Neighborhood Centers 1, 2, 3 and 4 to exceed the maximum 50% building
coverage; and to allow Neighborhood Centers 1 and 3 to exceed the maximum height
Title: an Official Zoning Map Amendment to a Traditional Development District
Request: to allow a rezoning from the Residential Single-family (RS) Zoning
District to the Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) Zoning District
Title: a Requested Use
Request: to allow a Congregate Living Facility Type III
General Location: Southwest corner of Century Boulevard and Haverhill Road
Project Manager: Autumn Sorrow, Senior Site Planner BCC District: 2
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Hi all,
The Delegate Assembly of October 7, 2011 is now live in Cyberspace.
Follow this link: http://goo.gl/zEl1G
Production Credits:
Videography: Laurent (WPRF)
Video Rendering: Ed Black
Upload to Vimeo: Dave Israel
It's a team effort, so enjoy the video.
You may also access the video via the link in the sidebar.
Dave Israel
Hi all,
The Delegate Assembly of October 7, 2011 is now live in Cyberspace.
Follow this link: http://goo.gl/zEl1G
Production Credits:
Videography: Laurent (WPRF)
Video Rendering: Ed Black
Upload to Vimeo: Dave Israel
It's a team effort, so enjoy the video.
You may also access the video via the link in the sidebar.
Dave Israel
Thursday, October 6, 2011
free phones for the hearing impaired
i have been fortunate to be able to place one more arrow in my quiver of help for our residents.
starting on november 22,2011 in room c in the clubhouse the deaf service center of palm beach county will distribute phones for the hearing impaired from 10am to noon. to qualify you must present one of the following: hearing aids or a florida drivers license or a florida I.D. or a voters regisration card. this service is for permanent florida residents only.if you have a state phone that does not work bring it with you and you will get a new one.CENTURY VILLAGE ID'S WILL NOT WORK!!!
the next distribution dates are december 27 and january 24. if we are successful and enough folks need this service we will be able to extend this into next year.
starting on november 22,2011 in room c in the clubhouse the deaf service center of palm beach county will distribute phones for the hearing impaired from 10am to noon. to qualify you must present one of the following: hearing aids or a florida drivers license or a florida I.D. or a voters regisration card. this service is for permanent florida residents only.if you have a state phone that does not work bring it with you and you will get a new one.CENTURY VILLAGE ID'S WILL NOT WORK!!!
the next distribution dates are december 27 and january 24. if we are successful and enough folks need this service we will be able to extend this into next year.
Monday, October 3, 2011
It looks like the election campaign is starting early.
If you would like to see the event spoken of below, see the video of the September Delegate Assembly at the following link:
Start at minute 50, you be the judge!
Is this the sort of activity you want at the Delegate Assembly meeting?
Start at minute 50, you be the judge!
Is this the sort of activity you want at the Delegate Assembly meeting?
Open Letter to All Delegates of Century Village from Dan Gladstone, Delegate and Neighbor
The incidents at the September Delegates' assembly meeting are steering the Delegates in a dangerous direction and that direction is controlled by its' President David Israel.
FREEDOM OF SPEECH is being denied at the Delegate Assembly
The events that took place are grabbing microphones away from speakers, robbing Delegates of the right to speak and intimidating Delegates by summoning security guards. David Israel shouting "out of order" has become the norm when a Delegate is discussing the pros and cons before an important vote is taken. Our Constitutional rights as citizens of
Century Village are being denied-by a dictator who only sees his side of the picture. As a result, Delegates are only being presented with one side of the picture and they are, therefore, unable to make educated decisions.
President David Israel has taken ultimate control of the UCO media. He owns the unofficial BLOG and controls Channel 63. His power seeking supporters control the UCO Reporter where they ignore any article and/or letter to the editor at will.
I cannot escape the memory when 12 years ago, a small group that opposed the Millennium Agreement was called "trouble makers" and accused of "disturbing the peace". Today everyone agrees that it is "the worst contract you could possibly have agreed to". We spent thousands to try and break it, but to no avail. Today we wish that we had listened to that "small group of opposition". When ego, power and control survive the Delegates' wishes, that is when all reasonable and proper thinking is bashed.
This letter is sent directly to you because you really should be concerned. You and your fellow Delegates are the Board of Directors. When President Israel controls the microphone and has the gavel to slam it while shouting "sit down" and he has the power to fire or deny a resident the opportunity to volunteer because of having an opposing opinion, now, then you really have an honest to goodness dictator!
It is your responsibility as Delegates from your condo association to let the residents' know of all disturbing actions of our President. He is not there to dictate to us but to inform us and address our needs.
It is time for all our voices to be heard, NOT silenced! Remember, you could be next!!
My best to all
Dan Gladstone, Delegate and Neighbor
Annual meeting time is fast approaching
It is almost time for annual meetings and elections again.
First notice – 60 days before the annual meeting
The first notice must be mailed or hand delivered not less than 60 days before a scheduled election/annual meeting. The notice should include the date, time and location of the meeting. A blank notice of intent form should be included for those interested in running for the Board to send back to the Association.
Notices of Intent due – 40 days before the annual meeting
A unit owner or other eligible person desiring to be a candidate for the Board must give written notice to the association not less than 40 days before a scheduled election. Such written notice is effective when received by the association. It is up to the unit owner to ensure that the notice of intent is received on time. The Board may not extend the deadline for submitting a notice of intent.
Candidate Information Sheet Due – 35 days before the annual meeting
Not less than 35 days before the annual meeting, candidates may provide a candidate information sheet which is limited to one side of an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper to describe the candidate's background, education, and qualifications as well as other factors deemed relevant by the candidate. The Association may not edit, alter, or otherwise modify the content of the information sheet. The original copy provided by the candidate must be placed in the official records of the association.
The Second Notice of the Annual Meeting – never less than 14 days before the meeting but check your bylaws for exact mailing time
The second notice of the annual meeting must be sent, according to the requirements of your Bylaws, but never less than 14 days prior to the meeting nor more than 34 days prior to the meeting. The second notice should include a proxy, for quorum purposes and for voting on non-election issues. A ballot should be included for the election if there are more eligible candidates who submitted notices of intent than there are avaialble seats on the Board. If there are the same number of notices of intent as avialable Board positions no election is held. If there are less notices of intent than available Board positions, no election is held.
Assuming an election is necessary, accompanying the ballot shall be an outer envelope addressed to the person or entity authorized to receive the ballots and a smaller inner envelope in which the ballot shall be placed. The exterior of the outer envelope must indicate the name of the voter, and the unit or unit numbers being voted, and shall contain a signature space for the voter. I recommend obtaining pre-printed outer envelopes with one line for "printed name", one line for "unit number" and one line for "signature". The return address should also be pre-printed on the outer envelope.
Start early with the preparation of your notice packages so that you do not miss any of these deadlines. Your bylaws will usually inform you as to the month your annual meeting must be held.
Mark D. Friedman is a senior attorney at the law firm of Becker & Poliakoff, P.A.
You may contact Mr. Friedman at CondoLaw@becker-poliakoff.com
First notice – 60 days before the annual meeting
The first notice must be mailed or hand delivered not less than 60 days before a scheduled election/annual meeting. The notice should include the date, time and location of the meeting. A blank notice of intent form should be included for those interested in running for the Board to send back to the Association.
Notices of Intent due – 40 days before the annual meeting
A unit owner or other eligible person desiring to be a candidate for the Board must give written notice to the association not less than 40 days before a scheduled election. Such written notice is effective when received by the association. It is up to the unit owner to ensure that the notice of intent is received on time. The Board may not extend the deadline for submitting a notice of intent.
Candidate Information Sheet Due – 35 days before the annual meeting
Not less than 35 days before the annual meeting, candidates may provide a candidate information sheet which is limited to one side of an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper to describe the candidate's background, education, and qualifications as well as other factors deemed relevant by the candidate. The Association may not edit, alter, or otherwise modify the content of the information sheet. The original copy provided by the candidate must be placed in the official records of the association.
The Second Notice of the Annual Meeting – never less than 14 days before the meeting but check your bylaws for exact mailing time
The second notice of the annual meeting must be sent, according to the requirements of your Bylaws, but never less than 14 days prior to the meeting nor more than 34 days prior to the meeting. The second notice should include a proxy, for quorum purposes and for voting on non-election issues. A ballot should be included for the election if there are more eligible candidates who submitted notices of intent than there are avaialble seats on the Board. If there are the same number of notices of intent as avialable Board positions no election is held. If there are less notices of intent than available Board positions, no election is held.
Assuming an election is necessary, accompanying the ballot shall be an outer envelope addressed to the person or entity authorized to receive the ballots and a smaller inner envelope in which the ballot shall be placed. The exterior of the outer envelope must indicate the name of the voter, and the unit or unit numbers being voted, and shall contain a signature space for the voter. I recommend obtaining pre-printed outer envelopes with one line for "printed name", one line for "unit number" and one line for "signature". The return address should also be pre-printed on the outer envelope.
Start early with the preparation of your notice packages so that you do not miss any of these deadlines. Your bylaws will usually inform you as to the month your annual meeting must be held.
Mark D. Friedman is a senior attorney at the law firm of Becker & Poliakoff, P.A.
You may contact Mr. Friedman at CondoLaw@becker-poliakoff.com
If you’re currently insured with the Brown & Brown Agency and haven’t picked up your check then do so as soon as possible. On average, these checks are for around $550. If you’re a board member, see Mildred Levine at the door of the Investigation department at UCO, show her you’re Century Village ID and go home with a check. Better in your Association’s bank account than collecting dust at UCO!!!
There will be a Town Hall Meeting on Monday – October 17th in the Clubhouse Party Room at 10:30 am, for a discussion of Director’s & Officer’s Liability, Crime and other fiduciary coverages. If you are an officer or a board member of your Association than this meeting is a must for you. Brown & Brown have invited a special guest to conduct this meeting and bring your questions.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Bike helmets
I find it very strange why it's a law for you to wear helmets on a bicycle but not on a motorcycle. When I am driving it upsets me to see a motorcyclist without a helmet. On Wednesday I saw an elderly gentlemen and a younger man together on a motorcycle without helmets on Okeechobee Blvd. How scary!!!
Also, I can't wait for Florida to pass a law on the use of cell phones while driving. I feel even if you are hands free you can't give your driving full attention. Accidents happen within seconds. As far as texting, that's another nightmare.
Also, I can't wait for Florida to pass a law on the use of cell phones while driving. I feel even if you are hands free you can't give your driving full attention. Accidents happen within seconds. As far as texting, that's another nightmare.
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