On Friday, June 2, our Delegates will be asked to approve a marvelous Atlantic Broadband contract for bulk video services and optional Internet services. This contract (two years in the making), beats their competition in financial terms and in terms of entertainment content!
Despite the superiority of the Atlantic Broadband offer, there will be a few Residents who will rise in opposition, simply because they are considering their own needs rather than the needs of the Village.
Who are these few nay-sayers? They are the people who are suing us (me), they are the people who stay up all hours of the night on the Internet suggesting that UCO (me) are Nazis, Fascists or other sorts of reprobates. They are the people who publicly spew the foulest sort of language. They are the people who squeal and shriek to disrupt meetings - You know who they are! They talk much, but contribute nothing!
So, on Friday, when the best entertainment package we have ever had comes up for a vote, just note who gets up to trash it-and consider the source, and then, please ignore their diatribe and vote to approve the Atlantic Broadband contract.
Those of you who elected us - have trust in your choices - know that we exercise the highest degree of fiduciary responsibility - enable us to provide the best for the entire Village.
Dave Israel