Sunday, February 28, 2010
Separate the facts
This will be my last blog before I go in for left knee replacement to match my now bionic right knee. I’ve made my wishes re the election known. Whatever the outcome, may our Village prosper and be a healthy and amicable place to live. I always liked the way President Reagan and House Speaker Tip O’Neill, polar opposites politically, would sit down together in the evening, enjoy a cigar, and tell Irish jokes. And how Ted Kennedy, the ultra-liberal senator from Massachusetts, had a close friendship with Utah’s arch-conservative senator, Orrin Hatch, who befriended and helped Kennedy many years ago in a time of trouble.
Insurance is our Village’s biggest single expense by far. Dan Gladstone admits to an oversight error having been made when our building insurances renewed. If I’m clear about it, it had to do with the insurance not covering water leak damage. Whatever it was, it was a major omission. I do not fault Mr. Gladstone for this. We have all made big mistakes.
But it points up a need expressed by Dave Israel. We need more professionalism in the Village. An attorney should be hired to carefully review our insurance policies each year to see that they cover what we need. That we are not paying for coverages we DON’T need. And that we are getting the most for our money from reputable insurance agencies and companies.
Our 11 (or perhaps it is 12) building insurances now include a couple of “Buy Down” policies. I don’t know what the premiums for these are—they may have cost us the moon—but the benefit has been huge. Suddenly, the hurricane deductible on three 2-story buildings like ours, worth about $1.7 million, has gone down from a scary $34,000 to a manageable $8500. That is because the Buy Downs reduced our deductible from two percent to a half percent.
Suddenly, the need (at least to my unprofessional eye) for the $2000 from everybody’s homeowner’s coverage, to go toward the association’s huge windstorm deductible, has become almost a non-issue. Most of our 24- to 26-unit associations have (or should have) $8500 in contingency funds. If not, it would mean levying only a $350 special assessment on every homeowner. That is less than most homeowners pay for homeowner’s insurance for one year.
That problem—how to come up with a $34,000 windstorm deductible—has thus gone away. The big problem NOW is the normal (non-windstorm) $5000 deductible on the association’s insurance, applicable in the event of a water leak. Associations really come into the picture in these water leak situations, because the ASSOCIATIONS are now responsible for the drywall: the ceilings, exterior AND interior walls. Can we do something about THIS?
To me, this is the next big question. It is one where UCO—just as with the Investigations Department—could use a paid professional expert, not full-time in this instance, however, to look into our insurance coverages each year. And, as Dave Israel says, where we need more than one knowledgeable insurance person among those in UCO.
Sad News
It is was with infinite sadness I learned of the sudden passing of one of 1st Priority’s victims exiled, for no real reason in ‘The Classic’ since last October.
Mindful of the grief of her daughters, it’s not appropriate to name her but it can be said that their mother was happy and content until she was forced out of her home 5 months ago.
She passed away, anxious, overwhelmed, and traumatized, desperate to return home.
Whether or not this contributed to the stroke that claimed her life is, obviously, debatable but it should serve to remind us that some mistakes come with incalculable costs.
The 1st Priority fiasco started 9 months ago, long before the election, and it’s not going to disappear, whoever gets elected, when voting’s over.
Compliancy is problems best friend - facts its worst enemy, so please UCO just pause, for a moment, when you next look in the mirror. You should be able to spot the real cause of what some have now conveniently labeled ‘candidate bashing’.
To those who would like to believe our world is paradise, enjoy it, but at the same time spare a thought for your neighbors who have had their lives devastated by this deplorable mess.
And - next time you want to shoot the messenger, please remember you can sleep in your own bed tonight.
Some of those who placed their trust in you cannot.
Please no bashing
During my campaign I tried to concentrate on my good deeds, helping hand and many achievements. Nothing else is needed. Please contain your steam and refrain from accidental burst.
Thank you
Dan Gladstone
The video
As you are a member of UCO that control the century Village Blog, I want to thank you for distorting and misleading the video display of me. Your editing is so unprofessionally clear that any one can see where you cut my sentences in the middle to make me look bad. You are sure an asset of truth to our Village and to the UCO Blog Committee. So here are my answers to your "questions":
1.Q - Unit owners are out of their home for no reason.
A - Are you sure that there was “no reason”? The last time I checked, the County Permit Bureau would not let unit owners back into their home for safety reasons. They cannot move back in until the code violations that previously existed are removed.
2. Q - Excuses following without foreseeable end.
A - Then I suggest that you put your reading glasses on and go to the Permit Office and see that many have already moved back in and that within 2-3 weeks all will be back home. In the meantime you can up date yourself with the reasons.
3. Q - Law suit are threatened those who speak out.
A - Lying, distortion, 1/4 truth are not "speaking out". These are defamation, misleading and manipulation. THERE ARE LAWS IN THIS COUNTRY AGAINST SUCH "SPEAKING OUT".
By the way Mr. Graff, if you were not so involved in a special political agenda, you would notice that it was THE INSURANCE COMPANY that made the mistake. Do you want the insurance company to resign?
Please remove the ugly video.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
It has been suggested by some that I call for a stop of any bashing being done by my supporters. It is a suggestion that I wholeheartedly endorse and support. I have not asked any of my supporters to write or circulate any literature bashing any other Candidate; nor have I written or circulated such.
We are in the final week of this campaign; please let's make it clean and ethical.
Dave Israel
Century Village Can't Afford Another Mistake
1) Unit owners out of their homes for months for no reason!
2) Excuses flowing without foreseeable end!
3) Lawsuits threatened for those who speak out!
Who will pay???
Can we afford another "big Gladstone mistake"
Vote Dave Israel for UCO President!
Mollie openanswer
Dear Mollie,
Your letter is a fresh wind blowing in this “shooting range” UCO Blog”. It is sincere without a political agenda and therefore deserves an answer.
At the meeting yesterday I expressed myself quite clearly as to what I think about this Century Village “National Inquirer” where one side of UCO is using an official UCO Blog against the other side, only because they control UCO media.
Whose face do you see every time that you go on the Blog? It does not even go down with yesterday's news. It reminds me of certain people whose images you see in intersections, streets, buildings or statues.
By the way, how does it feel to be bashed? I have not seen you or others saying anything when this hate site has been bashing me daily by lying, distorting the truth, defaming or taking things out of context (PLEASE WATCH THE DAILY VIDEO OF ME).
Regarding Bob’s name (only), it is only because of being the president at that time. I stand behind the rest of it. Please note that this is the tip of the iceberg that I agreed to publish my reponse. I do not want to be a part of this madness.
I always liked Bob because I always thought that he was fair and sincere. Are you aware that Bob signed a letter that demanded the UCO President to fire me on the spot, without a hearing, a trial or a chance to defend myself! All this after 11 years of dedicated service and 3 weeks before the end of my term. It was all politically motivated and the President treated it as such.
On the other hand I do salute his principles by deciding not to fire me on the second attempt by my opponent. We are talking about 11 years of continuous volunteer work for the residents and Associations of Century Village.
Answering your question about the scope of work in damaged apartments. I can see that you are also a subject of the well orchestrated efficiently organized propaganda messages from my opponents!
The truth is:
a) There are numerous apartments that are slightly damaged and are not a part of the claim list.
b) As I mentioned in the meeting yesterday, the scope of work for the association is decided only by the two largest adjusting companies in Florida. Only they decide! Neither I nor any contractor has any decision in the matter.
c) Another large adjusting groups decide the scope of work for the unit owners. In most cases there is a public adjuster who is also involved in the scope of the work.
I love it when my opponents all of a sudden come to the defense of the “helpless” insurance companies. It shows that we are doing a good job for our residents.
Who benefits at the end of the road? Who gets a new carpet, kitchen and tiles?
I am 100% behind you when you say that the hatred in our Village should be cease. Please look at the last two months in this very Blog. Your comment is directed to the wrong address.
Respectfully yours,
Dan Gladstone
Tankless Water Heaters
The article of which you speak is simply one more result of failure to "fact check". I have raised this issue in the past, and I have been consistently ignored.
However I believe we are venturing upon very dangerous ground in raising the idea of Censorship of our UCO Press or any other means of expression; private or otherwise.
Let's look at just two problems in the current UCO Reporter:
1) Frank Cornish regular column "mysteriously" vanishes.
2) Myron’s Musings, what can be said!
I have always believed that the UCO Reporter was naught but a UCO House organ; highly arbitrary rules are applied as regards what gets published and what gets rejected.
In doing your research, don't forget the part about how many fought and died to secure the rights of Assembly, Redress of Grievance and yes Freedom of the Press. Tamper not with a fundamental pillar of the American superstructure.
There is an advertisement in the UCO Reporter implying that if we do not agree with one of the Candidates; we are "The Enemy" and we are “At War” How far may we expect that line of thinking to take us; I am not “At War” with any save, by definition, those that would deny me my Constitutional rights?
Finally, a thought from recent History.
as the Czarist Russian Government was disintegrating; Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was speeding in a railway car from Paris by route circuitous, to Moscow, issuing directive to his “revolutionary guards”: the following may prove instructive:
"The government is tottering. We must deal it the deathblow at any cost. To delay action is the same as death." The means of communication-the telegraph office, the telephone exchange, and the radio gear on the cruiser Aurora, the telephones at the Winter Palace-were ordered seized as a priority. The Military-Revolutionary Committee moved swiftly to take over printing plants, too. To hold the means of communication denied them to enemies.”
We all know the horror that ensued from that episode; some 75 years of Communist suppression.
The UCO Reporter needs to be freed from undue censorial suppression; arbitrary rejection of articles, and the deleterious effect of dilettante leadership.
Randall; please think long and hard before picking up the scimitar of censorship, we are not “the enemy”.
Dave Israel
An open letter to Dan Gladstone
Dan, I am not the enemy, I have always thought of you as a friend who I have entertained in my home. I also think of you as a respected member of the team during Bob’s administration. Therefore, I was very disappointed in the flyer that was passed out at this Friday’s meeting.
The statement saying Jean and Bob deceived the people during the clubhouse restoration is a generalization and unanswerable. A specific statement would have given an issue that could have been addressed and discussed.
My question yesterday would have been: Why, in Florida which is full of non-toxic mold, do all of these units seem to need 15K to fix them. Stopping the leak seems to be the solution.
Because of the issues that I believe are important, I will vote for David Israel for President. If you are elected, I will respect you and support you whenever I can. I will challenge you if I disagree or do not understand your position as I will David if he is elected.
I think it is time for the people in this village to stop being hateful and start working together as a community which we are. There are issues that people feel very strongly about. Everyone should be able to address them and be heard respectfully.
This Village has become a very big business and it is very important that we use all the willing talent there is to do things in an honest, fair, efficient way.
Bickering and name calling is not the way, it just makes us look like immature fools. We live in paradise, let’s all work to make it better.
Hi All,
"You will find that there are several rights that you have as a blogger. It is important that you make yourself aware of these rights. As a blogger, you are protected by the 1st Amendment. On the other hand, along with your blogger’s rights come certain constraints. These come into play in order to give you your blogger’s rights, while also protecting those that are going to consume the expressive content you put out. As a blogger, you should be confident in knowing that your blogger’s rights constitute as the same rights that journalists are entitled to. Your blogger’s rights are going to afford you the opportunity to express yourself in ways that are only limited to your imagination.
One of the very important blogger’s rights that you are entitled to is the right to your Freedom of Speech. These means that your blogger’s rights give you the opportunity to use the on-line medium to post your feelings about those topics that speak to your heart."
Nevertheless, in doing so, you must do so in a responsible manner. In the meantime, you are also held accountable for not only your posted comments, but also for the posted comments that you choose to feature from your guests. You are therefore told to label the level of tolerance that you are going to uphold for offensive comments. It maybe advisable to err on the side of caution when in doubt. You will find that this aids in that process.
I have been asked to 'sit in' on the meeting of the Editorial Committee held on March 5th at 1pm in the UCO Office. A retraction of an article containing self help measures for Associations (Page #3, center column,re: SB780, 2nd paragraph) constitutes the publishing of a legal opinion by a non-attorney and also happens to be 'bad law' (as per our attorney). You may want to read it so you know "what you can't do". I have a lot of research to do on the issues of defamation, libel, disclaimers, etc., and the publication of misleading information (even if the inference is that it is opinion only). Should be an interesting and fruitful endeavor and will keep you posted since it speaks to the need to establish 'Publication Guidelines'.
In the meantime, we may want to take greater care in our postings, even if we believe in our heart of hearts that the post is truthful and warranted.
The cries of censorship must be properly balanced with the legal consequences of failing to do so.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Real ID Rules for Real
Lukewarm Dogs
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Admin. Resignation
It is with deep regret that I announce the resignation of Ken Davis from our Web Site Administrators team.
Dave Israel
Don't miss the latest March open meetings in the Sidebar.
Go to UCO SERVICES and click on March open meetings..
Dave Israel
Friday Feb 26th
CV Art & Crafts Show, as detailed on p46 of the UCO Reporter.
Friday Feb 26th 10 am Room C in the Clubhouse
Dani Barzilai Gladstone answers questions or as announced at last Delegate Mtg.
Anniversary of 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
Anniversary of death of Bill Hicks, years after his death, Hicks is bigger than ever.
Truth is Truth, we miss you Bill.
Artificial Sweeteners
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Elections Quotes

Very Patient Villagers
The following Email from one of our unit owners, suggesting a one night per week UCO opening, should be considered. In fact this was attempted by the current Administration and it did not get much response.
However, our demographic is changing, and this should be reexamined. I will circulate this Email to our Officers and in any case explore the issue thoroughly, as there is much coordination to be done with our UCO volunteers. Thanks for the suggestion.
Dave Israel
Good morning UCO Officers,
I would like to share a major concern with each of you. Although the large majority of Century Villiage Residents are retired, the small percentage of us that are employed would appreciate some consideration.
Is it possible to have the UCO Office and the ID issuance office open (1) evening each month? As a full-time worker that commutes to Ft. Lauderdale, I am forced to lose days from work in order to obtain a picture ID, make an appointment to apply for a transponder, actually get my transponder, etc. etc.
Am I the only employed senior citizen that finds that the Century Village administration office hours caters ONLY TO RETIRED RESIDENTS?
I would greatly appreciate hearing from the UCO candidates.
Thank you.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Mold Test Kits
No More Special Interests
BUT Dave, Frank, and Bob are fighting special interests to keep UCO ethical and honest.
UCO needs a President of recognizable dedication to bring back trust and goodwill (to repair the damage by those who have abused their volunteer status.)
Heart, soul, and honesty. Dave Israel for President
Barbara Cornish too
Frankly Speaking by Vice President Frank Cornish
Here we are in February, UCO elections are right around the corner, March 5th to be exact. By the time you read this, it will be a few short weeks to that date, when hopefully, your Association will be represented. Your designated "Delegate(s)" will cast their "Owners’" choice of Candidates running for Office from: President, two (2) Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Recording and Corresponding Secretaries, and last, but not least, twenty (20) Executive Board Members (out of twenty-eight (28); eight (8) can be appointed by the presiding President) who will meet, discuss and bring recommendations to the monthly Delegate Assembly Meeting, for their decision to accept and implement or reject.
I have had the privilege of serving these past two (2) years, which have flown by and have achieved most of which I set out to do, as many of you are now enjoying.
Improved Transportation, our number one priority; Repairs of Lifts at Hastings, Duck Island (which too was a project of former VP Howie Silver), the Pools at the Clubhouse, Camden, Hastings were restored; furniture was replaced at the Clubhouse and all of the smaller pools — some such as Kent still need attention; and as funds become available in the future, they too will have new chairs, lounges, tables and umbrellas.
We are attempting to make arrangements for recycling our unusable furniture (perhaps a 50/50 split, to be used for future purchases).
Karaoke and Sing-a-long, which operate all year long, have given many of our residents an opportunity to entertain, be entertained and socialize. All of the Services, which fell under my supervision, have been evaluated and improved, where possible; none of which could have been accomplished without the co-operation and dedication of the following, to whom I offer my thanks: UCO Board Members, staff and volunteers; Anita Cruz, VP, and the staff at WPRF; and my wife, Barbara.
In closing, I urge each Association to "Cast Their Ballot" on Friday, March 5, 2010, beginning at 8:30 a.m., prior to the Delegate Assembly Meeting, and join in with the rest of the community at the Annual Installation Luncheon (see Mary Patrick). Looking forward to serving you for another term.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Okay "Mr. UCO" we get it
We all get it! You are in favor of a certain candidate.
Much like you wishing you could cast a vote for everyone you know, we all wish for things that we just can't have. I wish I could win the 150 million dollar Power Ball Lottery this weekend but the reality is no matter how much I wish it, it just ain't happening. By the way, your effort to express wishes to your whole list that you could vote for everyone is certainly not endearing to anyone concerned. We know what that is about.
Speaking of wishes, I bet Mr. Gladstone wishes he would have created a more competitive arrangement with respect to restoration services he directed exclusively to 1st Priority; I bet he wishes for the days when no one knew about the 1st Priority arrangement; I bet he wishes the whole 1st Priority mess would go away; I bet he wishes he could turn the hands of time back for another chance.
The fact is, there are serious problems that exist within the village as a result of Mr. Gladstone's exclusive arrangement with 1st Priority. This note will probably not change your feelings Mr. Gladstone, but I wish that you would take a look at the facts, consider what's happened, and what's been exposed. Mr. Gladstone had his chance and he blew it. Mr. Gladstone has said publicly that he takes full responsibility for the 1st Priority situation. It's time for him to move on, not up.
The truth has come out all over the village Mr. UCO and the truth is there are many residents who are very, very upset with Mr. Gladstone and 1st Priority. Although you seem not be one of them, please remember there are real people in the village who have been harmed.
As stated above, it's time for him to move on, not up.
Best Regards,
Lenny Cohen
Normally, the adage is "Three Strikes and Your Out" You have had five repeats of the same Post; that would seem to be enough.
Dave Israel
With two years to go; why was he pushing to sign a new contract with Comcast?
( Thanks, whoever you are, for this question. It may have escaped your notice that we received the largest "signing bonus" that our Cable Contract Law expert attorney has seen. If we had waited for our contract to expire, we would have had no leverage whatsoever in negotiating a new contract, because we would have had nowhere to go. We would have been stuck with a major increase in price and NO signing bonus at all. )
Dave Israel
CHANNEL 3 between 5pm and 6pm
be on the NEWS...don't miss it.
I do not have a DVD recorder, if you do, please record the coverage which occurred today in our Clubhouse. I would like to publish it on our BLOG.
Dave Israel
Put Your Shoes On Susie
Even better walk 2 areas, some could use the exercise, its good for you two ways!
Remember our own needy - CV Fund
Last year's donors are now receiving their receipts for 2009 giving (each with a return envelope and slip to fill out for a further gift).
Work goes on to help our own needy.
Send donations to:
The CV Fund, Inc.
207 Salisbury I [this is capital "I" as in "Iggy"]
West Palm Beach, FL 33417
If you wish to print out the Frieda poster for your notice board, here is the link
Big Thank You
Freedom of Speech
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Frank has served UCO for two years faithfully. In the summer when President GEORGE
LOWENSTEIN QUIT UCO he was there to run a new election and grab the bull by the horns.
That summer he gave up 5 weeks of vacation with his family, because of his dedication to UCO.
As far as GOOD COFFEE, yes he does make good coffee ask any of our friends and he is in the UCO office early, so he makes the coffee for ALL the volunteers so they can have a cup before they start their day, that includes your officers.
I THINK THEY CALL THAT CARING Ask the people that go to Karaoke how instrumental he was in keeping it going for the residents.
He also had a BIG input in getting DUCK ISLAND FIXED for the residents. Yes, he has worked
very hard on getting new umbrellas, tables and chairs for the residents. He is the VP over keeping the busses going for the residents. As far as sun bathing, get your facts straight. NO MORE LIES..
Can anyone in good conscience vote to promote him to UCO President?
While the story that follows relates to my grade school experiences long ago, I can’t help thinking the lesson my teacher was conveying then aptly applies today:
I’ve heard Mr. Gladstone use the term “my flock” numerous times while speaking in reference to village residents. I remember once after hearing this reference thinking back to grade school and recalling my teacher explaining to us that “flock” animals, sheep, have a strong instinct to follow the sheep in front of them. When one sheep decides to go somewhere, the rest of the flock usually follows, even if it is not a good "decision." The 1st Priority debacle is an absolute example of a poor decision that the self-proclaimed leedersheep, Dan Gladstone, lead his flock right into. Mr. Gladstone has said publicly that he takes full responsibility for what happened.
The teacher added that it is the banding together in large groups which protects sheep from predators. Well, let’s band together to demand accountability and to protect each other. Given the current circumstances if my teacher had to grade his performance leading the flock as Insurance Chairperson she would most certainly mark a grade indicating that he grossly failed. Mr. Gladstone had his chance to lead the flock while chairing the UCO Insurance Committee, now it is time for him to move on, not up. Can anyone in good conscience vote to promote him to UCO President?
Please join me by writing a reply in support of this message and by urging everyone you know in the village to call for Mr. Gladstone to immediately resign his position and sever his affiliation with UCO.
Best regards,
Lenny Cohen
Regarding your article in the March UCO Reporter about water valves
I would appreciate you stating all the advantages a unit owner will get
for installing a water valve. What is the cost?
Myron Solomon's Rants
Saturday, February 20, 2010
did in running the meeting to meet the Candidates for President of UCO. Most people felt it was run very well on the whole. Thanks..Frank
and are putting all the blame on David. I urge everyone who is blaming
David to read his column in the March issue of The UCO Reporter. Of the
two remaining candidates for President of UCO there is no way that Dan
Gladstone would ever put in all the work that David gives to Century Village
not only in all the work he put in for cable but he also puts all his energy
in many other issues that we face here in CV. I feel that David gives about
40 hours of his time every week to CV and it is all volunteer work.
was a Vice President of UCO. She resigned her position because there was much
corruption going on at UCO at that time so in good conscience she felt it best to resign.
I definitely am casting my vote for Phyllis Richland for I know she will work very hard
as a Vice President of UCO for the good of the people of Century Village.
Words as Weapons
Friday, February 19, 2010
Recently we have had a few cases of hacking on our Web Site. Items were removed and/or inserted into existing Posts without permission of the persons who originally Posted. This is very bad form and a violation of Cyberspace Etiquette, and in some cases could even be dangerous.
In attempting to investigate the source of the hacking some Administrators had their privileges temporarily removed. I take full responsibility for this action. The investigation has been inconclusive as to the causative agent, which could be a number of sources, including an Administrator or a third party hacker.
In any case, I regret the need to have taken such action; and I am herewith reinstating all Admin. rights with thanks to all BLOG Administrators for their involvement be it great or small.
I am well aware, that in this Village Election season ( in which I am a Candidate ), some of our Posts have been a bit racy; we Administrators have worked to keep our Web Site uncensored to the greatest extent possible, and I believe we have done so.
Some Posts have been removed because they exceeded the bounds of "polite society" or were of a nature that might put UCO, as the sponsor of this Publishing Channel, at risk of legal action.
Our Administrators are reasonable and knowledgeable people and every effort will be made to keep this channel part of UCO and uncensored as far as is possible and reasonable.
Finally, I reiterate my invitation to any Candidate for UCO office to publish campaign material in this BLOG; if you have trouble negotiating the process of Posting, please send me your material by Email and I will Post it for you.
Your comments on these issues are sincerely invited.
Dave Israel
Which Is It?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
UCO President
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
From the Desk Of Peter Amato, Candidate for President of UCO
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
CENTURY VILLAGE in West Palm Beach: Feb 22 V.O.I.C.E.S. Meeting Update
Before the meeting, please contact me, Jean Dowling if you have not already been contacted by my phone squad. I need questionaires completed by Friday, so we can compile the information before the meeting on Monday. If you or any of your owners have had problems with 1st priority, please complete the forms and get them to me. If you have already done this, it will not be necessary to do it again. On Monday, we will decide what track to take to accomplish our goal of returning all residents back to their homes. Please save all bills or any other paperwork from your ordeal. We need copies. This meeting is important. We will have professionals there to help us and tell us the truth about the situation. My phone number is 640-7606 and my address is: 207 Salisbury I. Together we will prevail.....even if your unit is fixed, please help your neighbor. Thank You, Jean Dowling
President for UCO
alot of dirty dealing in the village. One of the candidates for president owns a plumbing company. He used the last delegates meeting to electioneer for himself and run down other candidates rightly or wrongly. That was not the time or place. He was very self serving. We have very large problems in the village. Do we want to have a president who is busy running his plumbing company? Is that not a conflict of interest? What has Peter Amato done for this village aside from selling water heaters and doing repairs? Has he worked for UCO? Has he been on any committees? I have heard nothing about his experience in the village except his business. I want to see a president who has worked for UCO and is working for UCO and the village now. I want a president who has done something in this village not for his own gain but for us. Personally the only person, in my opinion, for the job is Dave Israel.
I ended this blog and did not write anything else regarding Peter Amato. Whomever wrote in caps regarding Peter should have had their own blog and not added to mine